2023 Guangdong Province Basic and Applied Basic Research Major Project

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Oct 18, 2022

Submission Deadline:

October 25, 2022


Agency Name:

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2023 Guangdong Province Basic and Applied Basic Research Major Project

(1) Funding research fields

Aiming at the forefront of science and technology, strengthening originality, and adhering to society’s needs. This program focuses on supporting 11 research fields, such as semiconductor and integrated circuits, cutting-edge new materials, new generation communication networks, future computing, advanced manufacturing, synthetic biology, stem cells and regenerative medicine, green and low-carbon energy, resources and environment, modern seed industry, mathematics and frontier interdisciplinary research. The applicant can log on to the “Guangdong Science and Technology Sunshine Government Affairs Management Platform” and find the specific funding research fields on the pre-application page (the content of the research fields is only for the applicant to use as a reference for the application, please keep the content disclosed and do no reprint and publish it).

(2) Funding Schemes

The program is divided into two categories: “flagship” and “cornerstone”. For the “flagship” project, this program plans to support about 10 projects, with a funding amount of 10 million to 20 million yuan, which depends on the application budget. For the “cornerstone” project, this program plans to support about 20 projects, with a funding amount of 5 million yuan. The project implementation period is 5 years, and the funds will be allocated separately.

a. “Flagship” project: support leading scientists to integrate scientific research resources, carry out original research in an organized manner, and strive to produce a number of domestic-leading and world-leading major scientific achievements.
b. “Cornerstone” project: Support young and middle-aged scientists to engage in basic research to carry out systematic research in research fields that have a good foundation. The goal is to achieve a number of original scientific achievement and promote breakthroughs in several important research fields.

(3) Application Requirements

a. The “flagship” project PI should meet the following requirements: He/she is a leading scientist with great academic influence in that research field and is still active in the front line of scientific research. He/she has rich experience in leading and coordinating large-scale scientific research projects. The PI of a non-enterprise led project shall have experience in running major or key national basic research projects or basic research projects in foreign countries, Hong Kong and Macao that are at or above the same level. PI of the enterprise-led project should have experience in a basic research project. Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering who were under the age of 60 on January 1, 2022 [born after (on) January 1, 1957].
b. The PI of the “cornerstone” project should meet the following requirements: He/she is an outstanding young or middle-aged scientist with substantial potential in that field, has rich experience in conducting basic research, has formed a relatively stable research team, and has made outstanding achievements in the relevant basic research fields. Under the age of 45 on January 1, 2022 [born after (on) January 1, 1977]. Have a senior professional and technical position (title).
c. The project leader should be a full-time employee of a registered legal organization in Guangdong Province, who can substantively undertake the organization and implementation of the project and can ensure spent the necessary time and energy on the research of the project.
d. The number of core members shall not exceed 15. Core members should mainly constitute young and middle-aged scientists and the number of people with senior professional and technical positions (titles) or doctoral degrees shall not be less than 80%. The proportion of full-time core members of the leading organization shall not be less than 1/3, to prevent the occurrence of well-known scientists who do not participate in scientific research activities but are listed as a member of the team.
e. The PI and core members of “flagship” and “cornerstone” projects cannot join other “flagship” and “cornerstone” projects.

Please refer to the original link for your further information: http://gdstc.gd.gov.cn/zwgk_n/tzgg/content/post_4019371.html