2021 Project Application Guidelines of the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

March 14, 2021

Submission Deadline:

March 20, 2021


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


                                        2021 Project Application Guidelines of the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies of

                                                               National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)


  1. Types of available projects in 2021

1.1. The Division of Interdisciplinary Studies (the Division) will accept applications for projects under the Excellent Young Scientists Fund, the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and the Science Fund for Innovative Research Groups, and Basic Science Center Projects in 2021. The application deadline is March 20, 2021 16:00.

1.2. Beyond the abovementioned deadline, the Division will accept applications for projects under the Special Fund for Research on National Major Research Instruments (recommended by ministry-level departments), major projects, projects of Major Research Plan, international (regional) inter-organization cooperative research projects and special projects. The guidelines on projects under the Special Fund for Research on National Major Research Instruments (departmental recommendation) are contained in the NSFC Guide to Programs 2021. The guidelines on other projects will be posted on the website of NSFC.

  1. Application requirements

Except for the requirements specified in the NSFC Guide to Programs 2021, applications for interdisciplinary research projects should also meet the following requirements:

2.1. The proposed research shall have obvious interdisciplinary features and be necessarily conducted with an interdisciplinary approach.

2.2. Applicants shall hold academic degrees (bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degrees) in at least two first-level disciplines or have previously carried out and played an essential role in interdisciplinary research.

  1. Application materials

Except for the requirements specified in the NSFC Guide to Programs 2021, application materials for interdisciplinary projects should also meet the following requirements:

3.1. All applications for interdisciplinary projects shall use the special Application Form for the Division.

3.2. Applicants shall choose an acceptance code and then an application code.

3.2.1. The Division provides acceptance codes for four fields in 2021: T01 (materials science), T02 (intelligence and intelligent manufacturing), T03 (life and health), T04 (convergence sciences). Applicants should choose one acceptance code according to the field of research.

3.2.2. The Division will not provide application codes separately. For details of the application codes, please refer to the “NSFC Application Codes” part in the NSFC Guide to Programs 2021. Applicants shall select no more than 5 application codes.

Please make sure you (a) select secondary application codes (four digits), and

(b) provide accurate information about the “research orientation” and “key words” in the Application Form.

3.2.3. If there is any question about the acceptance and application codes, please consult the Division.

  1. Additional notes

4.1. Please read relevant instructions and outlines carefully before filling in the Application Form.

4.2. Basic Science Center Projects can be applied individually by one person or jointly by two persons.

4.2.1. In case of a joint application, one applicant will be the first applicant and the other the second applicant.

4.2.2. If the two applicants are from different organizations, the second applicant’s organization will be deemed as a joint research institution.

4.2.3. In case of a joint application, the first applicant and his/her organization should fill in and submit the online Application Form in the NSFC Internet-based Science Information System (the Information System).

4.3. Application for projects under the Excellent Young Scientists Fund, the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and the Science Fund for Innovative Research Groups will be made available on February 10, 2021 in the Information System while the application for Basic Science Center Projects will be available on March 1, 2021.

4.4. Contact information

Division of Interdisciplinary Studies of National Natural Science Foundation of China

Contact: Dai Yafei

Telephone: 010-62328382