Guideline for the Collaborative Projects between National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Israel Science Foundation in 2019

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:


Submission Deadline:

January 4, 2019



Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

No more than 2,000,000 yuan (2 million yuan) for direct cost for each project

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


1. Areas for Funding


The areas of cooperation in 2019 are as follows:


Mathematics (application code: A01)


Physics (application code: A03, A04, A05)


Chemistry (application code: B01, B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08)


Earth Science (application code: D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D07)


Nanotechnology (application code: E01, E02, E03, E05, E06)


Computer Science (application code: F02)


The Chinese applicant shall fill in the application code according to the codes listed above. The applications without application codes will not be accepted.


2. Duration


3 years, from 2019.10.1-2022.9.30


3. Award Size


No more than 2,000,000 yuan (2 million yuan) for direct cost for each project. ISF would provide the equivalent amount of funding to the Israel partner.


4. Eligibility


(1) Applicants should have senior professional or technical positions (professional titles).


(2) Applicants should have undertaken or are undertaking programs, as the principle investigator, of the National Natural Science Foundation of China of which the duration lasts for more than 3 years.


(3) The scientists from Chinese and Israel should have a certain cooperation foundation, and the project application should fully reflect the strong cooperation and complementary advantages.


(4) For more information on the application qualifications, please refer to the 2018 National Natural Science Foundation Project Guidelines (which can be asked from RIGS).


5. Limited Application


(1) Applicants can only apply for 1 international (regional) cooperative research program.


(2) Applicants who have been approved the international (regional) cooperative research program cannot be the applicant for the same type of program this year.


6. Application Requirements


(1) The scientists from both side should fill in the application form according to the requirements of the funding organization in their country. The Chinese applicants should submit applications to NSFC community and their Israeli collaborators shall submit the application to ISF at the same time based on the requirements of ISF. Applications submitted only in a single side will not be accepted.


(2) The Chinese applicant shall log in to the ISIS system and fill in the application form online according to the guidance.


(3) Besides the application form, the Chinese applicant should also submit the copy of the English application that the Israeli collaborator submits to the ISF, as the attachment. If the English version of the Israeli collaborator’s proposal is not submitted, the application would not be accepted.


(4) The paper version of the application materials should be printed with the signature of the applicants and the seal of the host institution, and submitted to the NSFC Material Reception Group. The electronic materials should be identical as the paper materials. Once there be any inconsistency or incompletion of the application materials, the NSFC community would reject the application.


7. Time


The online system would be open during November 5, 2018 to January 4 4:00 pm, 2019; the reception window for the paper materials is December 31, 2018 to January 4, 4:00 pm, 2019.


The Israel partners should also submit their materials and application before the deadline set by ISF.