Department of Mathematics and Physical Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China Guide for the application of the first special project (scientific and technological activity project) in 2023

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Mar 22, 2023

Submission Deadline:

March 29, 2023


Have the experience of undertaking basic research projects or other basic research; Senior Title

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

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Department of Mathematics and Physical Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China

Guide for the application of the first special project (scientific and technological activity project) in 2023

I. Positioning and funding scope

This special project (scientific and technological activity project) is used to fund strategic and management research, academic exchange, scientific communication, platform construction and other activities related to the development of mathematics and physics, including the following three types:

  1. An influential series of international conferences: an influential series of conferences sponsored by international/domestic academic organizations held in China;
  2. National level and two disciplines conference: a national academic conference held in China or two disciplines (level I or two disciplines defines the level I code for reference fund application);
  3. Fund development strategy research and academic exchange: academic exchange activities such as strategy and management research, special workshops and seminars related to fund development.

II. Application requirements and matters needing attention

(1) Application conditions

The applicant for this special project shall meet the following conditions:

1. Have the experience of undertaking basic research projects or other basic research;

2. with senior professional and technical positions (titles) or with a doctorate.

People who are engaged in research work in post-doctoral mobile stations or workstations, are studying for graduate degrees, and have no work units or units that are not supported by them may not apply for special projects.

(2) Provisions on application for restricted items

1. This special project is not included in the scope of the total number of 2 items applied and undertaken by senior professional and technical positions (titles).

2. Applicants can only apply for one special project (scientific and technological activity project) in the same year.

(3) Matters needing attention in application

  1. This special project requires adhering to problem orientation, strengthening demand traction, paying attention to cross-integration, and encouraging strategic and management research and academic exchanges focusing on basic scientific research fields. Generally, scientific and technological activities held from August 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 are accepted.
  2. Before filling in the application form, the applicant shall carefully read the relevant contents of this guide and the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation Project Guide, and the application projects that do not meet the relevant requirements of the guide will not be accepted.
  3. Select “special projects” as the funding category, “scientific and technological activities” as the subcategory in the application, and “comprehensive scientific and technological activities of the Ministry of Science” as the note, and select A01-A30 and subordinate application codes according to the specific research field of the application. The project application with inaccurate or unselected selection above will not be accepted.
  4. The research period of the project shall be filled in from August 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.
  5. The type of scientific and technological activities must be marked at the beginning of the text of the application: (1) influential series of international conferences; (2) National level and two disciplines meeting; (3) Fund development strategy research and academic exchange.
  6. All kinds of scientific and technological activities application writing and attachment requirements

(1) Application writing

① The projects of “influential series of international conferences” and “national level and two disciplines conference” should include: the background and significance of holding scientific and technological activities, the composition of the organizing committee, the start and end time of the activities, the scope, scale and potential impact of participation, the names of important reports and the introduction of their keynote speakers, the expected results, etc.

② The project of “Research on Fund Development Strategy and Academic Exchange” should include: the present situation, trend, challenges and opportunities faced by the discipline, the objectives and contents of strategic research, research scheme and feasibility analysis, expected results, etc.

(2) Appendix to the application

The application materials for the “influential series of international conferences” and “national level and two disciplines conference” projects shall include the certification materials of the relevant academic organizations authorized to hold the conferences or the approval documents of the competent authorities for holding the conferences formally.

  1. The applicant shall, in strict accordance with the specific requirements of the Measures for the Administration of Funds for Projects Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and the Instructions for the Preparation of the Budget Table of Projects Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, and in accordance with the basic principles of “target relevance, policy consistency and economic rationality”, carefully prepare the Budget Table of Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation. In the budget specifications of the influential series of international conferences and the national level and two disciplines conference, besides explaining the main purposes and calculation reasons of the project expenditures, the overall budget and basic situation of the conferences should also be explained.
  2. After completing the application writing, the applicant submits the electronic application form and the attached materials online. Attachment materials required in the application materials (original paper materials required by relevant certification materials, examination and approval documents and other special instructions) are all uploaded by electronic scanning.
  3. The host institution shall review the authenticity, completeness and compliance of the application materials submitted by the applicant of this unit; Review the target relevance, policy compliance and economic rationality of the applicant’s budget application.
  4. After the project is approved, the paper signature and seal page of the application form shall be bound at the end of the Supported Project Plan and submitted together. The information signed and sealed shall be strictly consistent with the electronic application.
  5. Paperless application is implemented for this special project, and no paper application is required. The application receiving time is from April 1, 2023 to April 7, 2023.
  6. The host institution shall submit the electronic application and attachment materials online after completing the examination and confirmation item by item through the information system before the deadline (16: 00 on April 7, 2023); The project application list must be submitted online within 24 hours after the deadline for project application.