2022 NSFC Guideline for Guided Original Exploration Project “Novelty in 5d Electronic Materials”

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Oct 16, 2022

Submission Deadline:

October 23, 2022


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

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2022 NSFC Guideline for Guided Original Exploration Project “Novelty in 5d Electronic Materials”

(1) Funding research fields

a. Precise construction and physical regulation of 5d electronic functional materials: develop a new strategy for the synthesis and construction of 5d electronic materials, explore the influence of element doping, lattice distortion, spin-orbital coupling and electronic correlation on physical properties of 5d electronic materials, and reveal the physical mechanism and regulation mechanism of macroscopic properties such as material system force, heat, light, electricity, magnetism and topological characteristics.
b. The theoretical system and the multi-dimensional characterization of electronic states of 5d electronic materials: research on theoretical calculation methods and procedures for accurately describing 5d electrons, develop high-resolution characterization methods for 5d electronic space, time, spin, orbit and other multi-dimensional, and explore the inherent physical mechanism of the unique physical properties of 5d electrons.
c. Research on prototype devices based on new principles of 5D electronic materials: Development of new principle components and integration technologies based on the logic, storage, memory and computing integration based on 5d electronic materials.

(2) Funding Schemes

The project period is 3 years, and the research period in the application form should be filled in “January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2025”. This program plans to fund 3 to 5 projects, with an average funding of about 3 million yuan.

(3) Application Requirements

a. Eligibility for application.

Scientific researchers or technical personnel with experience in undertaking basic research projects or other basic research experiences.

b. Provisions on the application for limited items.

i. Applicants can only apply for one original project (including pre-application) in the same year.
ii. From the beginning of the pre-application until the NSFC decides on whether to grant applicants with the project, the original projects are not included in the applications and undertaking limit. The awarded project is included in the total number of applications and undertaking limit.
iii. In order to ensure that the PI concentrates on the project, during the funding period, the PI shall not apply as an applicant for other NSFC programs except the National Science Foundation for Outstanding Youth program and the Science Foundation for Outstanding Youth program.
iv. The limit on the number of applications set by the 2022 NSFC Project Guidelines should be met.

Please refer to the original link for your further information: https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab442/info87333.htm