Guangdong Provincial Department of Education’s Notice on Organizational Application 2024 Annual Higher Education Research Platforms and Projects

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

June 8, 2024

Submission Deadline:

June 14, 2024


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Subject Areas:

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Guangdong Provincial Department of Education’s Notice on Organizational Application 2024 Annual Higher Education Research Platforms and Projects

  1. Application categories and limits

In 2024, application quotas for scientific research platforms and projects of Guangdong higher education institutions will be implemented:

(1) Key scientific research platform. It includes Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of General Universities, Guangdong Provincial University Engineering Technology Research (Development) Center, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Philosophy and Social Sciences of General Universities, and Guangdong Provincial Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences in General Universities. For key high-level universities under the “Strengthening and Reinforcement” plan and universities under ministries and commissions to apply for the above-mentioned platforms on new campuses in Guangdong, the total number of applications for each school shall not exceed 3; for other undergraduate universities and colleges to apply for the above-mentioned platforms, no more than 1 for each type of platform shall be declared. The total number of applications for schools shall not exceed 2 items; for higher vocational colleges to apply for the above-mentioned platforms, the total number of applications for each school shall not exceed 1 item. Among them, the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of General Universities focuses on supporting areas related to the province’s “Double Ten” industrial clusters.

(4) Guangdong Province General Universities Innovation Team Project. For universities under the “Strengthening and Strengthening” plan and higher vocational colleges under the national “double high plan”, the number of applications per school shall not exceed 3, and for other universities, the number of applications per school shall not exceed 2.

(5) Projects in key areas of general universities in Guangdong Province. For universities under the “Strengthening and Strengthening” plan and higher vocational colleges under the national “double high plan”, the number of applications per school shall not exceed 12, and for other universities, the number of applications per school shall not exceed 8.

(6) Guangdong Province Colleges and Universities Characteristic Innovation Project and Guangdong Province Colleges and Universities Youth Innovative Talent Project. For universities under the “Strengthening and Strengthening” plan and higher vocational colleges under the national “double high plan”, the number of applications per school shall not exceed 12, and for other universities and colleges, the number of applications per school shall not exceed 8.


2024 Guangdong University Scientific Research Platforms and Scientific Research Project Application Guidelines and Requirements


Application Time:

May 19, 2024 – June 14, 2024, 12:00 (noon)

(1) Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of General Universities

1.The foundation of discipline construction is good. The discipline in which the laboratory is located should be a key discipline at the provincial or ministerial level (inclusive) or above, and in principle it should have the right to confer master’s degree (inclusive) or above (except for emerging disciplines, interdisciplinary disciplines or disciplines with obvious local characteristics).

2.The research direction and goals are clear. Focusing on the major needs of the country, especially the economic and social development of Guangdong, focusing on the “Double Ten” industrial clusters of Guangdong Province, in line with the subject characteristics and key subject layout of Guangdong universities, and the research work undertaken has reached the domestic advanced ranks or higher levels in this subject field, It has certain advantages and obvious characteristics among its domestic counterparts. Have the ability to undertake major and key scientific research projects at the national or provincial or ministerial level and cultivate high-level talents, and be able to actively carry out international cooperative research and academic exchanges.

3.The academic team has a reasonable structure. There are well-known academic leaders, outstanding young and middle-aged academic backbones, and a leadership team with strong collaboration and management capabilities in the research field they are engaged in; the research team has high academic level, reasonable age and knowledge structure, and senior researchers among them There are more than 10 (inclusive) personnel with professional titles (including senior and deputy senior positions). The laboratory has undertaken more than 10 (inclusive) scientific research projects at or above the provincial and ministerial level in the past three years, and has obtained project funding of 5 million yuan (inclusive) or above; Have a good scientific research tradition and academic atmosphere.

4.The conditions for scientific research and experiments are good. The laboratory area should be no less than 1,000 square meters, and relatively concentrated; the original value of relatively advanced and technically sound instruments and equipment should be no less than 8 million yuan (except for some purely basic disciplines). It has a stable management and technical personnel team and a relatively sound management system.

5.Strong support. Host institution to ensure funding for laboratory construction, there are necessary technical support, logistical support, domestic and foreign cooperation and exchange conditions.

