2022 Project Guide of the Major Research Program for Basic Research on High-Performance Materials with Functional Primitive Order

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Nov 18, 2022

Submission Deadline:

November 23, 2022


Experience in undertaking basic research projects;Senior Title

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:


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2022 Project Guide of the Major Research Program for Basic Research on High-Performance Materials with Functional Primitive Order

(1) Funding Research Fields

a. Design theory, method and physical basis of new functional primitive sequential constructed materials.
b. Next-generation information technology core materials and devices.
c. Ultra-high-performance structural materials.
d. Forward-looking, high-performance new materials and devices for energy conversion and storage.

(2) Funding Schemes

In 2022, NSFC plans to fund 10 cultivation projects, with an average funding amount of about 600K yuan per project, and the project period is 3 years.
In 2022, NSFC plans to fund 8 key support projects, with an average funding amount of about 3 million yuan per project, and the project period is 4 years.

(3) Application Requirements

a. Eligibility for application.

i. Have experience in undertaking basic research projects.
ii. Have senior professional and technical positions (titles).
Postdoctoral researchers at the doctoral station, those who are pursuing a graduate degree, and those who do not have a depending organization or who works in a non- depending organization are not allowed to apply as applicants.

b. Provisions on the application for limited items.

Applicants should strictly follow the relevant requirements of the limited application provisions listed in the “Application Regulations of the 2022 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide”.

Please refer to the original link for your further information: https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab442/info87548.htm