2022 NSFC Special Project “Sub-nanometer Scale Material Aggregation State and Interaction Regulation” project guide

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Nov 14, 2022

Submission Deadline:

November 21, 2022


Experience in undertaking basic research projects;Senior Title

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

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2022 NSFC Special Project “Sub-nanometer Scale Material Aggregation State and Interaction Regulation” project guide

(1). The scientific problem to be addressed

a. The law of the transition of matter from atom/molecule to sub-nanometre scale, and the interaction and structure-activity relationship in the aggregate state of subnanometer scale.
b. Multi-level dynamics microscopic mechanisms and regulatory principles of topological evolution of sub-nanoparticles and their aggregates.
c. Multi-level construction strategy of chiral inorganic subnanometer scale materials. The influence mechanism of chiral structure on the photoelectric and catalytic properties of subnanometer substances.
d. Influence Mechanism of external field on the structural behaviour of subnanometer scale materials and assemblies.

(2). Funding research fields

a. Regulation and functional system of aggregate state of inorganic subnanometer scale.
b. Subnanometer topology evolution, interaction and functional regulation
c. Chiral structure and property regulation of subnanometer scales
d. High-precision measurement, simulation and characterization of sub-nanometer scale substances under the action of external fields

(3). Funding scheme
The project period is 4 years. No more than 1 project will be funded for each research field, and the average funding amount is about 3 million yuan per project.

(4). Application Requirements

a. Eligibility for application.
i. Applicant should have experience in undertaking basic research projects
ii. Applicant should have a senior professional and technical position (title)
Postdoctoral researchers at the doctoral station, those who are pursuing a graduate degree, and those who do not have a depending organization or who works in a non- depending organization are not allowed to apply as applicants.

b. Provisions on the limited application.
i. This special project is not counted in the application limit during application. After the applications are officially accepted after the NSFC decides on whether to award the project or not and after the project is granted, it will be counted in the application limit.
ii. The applicant can only apply for one research project in one special program in the same year.
iii. Applicant should follow the limited application regulations required by the “Application Regulations” section of the “2022 NSFC Project Guidelines”

Please refer to the original link for your further information: https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab442/info87556.htm