Announcement of the 2023 Project Guidelines of the Major Research Program on the Construction and Manipulation of Second-generation Quantum Systems

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

May 25. 2023

Submission Deadline:

May 31, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

800,000 yuan – 6,000,000 yuan

Subject Areas:

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Announcement of the 2023 Project Guidelines of the Major Research Program on the Construction and Manipulation of Second-generation Quantum Systems

Major Research Program on the Construction and Manipulation of Second-generation Quantum Systems Project Guidelines for 2023

  This major research program aims to conduct prospective and fundamental research in quantum information science by constructing and manipulating second-generation quantum systems that demonstrate quantum behaviors such as entanglement/stacked quantum states, to promote interdisciplinary research in mathematics and science, information, engineering and materials, and chemistry, and to lay the physical foundation for the realization of quantum technologies such as quantum computers.

  1. Scientific Objectives

  The overall scientific objectives of this major research program are

  (1) to explore and prepare high-quality materials for quantum computing and quantum detection, to achieve precise construction of quantum states, and to explore new quantum systems.

  (2) To develop quantum state measurement and manipulation techniques, improve detection and regulation accuracy, and explore new technical methods.

  (3) To carry out prospective research on error-correctable solid-state quantum computing, high-temperature superconductivity, topological quantum systems and low-dimensional quantum systems, and achieve major scientific breakthroughs in several directions.

  2. Core scientific issues

  (1) The controllable preparation of key quantum functional materials and the precise construction of quantum state systems.

  (2) quantum state precision detection and manipulation of experimental techniques and theoretical methods.

  (3) for superconductivity and other solid-state quantum computing research.

  (4) Exploration of new quantum computing systems and implementation schemes.

  3. 2023 Funding Plan

  This major research program for the exploration of strong, pioneering new direction of the application to incubate projects to be funded, the proposed funding incubation projects 14, the average direct cost of funding intensity of about 800,000 yuan / project, the funding period of 3 years, the application should be filled in the research period “January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2026 “The applications that have accumulated good work and are expected to achieve important breakthroughs in the construction and manipulation of second-generation quantum systems will be funded as key support projects and integrated projects: 9 key support projects will be funded, with an average direct cost of about 3.5 million RMB/project and a funding period of 4 years, and the research period should be filled in the application form January 1, 2024-December 31, 2027″; 2 integrated projects are to be funded, with an average direct cost intensity of about 6 million RMB/project and a funding period of 3 years, and the research period should be filled in the application form as “January 1, 2024-December 31, 2026”. The research period in the application should be “January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2026”.

  4. Research directions for 2023 funding

  (A) Incubation projects and key support projects.

  (1) Incubation projects and key support projects. The main focus is on prospective and fundamental research on physical systems for quantum computing:

  1. Controllable preparation of quantum functional materials and precise construction of quantum state systems.

  (1) Design and preparation of functional materials for quantum computing;

  (2) Design and preparation of materials and devices for non-abelian arbitrary sub-statistics;

  (3) The construction of quantum systems based on various quantum states.

  2. Experimental techniques, methods and theories for precise detection and manipulation of quantum states.

  (1) quantum state detection techniques and methods;

  (2) Techniques and schemes for manipulation of quantum entanglement;

  (3) New theories and methods of quantum precision measurement.

  3. Physical implementation of quantum computing and software.

  (1) Quantum computing devices with long coherence time;

  (2) Fidelity improvement of quantum gate manipulation;

  (3) Integration and manipulation of quantum bits;

  (4) Research on quantum error correction, machine learning methods and quantum algorithms;

  (5) Research on operating systems and software for quantum computing.

  4. Exploration of topological quantum computing systems and implementation schemes.

  (1) Research on the non-abelian statistical properties of Majorana zero energy modes;

(2) Design and implementation of topological quantum bits.

  (B) Integrated projects.