6.Others. Focus on supporting applications for the “Double Ten” industrial clusters in Guangdong Province, mainly focusing on some key core technologies and cutting-edge basic research in the fields of new generation electronic information, semiconductors and integrated circuits, promoting the in-depth integration of industry, academia and research, and improving the overall layout of Guangdong’s industries System construction to enhance Guangdong’s scientific and technological innovation capabilities.

(2) Guangdong University Engineering Technology Research (Development) Center

1.Combined with the strategic needs of the country and Guangdong Province’s social and economic development, oriented towards key common technologies in the industry, with a clear industry backbone and good corporate partners,has cooperated with 3 or more companies in the past three years Cooperate to successfully conduct 5 or more engineering technology research and development and achievement transformation projects. In the past three years, the actual on-campus scientific research funding obtained by undergraduate colleges and universities in this research (development) field should be no less than 3 million yuan, and that of higher vocational colleges should be no less than 800,000 yuan, of which the proportion of horizontal funding should be no less than 30%.

2.Host institution’s advantageous subject groups or demonstration majors, it has system integration conditions to support professional technologies in related disciplines, and has a solid working foundation and characteristics for engineering technology research and development, development and achievement transformation in a certain technical field. and performance. It has a number of major scientific and technological achievements, invention patents or proprietary technologies with independent intellectual property rights and good market prospects. In the past three years, it has applied for more than 5 invention patents (inclusive), been authorized for more than 2 invention patents (inclusive), and won provincial patents. 1 or more ministerial science and technology awards (higher vocational colleges are not required to receive provincial and ministerial science and technology awards).

3.Basically have infrastructure such as engineering technology test conditions and process equipment, have necessary detection, analysis, and testing methods, and have the ability to comprehensively engineer technology research and development, product development, and engineering. There are relatively concentrated engineering test rooms and sites of no less than 1,000 square meters.

4.There is a high-level technological innovation team with reasonable structure and high engineering research, development and transformation quality. We have a management team with strong market awareness and transformation experience, engineering technology leaders with high technical level and rich engineering practice experience, engineering technology research and engineering design personnel, good engineering operation management level and effective talents. Incentives. In principle, the fixed research and development and technology promotion team should be no less than 20 people.

5.It has the ability to obviously drive technological progress and continuous innovation in the industry, has clear development goals and construction ideas, the proposed organization plan is practical and feasible, and the construction supporting funds are implemented.

(7) Guangdong Province General University Innovation Team Project

1.Focus on supporting innovative groups of a certain scale formed on the basis of long-term cooperation. They can be based on teamwork, have clear goals and tasks, rely on good platforms and projects, and have outstanding innovation results and A high level of innovation and a talent group that engages in continuous innovation and creation.

2.In principle, the application team shall be based on national key disciplines or peak-climbing disciplines of Guangdong Province, provincial and ministerial level key platforms or provincial and above demonstrative majors, have the ability to undertake national and major scientific research tasks, and have good The working atmosphere and environmental conditions should be good, the academic level should have obvious advantages among domestic peers, the research work should have achieved outstanding results, or have obvious innovation potential.

3.The leader of the innovation team should have profound academic attainments and broad academic vision, have a senior professional title, have innovative academic ideas, have high moral character, be rigorous in scholarship, and have good organizational coordination and cooperation abilities. Spirit, has a strong cohesive effect in the research group, and is engaged in front-line work in teaching and scientific research.

4.An innovation team should be a research collective formed on the basis of long-term cooperation, with a relatively concentrated research direction and common research topics; it should have a reasonable professional structure and age structure, a clear division of tasks, and a strong sense of responsibility for the team. Sufficient time and energy can be devoted to the research tasks undertaken.

5. The innovation team project cultivation period is 3 years. After cultivation and construction, the team is expected to become an important and influential research group in the same field in China, and strive to become an innovation team of the Ministry of Education and an innovative research group of the National Natural Science Foundation. wait.

(8) Projects in key areas of general universities in Guangdong Province

1.Key project research contents:

New Generation Electronic Information (Semiconductor) Key Area Projects: Focusing on the construction of the overall industrial layout system of Guangdong Province, combined with the development of Guangdong’s ten strategic pillar industries and ten strategic emerging industry cluster systems, we will grasp new developments such as comprehensive cross-border integration of new generation information technology, accelerated intelligent development, and all-round industrial ecological competition. Trends, focusing on supporting research in professional fields including new generation electronic information, software and information services, ultra-high-definition video display, semiconductors and integrated circuits, blockchain and quantum information, and accelerating the construction of a new generation of information technology industry system and strategic new technologies Industrial Development.

