“Two-dimensional magnetic and topological spin states” special program

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Oct 25, 2022

Submission Deadline:

October 31, 2022


Experience in undertaking basic research projects;Senior Title

Agency Name:

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“Two-dimensional magnetic and topological spin states” special program

(1) Scientific Goal

This special program aims to develop new materials, new physics and new methods based on two-dimensional magnetic and topological spin states. Encourage the combination of theoretical research and experiment, advocate originality, study the quantum physical properties, topological magnetic structures of two-dimensional magnetic materials and their interaction and novel physics they have with various quasiparticles. Develop novel topological magnetic structure characterization techniques, and explore new devices/components based on low-dimensional spin materials.

(2) Funding Research Field

a. Characterization and quantum properties of two-dimensional magnets and heterojunctions
b. Ultrafast spin dynamics and optomagnetic regulation of two-dimensional magnetic systems
c. Topological magnetic structure characterization and electrical regulation
d. All-electric regulation of sub/antiferromagnetic spin and prototype device construction
e. New spin states in low-dimensional magnetic systems

(3) Project period and funding scheme

The project period is 3 years, and the research period in the application form should be filled in “January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025”, with an average funding amount of about 3 million yuan, and there will be 5 projects to be funded. The total amount of funding is 15 million yuan.

(4) Application Requirements

a. Eligibility for application.
i. Applicant should have experience in undertaking basic research projects
ii. Applicant should have a senior professional and technical position (title)

b. Application Restrictions
i. The application of this program is considered as one of the two maximum number of projects an applicant with a senior professional and technical positions (titles) can apply
ii. The applicant can only apply for one research project in one special program in the same year
iii. The applicant should comply with the restrictions on the maximum number of applications set by the 2022 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guidelines

Please refer to the original link for your further information: https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab442/info87367.htm