Tianyuan Fund for Mathematics

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:


Submission Deadline:

June 20, 2017


age less than 40

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:


Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)



This fund includes Tianyuan Visiting Scholar Program and Tianyuan Exchange Program on Mathematics. Tianyuan Visiting Scholar Program supports young mathematicians in mathematics-lad institutions and schools to launch joint research activities with leading scholars in relevant areas. Tianyuan Exchange Program on Mathematics supports internationally reputable mathematicians and leading scholars at home to have intensive communication and cooperation.

How to Apply

The applicant should log in to ISIS system and fill in the Application Form for National Natural Science Foundation of China online. The funding category should be selected as “specific foundation programs” and the subcategory should be “Tianyuan Mathematics Foundation”.

Tianyuan Visiting Scholar Program:

The visiting scholar should have paired with a mentor and both of them are required to submit the application form individually.

Tianyuan Exchange Program on Mathematics:

Applicants should log in to ISIS (https://isisn.nsfc.gov.cn/ ) to complete application form online.


Tianyuan Visiting Scholar Program:

  1. The applicant should be young teachers in mathematics-lad areas or mathematics-lad institutions aged under 40 (born after January 1, 1978).
  2. The mentor should be leading professors in domestic mathematics field with international reputation.
  3. The visiting scholar should stay in accepting institution for no less than 10 months during the funding period.

Tianyuan Exchange Program on Mathematics:

The attendees should be international reputable mathematicians and domestic leading scholars.

Award Information

Project Duration: 1 year for Tianyuan Visiting Scholar Program (January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018); no strict limit for Tianyuan Exchange Program on Mathematics

Award Size: 200,000(200 thousand) Yuan for mentor and 100,000(100 thousand) Yuan for visiting scholars in Tianyuan Visiting Scholar Program; no more than 300,000(300 thousand) Yuan for each project in Tianyuan Exchange Program on Mathematics

Proposal Submission

Proposal should be submitted online and be printed to be signed and stamped by the host institution. The signed proposal should be sent to Material Reception Office of NSFC, 83 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District (Room 101 in Administration Building). The application reception time is from July 1 to July 20, 16:00 Beijing time.

Supplementary Documents

Tianyuan Visiting Scholar Program:

  1. Letter of Commitment from both host institution and accepting institution. The letter should be stamped by host institution to promise equal treatment and off-work visit during visiting period and the accepting institution should guarantee the work and study condition for visiting scholar and be responsible for their management and assessment.
  2. Cooperative agreement. 


Agency Contact

Science Department of Department of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, NSFC

Contact number: 010-62327178, 010-62327191

Mail: math@nsfc.gov.cn