Pilot Group Program of the Research Fund for International Senior Scientists (RFIS-III) Call for Proposal FY 2022

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Sep 21, 2022

Submission Deadline:

September 28, 2022



Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

4.5 Million

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Pilot Group Program of the Research Fund for International Senior Scientists (RFIS-III) Call for Proposal FY 2022

Funding research fields and application code

Funding Research fields

Application code

Differential equations and dynamical systems


Condensed matter physics


Surface interface fundamentals of material science


Chemical and chemical engineering basis for efficient conversion and utilization of energy resources


cutting-edge and common biotechnology, applied biotechnology, cross-fusion biotechnology, technologies related to glycobiology research


Accurate prediction and enhancement of carbon sinks in terrestrial ecosystems


experimental earth sciences that Includes high-temperature and high-pressure


Planetary Science


Metallic materials


Engineering thermophysics and energy utilization


Medical robotic systems


Basics of Artificial Intelligence: Credible, reliable and Interpretable basic theories and methods of artificial intelligence


Operational research and management


Resource Management and Policy


Basic research on the improvement of the diagnosis and treatment of major chronic diseases


Pathogenesis and intervention strategies of major infectious diseases


Regulation of consciousness and neuropsychiatric disorders

T03(Acceptance code)

Statistical physics and complex social systems

T04(Acceptance code)

When filling in the application code in the application form, the applicant must select from the corresponding application code listed above, and try to select the second-level application code (4 digits). Applicants in the fields of “Regulation of Consciousness and Neuropsychiatric Disorders” and “Statistical Physics and Complex Social Systems” should first use the application code T03 or T04 designated by the Department of Interdisciplinary Sciences, and then select no less than 2 application codes from A-H.

Funding period

The funding period is 3 years. In the application form, the project period should be written as ‘from January 1st, 2023 to December 31st, 2025’.

Funding scale

In general, the funding for each project will not exceed 4.5 million Yuan (Direct cost). In 2022, it is planned to fund about 9 pilot group projects of the RFIS.

Applicant Requirements

  1. The applicant should have foreign nationality;
  2. The applicant should have a senior professional and technical title (position);
  3. The applicant should have internationally recognized academic achievements and influence;
  4. The applicant agrees to conduct full-time work and research at the host institution for no less than 9 months per year (calendar year) during the implementation of the project;
  5. The applicant should form a research team of not less than 5 people (including the applicant himself);
  6. The applicant should ensure that he/she will comply with Chinese laws and regulations and the management regulations of the Natural Science Foundation when working in China;

Limited application requirements

Applicants are subject to the following restrictions when applying:

  1. Those who have received funding from the NSFC Foreign Scholars Research Fund, key projects, major projects, major research programs (key projects), National Outstanding Youth Science Fund projects, innovative research group projects, and basic science center projects as the PI are disqualified to apply for this project (including the projects funded in 2022).
  2. In order to ensure that the project leader will concentrate on carrying out research work, the PI of the pilot project should not apply for other science funding projects as a PI during the funding period other than the National Science Foundation for Outstanding Youth.
  3. This project is not counted as one of the two projects a researcher with senior professional and technical positions (professional titles) can lead and apply.
  4. Other restrictions on the number of applications specified in the <2022 Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guidelines>.