Notice on Guangdong-Wen’s Collaborative Funding (Guangdong NSF-Wen’s)

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Submission Deadline:

November 30, 2019


Please see the details.

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Please see the details.

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Notice on Guangdong-Wen’s Collaborative Funding (Guangdong NSF-Wen’s)


Part 1 Project support system


This year, the Guangdong-Wen’s Joint Fund has set up one type of projects: key projects.


  1Key Projects

The key projects are open to the whole province for application.


  1. Application Conditions

  The key projects are open to the whole province. The applicant and the applicant shall meet the following requirements at the same time:

  (1)The lead reporting unit shall be the provincial fund host institution within Guangdong Province.

  (2)Applicant is the first person in charge of the project, he must have a Ph.D. Degree or deputy senior title or above, have presided over national or provincial science and technology programs, natural science foundation programs, or municipal key scientific research programs (scanned copies of degree certificates or professional title certificates, project contracts, mission letters, or final approvals shall be uploaded in the attachment of the online application system).

  (3)The age of the applicant shall not exceed 60 years of age and the applicant shall be on duty [i.e. Born after January 1, 1959 (inclusive)], and the academician may be relaxed to 70 years of age.

(4)Collaboration with Wen’s Food Co. Ltd.  or other enterprises would be encouraged.

( 5 ) Comply with the Application requirements in Part II of this notice.


  2. Funding Size and Implementation Period

The project support size is 200,000 Yuan/project or 500,000 Yuan/project, the implementation period is generally 3 years, and the project funds are allocated in a lump sum.


  3. Support Areas and Directions

Reporting areas, directions, application codes and requirements as defined in the Guidance for Reporting Key Projects of Guangdong-Wen’s Joint Fund in 2019 (Annex 1). Projects that are not in the areas and directions supported by the Guide are not admissible.


  4. Requirements for expected accomplishments

The project has made breakthroughs in the research of major scientific issues, and has produced no less than 2 papers with great academic contributions. The research team members’ ability to undertake the national science and technology funds in this discipline has been greatly improved. Upon completion of the project, no less than 1 scientific and technical report shall be submitted.


  5. Instructions

For key projects, please select “Regional Joint Fund-Key Projects” and fill in the application code accurately as required by the guidelines.



Part 2 Relevant Requirements


In addition to meeting the requirements for application of the above-mentioned projects, the applicant and the host institution shall also meet the following application requirements:

  (1)Quota Requirements

  1. There is no limit on the number of projects to be declared by host institution for provincial joint funds (including Guangdong Guangzhou, Guangdong Shenzhen, Guangdong Foshan, Guangdong Dongguan and Wen’s joint funds) in this year, and each applicant is limited to one project.

  2. The number of provincial science and technology plan projects (including provincial fund projects) under research by the applicant shall not exceed 3 (platform projects such as provincial laboratories and provincial key laboratories, inclusive policy projects and post-subsidy projects are excluded).

  3. Only one provincial fund project can be established in the same year by the same applicant.

  4. Applicants who have been approved by the provincial natural science foundation for general programs or outstanding youth programs in 2019 shall not be allowed to apply.

  5. Applicants who have entered the general program and outstanding youth program library of provincial natural science foundation in 2020 shall meet the following requirements:

  (1)Applicants are not allowed to apply for this year’s youth fund projects, and you can apply for other types of joint fund projects in this year if you meet the requirements of individual restrictions;

  (2)In addition to recorded projects in project database, for those who have already two provincial-level science and technology plan projects (including provincial fund projects) under research, may not apply again.


(2)Requirements for application materials

  1. The applicant shall submit the application materials as required, and the application shall not contain any contents that violate the law or involve secrets.

  2. The application project shall provide a Letter of Commitment for Authenticity of the Application Materials signed by the legal representative and the person in charge of the project and affixed with the official seal of the relying unit (the template of the Letter of Commitment can be downloaded after the application system is opened, and the scanned signed and affixed copies can be uploaded in the attachment).

