Notice of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Committee on Application for the Natural Science Fund 2022

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

August 1, 2021

Submission Deadline:

August 5, 2021


Under 40 for Youth Program; Have undertaken or participated in basic and applied fundamental research projects or other experience in conducting fundamental research

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

100,000-1000,000 yuan

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


      Notice of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Committee on Application for the Natural Science Fund 2022

I. Project Types

Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund (hereinafter referred to as “Guangdong Fund”) will accept applications for the following grant programs: General Program and Distinguished Young Scholars Fund under its National Science Fund.

(I) General Program This program is intended to support scientists engaged in basic and applied basic research in conducting innovative research in whatever fields they choose, to promote balanced, coordinated, and sustainable development of all disciplines.

(II) Distinguished Young Scholars Fund This program is intended to support distinguished young scholars who have made certain achievements in basic and applied basic research in conducting innovative research in whatever fields they choose, to speed up the growth of young scientists with expertise in cutting-edge technology.

See Appendices 1 and 2 for application guides for different programs.

II. Application Requirements and Instructions

(I) Application Restrictions

These programs are only open to organizations supported by the Guangdong Fund, which means they have registered at the Guangdong Fund. Applicants must be full-time employees working for an organization supported by the Guangdong Fund in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao. Each applicant is allowed to submit only one application for the Guangdong Natural Science Fund 2022. Applicants at universities in Hong Kong and Macao can only apply for the General Program. A scientist shall not apply if he/she meets any of the following descriptions:

  1. The applicant is working on and leading three or more projects under Guangdong science and technology programs or funds, or one or more projects under Guangdong science and technology programs or funds that are one year overdue for acceptance (except for projects related to platforms, inclusive policies, and post-subsidy).
  2. The applicant is working on and leading two or more projects sponsored by the Guangdong Fund (including the Natural Science Fund and Joint Funds);
  3. The applicant has submitted two or more applications for Guangdong science and technology programs or funds in 2021;
  4. The applicant has submitted an application with the same or similar research project for Guangdong science and technology programs or funds in 2021;
  5. The applicant is disqualified from undertaking and participating in projects under Guangdong science and technology programs or funds as the lead applicant due to serious dishonesty.

For other requirements for applying for the General Program or Distinguished Young Scholars Fund, see the corresponding application guides (Appendices 1 and 2).

(II) Research Integrity and Ethical Requirements.

  1. The application should be made by the applicant himself/herself. It is strictly prohibited to apply by impersonation or fabricate false applicants and key participants. Applicants and key participants should truthfully fill in their personal information and be responsible for the authenticity of their application information. Applicants are responsible for the authenticity of the personal information of all participants.
  2. Applicants should fill in the application form in accordance with the application guides and requirements, and truthfully fill in the relevant research basis and content. Plagiarism or falsification is strictly prohibited, so does the violation of laws and regulations, ethical principles, and regulations on scientific and technological safety.
  3. Applicants should describe the project practically and reasonably, without fiction or exaggeration. Once the project is approved, the tasks, objectives, research results, indicators and other information stated in the submitted application will be automatically included in the project charter correspondingly and cannot be modified or adjusted in principle.
  4. It is not allowed to submit applications with the same or similar research projects for different programs, by different applicants, or through different organizations in the same year. It is not allowed to submit applications with already funded projects, or submit applications with the same research project to different funding agencies. If the research featured in the applicant’s application has received grants from other sources, the applicant shall clarify it in the application form and specify the difference and connection between the funded project and the project submitted for application.
  5. Any act of research dishonesty occurring in the application process will result in corresponding sanctions in accordance with the Tentative Measures of Guangdong Province on Management of Research Integrity and other applicable regulations.

(III) Application Documents

  1. The applicant shall submit the application documents as required, which shall not contain any lawbreaking or confidential information. The applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity and legality of the submitted application documents and sign the letter of commitment for authenticity on the application system (letter of commitment in paper not needed).
  2. If the project application involves issues related to research ethics and scientific and technological security (such as biosecurity, information security), the applicant shall strictly abide by relevant national laws and regulations and ethical principles, and provide relevant proofs such as the scientific and ethical review opinions of the applicant’s organization, which should be submitted as attachments of the application form.
  3. The start date should be January 1, 2022 in all applications, and the end date varies depending on the funding period of each program.
  4. All project proposals for the Natural Science Fund should be submitted electronically. Applicants only need to submit their electronic applications and attached materials online, without submitting them in paper.

(IV) Responsibilities of Applicants’ Organizations.

  1. The applicant’s organization shall fulfill its responsibilities as a governing body, such as establishing and improving the project and fund management mechanism, and managing and standardizing the implementation and acceptance of provincial-level fund projects. The results of project implementation and acceptance will serve as a basis for adjusting the application quota for the General Program under the Natural Science Fund in the next year.
  2. The applicant’s organization shall be accountable for the validity of the applicant’s eligibility and examine the authenticity and completeness of the application documents. Any application that does not meet related requirements shall not be submitted.
  3. The applicant’s organization shall carefully review the applications, generate a project list, and upload their Letter of Commitment for Research Integrity affixed with the organization’s seal to the system (The administrator of the organization can download the commitment letter template after the application system is open, and upload the scanned copy with the organization’s seal through Application Management > Project Management > Guangdong Fund Project List Management).
  4. The applicant’s organization shall establish a sound review mechanism of research ethics and technological safety, reduce ethical and safety risks, and strengthen the ethical review and supervision of the research in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and ethical principles.

III. Application Methods

(I) Applications should be submitted through the websites of Guangdong Government Affairs and Services or the Guangdong Science and Technology Business Management Sun-Government Platform (hereinafter referred to as “Sun-Government Platform”) at

(II) Before application, the applicant’s organization shall register as an organization supported by Guangdong Fund on the Sun-Government Platform. The applicant can check whether his/her organization is supported by Guangdong Fund in View Organization Registration on the login page of the Sun-Government Platform.

(III) The applicant shall fill in the project information in the application form as required, upload the necessary supporting documents, and submit them following the specified procedure after the review by the organization. The Online Application Guide for Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Projects and project application template can be found and downloaded from Home > Work Reminder on the Sun-Government Platform.

VI. Application Deadline

(I) Online application submission (recommendation by applicants’ organizations): June 21, 2021 to 17:00, August 5, 2021

(II) Online submission of the project list and letter of commitment by applicants’ organizations: August 6, 2021 to 17:00, August 10, 2021

V. Contact Information

(I) Guangdong Fund Committee:

  1. Consultation on the guide: Yang Wen & Wang Qian, 020-87567871, 020-87567870
  2. Consultation on application: Chen Jiasi & Zhou Xiaoyan, 020-87567835, 020-87567807

(II) Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology:

Basic Research Division: Lu Zhilin, 020-83163889

(III) Network & technical support hotline: 020-83163338

(IV) Contact email: