2022 NSFC special project ” Pre-research of Key Theory and Technology on Multi-scale Model Coupling of Nature-Society Systems in Achieving Carbon Neutrality” project guide

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Nov 18, 2022

Submission Deadline:

November 25, 2022


Experience in undertaking basic research projects;Senior Title

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2022 NSFC special project ” Pre-research of Key Theory and Technology on Multi-scale Model Coupling of Nature-Society Systems in Achieving Carbon Neutrality” project guide

  1. Scientific Objectives

In view of the complexity of carbon neutrality, it is urgent to develop the key theories and technologies on the multi-scale model coupling of nature-social systems with systematic scientific research methods. Using multidisciplinary theories such as earth science, energy science, materials science and engineering, operations research, economic science, management science, computer science, etc., to build a coupling framework for earth system models and comprehensive assessment models. This will help China to achieve “anthropogenic and natural carbon source and sink changes”, “energy structure – non-fossil energy substitution – energy storage layout”, “industrial structure”, “policy management” and ” The economy and society “to operate in both the global and regional scales, providing a decision-making support platform for the national carbon neutrality path.”

  1. Key scientific and technical problems

(1) Coupling principle and algorithm of multi-scale interaction mode of nature-social system
(2) Data fusion technology that supports coupling system operation
(3) Strategic path selection optimization assists decision support techniques

  1. Main research directions

(1) Top-level design of multi-scale interaction mode coupling and decision support research of nature-social systems (main topic)
(2) Modeling and Prediction of China’s Energy Structure Change with a Focus on Coal-Power Transition (Sub-topic 1)
(3) Research on China’s Energy Storage Layout Prediction for Energy Structure Transformation (Sub-topic 2)
(4) Research on the Prediction of China’s Carbon Neutrality Pathway (Sub-topic 3)
(5) Modeling and Prediction of Energy Transition Risks, Financial Risks, Resource Risks and Climate Losses in China and the World (Sub-topic 4)
(6) Policy-driven mechanism and heterogeneity modeling of carbon-neutral industrial transformation and economic-social system reform (sub-topic 5)

  1. Other research directions

(1) Research on modeling methods that can quantitatively depict the whole life cycle of carbon footprints of different industries and products in nature-society coupling systems.
(2) Research on the parametric method of sub-grid process and the parameter uncertainty evaluation method for nature-society coupling system.
(3) Research on stability testing and improvement methods of coupled systems; Research on testing technologies such as automatic monitoring and diagnosis of the operating status of coupled systems.
(4) Research on data aggregation and sharing technologies of nature-society coupled systems for the capture, integration and processing of multi-source massive data.
(5) Research on the construction, aggregation and sharing technology of grid data with high temporal and spatial resolution such as extreme climate change, climate risk and renewable energy under the constraints of carbon neutrality.
(6) Research on key signal extraction and detection attribution technologies for nature-society coupling systems.
(7) Research on uncertainty assessment technology of decision-making platform based on set prediction and simulation system error analysis.

  1. Funding Schemes

This program will fund 1 project for the main topic and one project for each sub-topic, with a total of 6 projects; Among them, the funding amount for the main topic project is about 20 million, the funding amount for sub-topic 4 project is about 8 million yuan, and the funding amount for other sub-topic projects is about 4 million yuan.

A total of about 8 projects will be funded for “other research directions”, and the funding amount is about 600,000 for each project.

  1. Application Requirements

a. Eligibility for application.

(1) Have experience in undertaking basic research projects.
(2) Have senior professional and technical positions (titles).
Postdoctoral researchers at the doctoral station, those who are pursuing a graduate degree, and those who do not have a depending organization or who works in a non- depending organization are not allowed to apply as applicants.

b. Provisions on the application for limited items.

(1) This special project will not be counted in the total number of applications from the beginning of the submission until the NSFC decides on whether to award the project. But it will be included in the total number of applications and projects undertaken after applicant awarded with the project.
(2) The total number of incubation projects for which applicants and core team members can apply for or participate in for both projects from both the main research directions and other research direction is limited to 1.
(3) Applicants and core team members can only apply for or participate in 1 special project in the same year.
(4) The number of cooperative research organizations for the main project from the main research direction shall not exceed 4; The number of cooperative research organizations for sub-projects of main research directions and cultivation projects of other research directions shall not exceed two.

Please refer to the original link for your further information: https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab442/info87581.htm