  3. If the project application involves related issues of scientific research ethics and scientific and technological safety (such as biosafety, information safety, etc.), the applicant shall strictly implement the relevant national laws, regulations and ethical standards, and provide relevant certificates such as the opinions of the unit on scientific ethics review.

  4. The start time in the application form shall be filled in uniformly on January 1, 2020, and the end time shall be filled in according to the requirements of various types of project funding periods.

  5. There is no need to submit paper application materials at the project application stage. After the project is approved, a paper application will be submitted by another notice.


(3)Budget requirements

  1. The project shall be carefully budgeted according to the actual situation in accordance with the relevant provisions on the management of project funds of provincial science and technology plans.

  2. The pilot implementation of the “contract system” for youth fund projects does not require the submission of budget for specific items of expenditure, but should meet the following requirements:

  (1)There is no limit on the proportion of direct funds, which shall be transferred and used by the project research team. The funds shall be actually used for the project research expenditure;

  (2)The proportion of indirect expenditure shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions on the management of funds for provincial-level financial scientific research projects;

  (3)No capital construction fee shall be charged;

(4)The final statement of funds shall be submitted at the time of final acceptance of the project.


  (4)Honesty Requirement

  1. The project shall be applied for by the applicant himself. It is strictly prohibited to apply under false names and to fabricate false applicants and main participants. The applicant and the main participants shall truthfully fill in the personal information and be responsible for the truthfulness, and the applicant shall be responsible for the truthfulness of the personal information of all participants.

  2. The applicant shall fill in the application form in accordance with the guidelines and reporting requirements, truthfully fill in the basis and contents of relevant research work, strictly prohibit plagiarism or fraud, and strictly prohibit violation of relevant laws and regulations, ethical norms and safety of science and technology.

  3. Applicants shall not apply for the same or similar projects with different project types or through different host institutions at the same time; No duplicate application shall be made for funded projects. If the relevant research contents applied for by the applicant have been supported by other channels, the applicant shall state in the project application the status of the support received and the difference and connection with the applied project.

  4. In case of serious breach of trust in the application process, the case shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of Provisional Regulations of Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Bureau on Records and Punishment of Serious Discredit in Provincial Science and Technology Plans (Special Projects, Funds, etc.) (YKJSZ (2017) No. 102).


(5)Collaborative Research Requirements

  1. In addition to the lead host institution, there are generally no more than 2 cooperative research units (no more than 5 research team projects in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao).

  2. If the main participants of the project include persons other than the host institution (including graduate students, but not overseas personnel), the unit in which the project is held shall be deemed as a cooperative research unit. Overseas personnel generally participate in the project application in their personal capacity, and must upload the electronic scanned document of the overseas personnel’s informed consent letter in the online application system;Hong Kong and Macao personnel may participate in the project application in their personal capacity or as cooperative research units.

  1. The relying unit and the cooperative research unit shall sign the cooperative research agreement (or contract) before submitting the application, and specify the allocation of funds in the budget. The cooperative research agreement (or contract) need not be submitted and shall be kept on file with the relying unit for reference. A cooperative research agreement (or contract) may not be signed for a cooperative research for which it is agreed through consultation that no funds shall be allocated.


          Part 3 Application Method

  (1)The provincial joint fund project shall be organized and implemented by the Funds Committee for Basic and Applied Basic Research of Guangdong Province (hereinafter referred to as “the Provincial NSFC”).

  (2)The project must be reported online through the “Guangdong Provincial Government Affairs Service Network” or the “Guangdong Provincial Sunshine Government Affairs Platform for Science and Technology Business Management” (URL:

(3)The applicant shall fill in the relevant information of the project as required, upload the necessary supporting materials in the appendix, and submit them according to the procedures after being examined by the host institution. Please refer to the Operating Guidance for Online Reporting of Provincial Joint Fund Projects for details (downloaded from the online reporting system after the formal reporting starts).


   Part 4 Schedule

  (1)Official online application time: November 10, 2019-November 30, 2019 17:00;

  (2)Online format review: December 1, 2019-December 7, 2019;

  (3)Submission time of paper materials:After the project is established, the application form and contract form of the established project shall be submitted together with the signature and seal, and the submission time shall be notified separately.