Major Research Program in Formation, Evolution and Mechanism of Turbulence Structure

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:


Submission Deadline:

September 18, 2017


with high professional technical titles

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:


Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)



The fund supports Major Research Programs on following scientific issues: 1. the formation kinetics of turbulent structures under various conditions: the turbulence transition is studied from the viewpoint of turbulence structure generation, and the transition theory of turbulence structure generation dynamics is proposed based on the framework of existing stability theory 2. multi scale spatial and temporal dynamics of turbulent structure evolution: the evolution of the structure of turbulence from the coupling point of view, the theoretical framework of breakthrough turbulent energy cascade development process, calculation methods and experimental techniques of turbulence theory 3. functional mechanism and control principle of turbulence structure on Thermoacoustic transport: from perspective of giving fine description of turbulence structure, mechanism of action and transport of turbulent structure on thermal stress, break the traditional framework of eddy viscosity model, realize the accurate prediction and control of resistance, heat flux and flow noise.

How to Apply

The applicant should log in to ISIS system and fill in the application form online. The funding category should be selected as “Major Research Program”; the subcategory should be selected as “key supporting project” or “development project”; the annotation should be “Formation, Evolution and Mechanism of Turbulence Structure”.


1.  The applicant should have experience of undertaking fundamental research topic or other experience on fundamental research.

2. The applicant should have high professional technical positions(titles).

On-station postdoctoral research fellows, graduate students, unemployed personnel or personnel whose institution is not host institution are not eligible for the project.

Award Information

Project Duration: 3 years for “Development Project”, from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020; 4 years for “Key Supporting Project”, from January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2021.

Award Size: 4,000,000(4 million) Yuan for each Key Supporting Project and 1,000,000(1 million) Yuan for each Development Project.

Proposal Submission

The proposal should be submitted online during September 14, 2017-September 18, 2017, 16:00. And the application form should be printed and sealed by host institution and be sent to Material Reception Office of NSFC, 83 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District (Room 101 in Administration Building) with official letter issued by host institution and a list for applied projects before September 18, 2017, 16:00.

The Host Institution

There shall be no more than 2 cooperative research institutions for the development projects and key supporting projects.


Agency Contact

Mechanics Science Department in Department of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, NSFC

Phone: 010-62327179