Biomedicine and Health (Food) Key Area Projects: Focusing on the construction of the overall industrial layout system of Guangdong Province, combined with the development of Guangdong’s top ten strategic pillar industries and the top ten strategic emerging industry cluster systems, based on the people’s demand for medical health and green and beautiful services Demand-oriented, accelerate the research on biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry and comprehensive health industry chain, focus on supporting research in professional fields such as biomedicine and health, modern agriculture and food, strive to achieve innovation in key technologies and major products, and establish a complete biotechnology industry. The medical and health industry technology innovation system promotes the clustered development of the biomedical industry.

High-end equipment manufacturing (intelligent robots, new materials) Key field projects: Focusing on the construction of the overall industrial layout system of Guangdong Province, combining the development of Guangdong’s top ten strategic pillar industries and the top ten strategic emerging industry cluster systems, and adapting to the intelligent and green manufacturing industry Development trends, guided by the development needs of strategic emerging industries such as high-end equipment manufacturing, intelligent robots, and advanced materials and new materials, accelerate the key points of the manufacturing industry

Technology, research on core robot components and new materials will further promote the innovative development of high-end equipment manufacturing and improve the overall level of the equipment manufacturing industry in our province.

ServicesHundreds of millions of projectsProjects in key areas: Focusing on the implementation of the “1310” specific deployment of the Third Plenary Session of the 13th Provincial Party Committee, we conducted in-depth research on the key and difficult issues in the advancement of the “High-Quality Development Project of Hundreds of Counties, Thousands of Towns and Tens of Thousands of Villages” to build a modern rural industrial system and strengthen and improve rural governance. , promote the integration of ecological environmental protection and basic public services, promote balanced and coordinated regional development, promote practical research on rural revitalization, etc. to form targeted and operational countermeasures and suggestions, and promote the “Hundreds and Thousands Project” to continuously achieve new breakthroughs.

2.Applicants must have senior professional titles, and a project team will be established in the form of a project application. The project team should consist of 3 or more people who meet the application requirements. Members of each project team should be able to work together to complete the scientific research project on schedule.

3.The applied project should have clear research goals and main directions, and have the necessary platforms, equipment and other conditions for conducting research on major projects. The applied projects attach great importance to the intersection and penetration of disciplines, and encourage joint research across disciplines, schools, departments and regions.

4.The research period generally does not exceed 3 years.

(9) Characteristic innovation projects of ordinary universities in Guangdong Province

1.Characteristic innovation projects mainly support potential scientific research backbones in universities at all levels and types to carry out scientific research in characteristic fields or directions. The project will focus on supporting innovative research that combines the needs of economic society and school discipline development as well as its own research foundation and expertise. It is expected to become a new growth point of the discipline with outstanding advantages and distinctive characteristics.

2.To apply for featured innovation projects (natural sciences), the research content is required to keep up with the cutting-edge hot topics of science and technology, meet the needs of our province’s economic, social and scientific and technological development, and have good application prospects. To apply for a featured innovation project (philosophy and social science category), the project requirements must be closely combined with the current social, economic and cultural development needs of our province and future development needs, as well as the challenges, opportunities and other hot and difficult issues faced by the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure to conduct research.

3.The person in charge of the applied project must have a senior professional title or a doctoral degree. The project leader should have good political and ideological qualities and professional ethics to ensure that he has enough time and energy to invest in project research. The research team has a reasonable and stable structure and excellent scientific research performance.

4.The project research cycle generally does not exceed 2 years.

(10) Guangdong Provincial College Youth Innovative Talent Project

1.Focus on supporting potential young researchers to carry out high-level scientific research, and encourage the exploration of cutting-edge issues such as cross-field, interdisciplinary, emerging disciplines, etc.

2. Project applicants must be under 35 years old (born after January 1, 1989), with a deputy senior position or below. The age of the research team members is generally not more than 39 years old (born after January 1, 1985). The project applicant has not received funding for national, provincial or ministerial level scientific research projects.

3. The project research cycle generally does not exceed 2 years.