Guangdong provincial-enterprise joint foundation

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

August 9, 2022

Submission Deadline:

August 15, 2022


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:


Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Guangdong provincial-enterprise joint foundation

Background Introduction

Guangdong basics and applied basics research foundation and Hybribio biotechnology Ltd., joint foundation (provincial-enterprise joint foundation for short) is part of the Guangdong provincial foundation, which is dedicated to the research in biotechnology.

The foundation is currently focus on clinical research, such as the diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease, tumour molecular pathology, comprehensive prevention and control of birth defects.

There will be 5 research subject areas, each contain multiple research directions. In principle, there will be at least one sponsored project in each research direction. However, researchers from GTIIT only qualified to applied for subject 5, which targets researcher from higher education organizations, scientific research institutes and health care institutions.

The applicants of general program required to have intermediate and above professional titles.

Funding standards

There will be 80 general programs among a total number of 82 programs. The success applicants of general programs will be granted with a one-time payment of 150,000 yuan. The expected duration of the whole project is 3 years.

Expected output

For general programs, at least one high quality published paper is expected (published on domestic scientific journals with decent international influences). Researchers are also encouraged to give speech on top academic conferences about their projects, the conferences can be held both domestically and internationally.

Program details

Research direction

Application code

Subject code

Number of projects

An innovative and quick diagnostic method for nucleic acid marker in infectious disease agent










A total number of 16 general programs

The necessary module for efficient and fast augmentation in achieving industrialization



The anti corruption and temperature control method in reaction chamber for diversion hybridization instrument



Mass production process in producing automatic and high efficiency nucleic acid extraction reagent



Micro droplet point sampling technique in automatic, fast and multi-channel paper-based biochip



High precision, multi-channel intelligent pipetting technology and its modulization



Multi-channel fluorescence PCR testing module




Noninvasive prenatal genetic disease testing technique in exfoliated cervix cells from pregnant women






General application requirements

  1. The applicant should be a full-time employee who serves in a provincial foundation supported organization (the applicant should upload his/her labour contract, which is within its validity, with this organization or incumbency certificate to the program system)
  2. Applicant who is currently hosting more than two provincial scientific projects, special programs or foundations (except for platform projects like provincial laboratory, provincial key laboratory, inclusive policy projects or post-subsidy projects) is disqualified to apply for this program. Applicant who is currently hosting more than one provincial foundation projects is also disqualified to apply for this program.
  3. Applicant who is currently working in a provincial scientific project, special programs or foundations that have overdue over one year and have not yet passed the acceptance inspection is disqualified to apply for this program.
  4. In the year of 2022, each applicant can only apply for one provincial-enterprise joint foundation project, which is also counted as one of the two provincial scientific projects, special programs or foundations each personnel is allowed to applied in each year.
  5. In the year of 2022, each personnel only allowed to apply for one provincial foundation project (including provincial natural science foundation project, provincial-city joint foundation project, provincial-enterprise joint foundation project). Applicant whose project has been approved by the natural science foundation is also disqualified to apply for this program.
  6. Applicant who is currently hosting provincial research and development projects in key areas, provincial basics and applied basics key projects, or provincial basic research cultivation program and research team project is disqualified to apply for this program.

Scientific integrity, scientific and technological ethics, human heredity and biosecurity

  1. Applicant should apply for the program in person and imposter application is strictly forbidden. Applicant and main project participants should fill in their personal information truthfully and any fabrication of false information is strictly forbidden. Applicant should be responsible for the authenticity of information of all project participants. Meanwhile, the applicant should sign a Scientific integrity and scientific ethics agreement on the program system (only in electronic form).
  2. Applicant should fill in the application form following the guideline. The applicant should record all related research content. Plagiarism, falsification, violating the Chinese laws and regulations, breaching the ethical code and violating regulations of technology security are all strictly forbidden.
  3. Identical or similar project content cannot be used to apply for new project by changing the project type, proposed by different applicant or under different dependent organization. Funded project is illegible for new funding from this program or other program/organizations. If an applicant’s research has received funding from other organization/program, the applicant should explain the relationship between two projects and the funding details of his/her last project.
  4. For scientific ethics, the applicant should strictly follow relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the code of ethics. The applicant should conduct scientific ethics examination and submit the result to the program committee for approval. For biomedical study that involve human experiment, the application and his/her depending organization should strictly follow the medical ethics and gain patients informed consent during the application and process of the project. For clinical research projects, formal ethical documents must be submitted and approved before receiving any funding.
  5. For collecting, preserving, utilizing or providing foreign entity with Chinese human genetic resources, admirative approval from the ‘Chinese genetic resources management office’, which is led by the ministry of science and technology, is required. To applied for approval, the applicant should submit a ‘Guangdong science project for human genetic resources commitment letter’ (its template can be found from the program system) any project that failed to provide those documents will not be funded.
  6. For research in pathogenic microorganism, the applicant should strictly follow ‘Regulations on biosafety management of pathogenic microorganism laboratory’, which is published by the state department. For research involves highly pathogenic microorganisms, its laboratory should equip with necessary biosafety facilities. The applicant also needs to submit biosafety commitment letter (the template could be downloaded from the program system). Applicant who failed to provide documents described above will not be funded.
  7. All application material and relevant supporting material must not contain any classified content that is protected by the law or confidential content applicant wish to remain confidential.
  8. If there is any academically dishonest conduct during the application process, it will be handled according to the ‘Guangdong measures for the management of scientific research integrity’ and related provincial foundation regulations.

Collaborative research requirement

  1. For general program, there should be no more than two partner research institutions. For key programs the number of partner research institutions should be less than three. However, clinical research projects can have more than three partner research institutions if it is necessary,
  2. Dependent cognization and its partner institution should sign and upload their cooperative research agreement (or contract), which should clearly identify which organization is the project applicant, how is the research work distributed between organizations, determine key performance indicator (KPI), determine distribution of the project funding, decide intellectual property ownership and negotiate benefit sharing.

Project initiation time and dead line

The initiation date for all projects is 1st Nov, 2020. The finishing time of each project will be determined by the type of the project and the funding requirements of the project. The internal deadline for application is 9th Aug, 2022. Please send you application material to the RIGS team for review.

How to apply

You can apply for this program electronically through the Guangdong government service website or Guangdong sunlight science profession management systems