Hong Kong Scholars Program

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:


Submission Deadline:

March 15, 2017


age<35, Doctor Degree

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:


Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Key Info

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:


Submission Deadline:



age<35, Doctor Degree;

Agency Name:


Funding Level:


Award Size:


Subject Areas:


Date Released By Agency:


Funding Details


The “Hong Kong Scholars Program” is jointly launched by the Society of Hong Kong Scholars and the China National Postdoctoral Council under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. It aims at effectively pooling talent and research resource of Hong Kong and the Mainland to train outstanding postdoctoral research fellows. Selected “Hong Kong Scholars” (i.e. the postdoctoral research fellows) will come to Hong Kong to commence postdoctoral research work under professors at various universities in Hong Kong. This program will help professors of Hong Kong solicit high quality PhD graduates from leading universities on the Mainland, thus promoting academic and scientific exchanges and collaboration between the two places.

How to Apply

The applicant should log on to the “Chinapostdoctor” website (www.chinapostdoctor.org.cn ) , enter the application and review system in “Professional Work—international exchange programs” and upload Application Form for Hong Kong Scholars Program and major supporting documentation (scanned copy). And the applicant should also submit Application Form for Hong Kong Scholars Program and bound volume in duplicate of all the major supporting materials (A4 size, left-bind, cover-attached and with contents).


The applicant should be on-station postdoctoral research fellows in postdoctoral science research mobile station and the setting institution, pre-entering doctoral graduates or teaching and research fellows and should fulfill the conditions below:

  1. Fresh graduate doctoral researchers or graduates within recent three years aged below 35.
  2. With high morality and of good physical health
  3. With high academic level and strong science research ability and innovative ability. With one of the related academic or science research experience below:
  1. Be a member of “863”, “973” and other major national science and technology plan and projects.
  2. Receiver of provincial, departmental funds or above.
  3. Receiver of provincial, departmental science and technology awards, academic honor or above.
  4. Major training employees as academic or technical talents in the institution.
  1. With adequate English proficiency.

5.  Postdoctoral research fellow positions will only be offered in these areas: various disciplines of basic research, biomedical science, information technology, agriculture, new energies, new materials, advanced manufacturing, economics,management, law and so on.

6.  The applicant should have not been funded by this project, dispatched project in postdoctoral international exchange plan, China-Germany postdoctoral exchange program, postdoctoral innovative talent supporting plan, “advanced action” of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and Chinese Academy of Science joint fund to outstanding postdoctoral research fellows and other postdoctoral research fellow funding projects.

7. On-station postdoctoral research fellow should obtain approval of the host institution and cooperative supervisor; in-service personnel (including directional doctoral graduates) should also have the approval of the human resource department of the personnel-relationship-attached institution.  

Award Information

Project Duration: 24 months (started within 6 months after recognized by the program)

Award Size: 300,000(300 thousand) Yuan and 300,000(300 thousand) HK dollars for each person, mainly used on life expenditure, housing subsidy, science research subsidy, social insurance and travel expenses

Proposal Submission

The applicant should log on to the “Chinapostdoctor” website (www.chinapostdoctor.org.cn ) during February 15 – March 15, 2017, enter the application and review system in “Professional Work—international exchange programs” and upload Application Form for Hong Kong Scholars Program and major supporting documentation (scanned copy). And the applicant should also submit Application Form for Hong Kong Scholars Program and bound volume in duplicate of all the major supporting materials (A4 size, left-bind, cover-attached and with content). The host institution should submit the paper materials to related departments before March 15, 2017.


Agency Contact

Address: Postdoctoral Evaluation and Service Office in China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Room 706 Shining Building, 35 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191

WANG Ruoyang

Phone: 010-82327870

Fax: 010-82327880