Guangdong-Israel R&D Cooperation Program 2022

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

May 15, 2022

Submission Deadline:

May 25, 2022


Have a Ph.D. degree

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

1Million RMB

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


A bilateral framework providing financial support for collaborative industrial R&D Projects between Israeli & Chinese Companies from Guangdong Province

8th Call for Proposal

The government of the Guangdong Province of The People’s Republic of China, and the government of the State of Israel signed a bilateral agreement in 2013 to form the Guangdong -Israel program for Industrial R&D with the primary aim of supporting joint industrial R&D projects aimed at the development of products or processes leading to commercialization in the global market.  

Within the context of the bilateral framework, funding mechanisms have been created, through which industry may seek support for joint bilateral research and development (R&D) projects, involving at least one Guangdong and one Israeli company.

The bi-lateral framework is jointly implemented by the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province (GDST) in the Guangdong province and Israel Innovation Authority (Previously: Office of the Chief Scientist & MATIMOP) in Israel.


This call is open to joint projects from all technology sectors based on merit that include science and technology (S&T) development leading to commercial success, social good and benefits to both countries.


 The criteria to be followed in order to apply to the program call are:

  1. At least two science and technology companies from the respective countries should express a desire to cooperate in the research and development of a new product or a new process.
  2. The project may involve more than one company from each side;
    Note: academic/research entities are eligible to join as sub-contractors only.
  3. The project should be highly innovative and R&D-intensive, with significant commercial potential. The joint industrial R&D project should aim at the development of products/processes leading to commercialisation in the global market.
  4. This Call for Proposals is also providing support for pilot projects for companies who wish to pilot, scale-up and adapt their new innovative technologies and solutions to the Chinese market and entities’ specific needs.
  5. The project partners should agree in advance on the IP rights and on the commercialisation strategy of the product or process.*
  6. The project should demonstrate the contribution of the participants from both countries
  7. The project must be balanced between participants and significant to both partners.

Any partner whose cooperative R&D project is consistent with the aforementioned criteria can apply to the present Call for Proposals in accordance with the national Laws, Rules, Regulations and Procedures in effect.

*Note: For the submission phase, only an LOI (Letter of Intent), a preliminary agreement or draft MOU is required, however the final agreement has to be presented to the funding authorities. The final agreement with legal force should be submitted before the approved companies sign the project contract with GDST and IIA, or its funding qualification will be cancelled.


 In Guangdong  

Eligible applicants will be R&D performing Guangdong registered companies operating in Guangdong.

In Israel

Eligible applicants will be R&D performing Israeli registered companies operating in Israel.


  1. Funding support will be given to each partner by its own Implementing Organisation (GDST in Guangdong province and Israel Innovation Authority in Israel) in accordance with the National Laws, Rules, Regulations and procedures in effect.
  2. The total funding from the Government of Guangdong under the Guangdong-Israel Industrial R&D program financial support will be given to subsidize the R&D expenditure of the projects and will not exceed 50% of the total eligible and approved costs of the R&D, in accordance with the national laws and regulations.
  3. Starting date for funding distribution by the funding given by the Government of Guangdong under the Guangdong-Israel Industrial R&D program: around October 2022.
  4. The total funding from the Government of Israel via the Israel Innovation Authority, under the Guangdong-Israel R&D program financial support, will not exceed 50% of the eligible and approved costs of the R&D, in accordance with the national laws and regulations.



To ensure the effective delivery of the project proposals and reinforce the principles of bilateral partnership, GDST and IIA employ a joint application process for each Call for Proposals.

Applicants are required to follow the local requirements and use the provided application format and instructions to submit their proposal by May 25, 2022. Proposals that are not in the approved format will not be accepted.

In addition to the local application, an LOI/MOU and a Bilateral Application Form (BAF) must be submitted to both entities. The BAF provides a summary of the proposed project with enough detail for the reviewers to make an initial assessment of the merits of the project.

The BAF and Letter of Intent (LOI) / MOU must be filled and signed by both Chinese and Israeli partners and must include a detailing IP plans for the project.

The Israeli partner is required to submit the full IIA application, in accordance with Israel Innovation Authority regulations, through an online system following the instructions on the relevant incentive program on the IIA’s website. In addition to the local application, an LOI/MOU and a Bilateral Application Form (BAF) must be submitted.

The Chinese partner will be required to submit the National Application Form in accordance with Guangdong Science and Technology Department (GDST) regulations, through an online system upon further notice by GDST.


The Guangdong Science and Technology Department (GSTD) and the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) will carry out an independent evaluation of the joint R&D application and will select the eligible project to be financially supported in accordance with their criteria, national laws and regulations.

The successful projects will be jointly selected by the two funding organizations at a Joint Committee meeting. Companies whose projects have been selected will be informed of the result and the amount of funding for the successful projects by their respective implementing organization in a timely manner, by September 2022.


In Israel

  • Funding will be provided in the form of a conditional grant to the projects selected under the Call for Proposals.
  • The total funding from the Government of Israel via the Israel Innovation Authority will not exceed 50% of the eligible and approved costs of the R&D, in accordance with the national laws and regulations.
  • When a project results in sales of a product, service or process, the financial support must be repaid to the Israel Innovation Authority according to its regulations (in general, royalties are paid at rates beginning at 3% of sales, depending on various criteria. Royalties are payable until 100% of the amount of the grant has been repaid with interest as provided in the applicable regulations). If the project does not result in sales, no repayment is required.
  • For more information on funding conditions, applicants should visit the website of the Israel Innovation Authority:

In Guangdong

The total funding from the Government of Guangdong under the Guangdong-Israel Industrial R&D program financial support will be given to subsidize the R&D expenditure of the projects and will not exceed 50% of the total eligible and approved costs of the R&D, in accordance with the national laws and regulations.






Feb 16, 2022

Feb 10, 2022

Full Submission Deadline

May 25, 2022

May 25, 2022

Joint Committee & Results

August – September 2022


Guangdong (China)



Ms. Xu Zhe (Stella)

Project officer

Division of Exchange and Cooperation

Ms. Ifat Oz-Sinai
China-Israel Collaboration Manager


  Asia-Pacific Department

The Department of Science and Technology

Guangdong Province P.R.C

Israel Innovation Authority


Cell: 13926446496


Tel: +972 3 5118166
