2023 Proposals for major projects of the Ministry of Engineering and Materials Science

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Oct 7, 2022

Submission Deadline:

October 15, 2022


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


2023 Call for proposal solocitation for major projects for Engineering and Materials Science

(1) Proposal Requirements

  1. The proposed major projects should have the urgency and necessity of organization and implementation.
  2. The solicitation should focus on extracting scientific problems and basic research content from practice, with clear, centralized interdisciplinary scientific goals.
  3. The solicitation should have a rich accumulation of research experience, adequate research equipment, a strong research team, and sufficient young and middle-aged talented researchers.
  4. After heavy support, it is expected to make great breakthroughs in solving key scientific problems and promote more original and significant results.

(2) Qualifications of the applicant

  1. The first recommender should be a front-line researcher, with a senior professional and technical position (title), and who has been working in basic research of natural sciences for a long time.
  2. The total number of first and co- recommenders shall not exceed 5.
  3. The first and co-recommenders may only propose or participate in 1 major project in the same year.

Please refer to the original link for your further information: https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab442/info87297.htm