International Exchange Programs Issued by Guangdong Science and Technology Department

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:


Submission Deadline:

September 21, 2018


Born after 01/01/1980, Foreign youth researchers

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:


Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


  1. Inviting foreign youth researchers coming to Guangdong to for academic exchanges and work (Special Number: 0508)


Support content:


It supports foreign youth researchers to come to Guangdong for research around key areas such as next-generation information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, green low-carbon, biomedicine, digital economy, new materials, marine economy, modern seed industry, precision agriculture, and modern engineering technology for academic exchanges and work for 3 months, 6 months or 12 months. The project implementation period is 1 to 2 years.


Application conditions:


(1) The host institution shall be an innovative institution like higher education institutions, research institutes, enterprises and other institutions that are registered in Guangdong, have independent legal personality, good research and development capabilities and foundations, and can provide necessary conditions and financial security for project implementation.


(2) The host institution should be willing to accept foreign young researchers who are visiting and can provide necessary working conditions.


(3) The host institution should be able to issue an invitation letter to the foreign youth scientific research personnel and assist them to apply for entry visas, foreign expert certificates, foreigner residence permits and insurance and other related procedures and materials.


(4) Visiting scholars should be foreign scientific research personnel (certified by passports) born after January 1, 1980, who are physically and mentally healthy and have good communication skills in Chinese or English.


(5) The visiting scholars should have a master’s degree and have been engaged in scientific research for more than 5 years in a high-level university or research institution, or have a Ph.D. degree and have been engaged in scientific research for more than 2 years in a high-level university or research institution.


(6) Visitors are required to stay for more than 90 days in Guangdong if he/she applies for a visiting job position for 3 months. Those who apply for a six-month visiting job position must stay in Guangdong for more than 150 days and those who apply for a 12-month visiting job should stay in Guangdong for more than 300 days.




Funding method:


After review and evaluation by the experts, the application with good qualification would be selected. The amount of funding is 36,000 yuan for 3 months, 60,000 yuan for 6 months, and 120,000 yuan for 12 months. The funding as a work and living allowance should be mainly used to subsidize young researchers’ academic research and research activities in Guangdong, for accommodation, transportation, insurance and other expenses. The funds shall be allocated to the applying institution at one time, and the applying institution shall allocate the money to the visiting personnel on a monthly basis (the specific funding allocation and management method shall be the responsibility of the host institution).


  1. Overseas program for young researchers for academic exchanges and work (Special No. 0509)


Support content:


It supports young scientific researchers in Guangdong Province to actively participate in the EU Horizon Program, international great science programs and great science projects, as well as research projects initiated by relevant UN agencies, to conduct overseas academic exchanges for 3 months, 6 months or 12 months. The project implementation period is 1 to 2 years.


Application conditions:


(1) The host institution should be an innovative institution of higher education institutions, research institutes, enterprises and other institutions that are registered in Guangdong, have independent legal personality, good research and development capabilities and foundations, and can provide necessary conditions and financial security for project implementation.


(2) The applicant should be a Chinese nationality young scientific researcher who was born after January 1, 1980, is physically and mentally healthy, has good communication skills in English (or the official or common language of the overseas host organization, or institution), and is engaged in scientific research work full time in the host institution.


(3) The applicant should have a vice-senior or above professional title and have been engaged in relevant scientific research for more than 2 years, or have been engaged in relevant scientific research for more than 3 years after Ph.D. graduation. The applicant shall have no on-going provincial-level international scientific and technological cooperation projects.


(4) The scope of the scholars’ overseas exchanges and work is limited to participation in the EU Horizon Program, international great science programs and great science projects, and research projects initiated by relevant UN agencies.


(5) The applicant must commit to stay for more than 90 days if applying for a three-month exchange job. If applying for a six-month exchange job, the applicant must stay overseas for more than 150 days. If applying for a 12-month exchange job, he/she must stay overseas for more than 300 days.


Funding method:


After review and evaluation by the experts, the application with good qualification would be selected. The amount of funding is 36,000 yuan for 3 months, 60,000 yuan for 6 months, and 120,000 yuan for 12 months. The funding as a work and living allowance should be mainly used to subsidize the research and activities of young researchers abroad for accommodation, transportation, insurance and other expenses. The subsidy will be allocated to the applying institution at one time, and the host institution will allocate it to the young researchers who are going abroad. (The specific funding allocation and management method is the responsibility of the applying institution).