Notice of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology on Issuing the Special Application Guide for Joint Funding of Science and Technology Innovation between Guangdong and Hong Kong in 2023

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Jan 07, 2023

Submission Deadline:

January 13, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

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Notice of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology on Issuing the Special Application Guide for Joint Funding of Science and Technology Innovation between Guangdong and Hong Kong in 2023

I. Topic Setting

Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Funding for Science and Technology Innovation is a joint project of Guangdong Science and Technology Department and Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission. The two parties simultaneously issue guidelines to organize the application. After independent evaluation, the two parties will respectively fund the innovation subjects of all parties for the projects that both parties support at the same time. Support Guangdong innovative entities to cooperate with Hong Kong partners in Industry-University-Research.

II. Application Requirements

(1) The applicant shall provide the application materials and the list of required materials (see Annex 3 for details) according to the requirements of the notice and annex, and ensure the authenticity of the project content, and shall not exaggerate its own strength and technical and economic indicators. The lead reporting unit shall be responsible for the authenticity of the reporting materials and provide a letter of commitment on the authenticity of the reporting materials. Once the project is established, it will be converted into a contract according to the contents of the application, and it will not be modified or adjusted without justifiable reasons.

(2) the person in charge of the project or the lead reporting unit in any of the following circumstances shall not declare or pass the qualification examination:

  1. The person in charge of the project or the enterprise as a legal person has more than 3 (including 3) projects of Guangdong provincial science and technology plan (special projects, funds, etc.) which have not completed the acceptance, or more than 1 (including 1) project of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao provincial science and technology cooperation and international science and technology cooperation which has not completed the acceptance; The application for Guangdong provincial science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.) submitted by the project leader or enterprise legal person in 2022 (natural year) has reached more than 2 (including 2) in total; The person in charge of the project or the enterprise legal person fails to complete the acceptance of the project for one year overdue (except for platform, inclusive policy and post-subsidy projects).
  2. Major violations are found during the audit and inspection of special financial funds; There are records of serious dishonesty in scientific research and records of “black” credit lists in related social fields that are still in the period of disciplinary enforcement.
  3. If the same project is declared by changing the name of the project, the same project has been declared for other business topics of the provincial science and technology department in 2023 or has been previously established in the provincial science and technology department.
  4. The main content of the project has been declared by the unit alone or jointly with other units and has been approved by the provincial science and technology plan.
  5. The unit projects in the province are not recommended by the competent department.
  6. Violating scientific research ethics.
  7. Other circumstances not suitable for funding.

III. Application Method

(1) Online application. Units that meet the reporting conditions shall submit relevant materials for reporting through “Guangdong Provincial Government Service Network” or “Guangdong Science and Technology Business Management Sunshine Government Platform (”.

(2) Platform registration. For the first time, the reporting unit can be registered in Guangdong Government Service Network and then transferred to Sunshine Government Platform of provincial science and technology business management for reporting; Or the scientific research management personnel of the unit register the information of the unit in the Sunshine Government Affairs Platform of the provincial science and technology business management, obtain the user name and password of the unit, and at the same time obtain the authority to open a user account for the project applicant of the unit. The main person in charge of the project obtains the user name and password from the scientific research management personnel of the unit, and then fills in the personal information to declare. Registered units continue to use the original account number for application and management.

(3) Reviewing and recommending. Competent departments at all levels in the provincial science and technology business management sunshine government platform to declare the project preferred recommendation. Among them, the declared projects of listed enterprises and institutions at the local level should be reviewed and recommended by the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau at the prefecture level; The application items of enterprises and institutions affiliated to other provincial departments shall be reviewed and recommended by the competent department.

(4) Time of online application. The online centralized application time is from November 14th, 2022 to January 13rd, 2023 at 17:00, and the deadline for online review and recommendation by the competent department is January 20th, 2023 at 17:00.

(five) the paper application materials submitted. This guide project does not need to send the paper materials of the application form in the application stage. After the project is established, the paper materials such as the task book (6 copies) and the application form (1 copy) will be submitted to the comprehensive business handling hall of the provincial science and technology department.

IV. Contact Information

(1) Contact person and telephone number.

  1. Guangdong Science and Technology Cooperation Research Promotion Center (project management professional organization): 020-81567257, 83561424, 83562716
  2. Exchange and Cooperation Office of Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province (Policy Consultation): 020-83163920
  3. Business acceptance and technical support: 020-8316338, 83163469
  4. Resource Allocation and Management Office (comprehensive business consulting): 020-83163838