  In FY2023, around the overall scientific objectives of the major research program, integration is carried out in the following 2 directions:

  1. Integration, manipulation and error correction of superconducting quantum bits.

  Research and development of long-lived superconducting quantum bits and resonant cavities, optimization of the coupling form and regulation scheme between bits and resonant cavities; development of multi-bit coherent integration architecture and chip packaging process, development of new quantum components to support the rapid reset of bits, regulation, readout and feedback, etc., the construction of high-quality integration of hundreds of bits and resonant cavities of superconducting quantum chips; development of low-temperature measurement and control technology to achieve a fidelity of more than The development of low-temperature measurement and control technology, the realization of two-bit quantum gates with 99.5% fidelity, the realization of long-lived/low-error-rate logic bits based on quantum error correction and error mitigation technology, the realization of quantum entanglement distribution based on logic bits, the demonstration of quantum state transmission between quantum nodes, the exploration of multi-node interconnected quantum networks with specific functions, and the demonstration of representative quantum algorithms and quantum simulation applications.

  2. Preparation, manipulation and braiding of Majorana system.

  Prepare topological superconducting materials with high Tc and large uniform area, and induce Majorana zero energy modes in them. To develop spectroscopic means with high energy resolution, spatial resolution and spin resolution to accurately measure the spin characteristics, quantum conductivity characteristics and spatial distribution characteristics of Majorana zero energy modes; to probe the quantum scattering noise characteristics of Majorana zero energy modes; to study the coupling laws between Majorana zero energy modes. Based on the external field, stress and magnetoelectric coupling, artificial manipulation of flux vortex morphology is realized to achieve the key experimental verification of the fusion and braiding of Majorana zero-energy modes. To construct topological superconducting quantum devices based on micro and nano processing technology that can contain multiple Majorana zero-energy modes, and try to manipulate, fuse and weave Majorana zero-energy modes.

  5. Basic principles of project selection

  To ensure that the overall scientific goals are achieved, this major research program requires that all applications should focus on the construction and manipulation of second-generation quantum systems and center on core scientific questions. Substantial multidisciplinary cross-collaborative research is encouraged, especially the intersection of second-generation quantum systems in the fields of information, engineering and materials science, and chemistry, focusing on the organic combination of theory and experiment. Priority support is given to the following directions:

  (1) Controllable preparation of key quantum functional materials and precise construction of quantum state systems in frontier fields.

  (2) The research of experimental techniques and theoretical methods for precise detection and manipulation of quantum states, and encourage the development of original techniques and methods that are expected to produce significant applications.

  (3) research on solid-state quantum computing, such as superconductivity, to encourage the exploration of new and original solutions.

   (4) The exploration of new quantum computing systems and schemes.

  1. Application requirements and notes

  (1) application requirements.

  Applicants for this major research program should have the following conditions:

  1. have the experience of undertaking basic research projects;

  2. Have a senior professional and technical position (title).

  Postdoctoral researchers, those who are studying for graduate degrees and those who have no work unit or whose work unit is not the supporting unit are not allowed to apply as applicants.

  (2) Limited application regulations.

  Implement the requirements of the “Application Regulations” in the “NSF Project Guidelines for 2023”.

  (3) Application Notes.

  Applicants and relying units should carefully read and implement the relevant requirements in the Program Guidelines, the NSF Program Guidelines for 2023 and the Notice on Matters Relating to the Application and Completion of NSF Projects for 2023.

  1. This Major Research Program project is a paperless application. The application submission date is from May 25 to May 31, 2023 at 16:00.

  2. The project application form is written in online mode. Specific requirements for applicants are as follows:

  (1) Applicants should complete and submit the electronic application and attachments online in accordance with the instructions and outline requirements for Major Research Program projects in the Science Foundation Web Information System.

  (2) This Major Research Program is designed to focus closely on core scientific questions, and will provide strategic direction and integration of multidisciplinary research into a project cluster. Applicants should develop their own project titles, scientific objectives, research contents, technical routes and corresponding research funding according to the specific scientific problems to be addressed by this Major Research Program and the proposed research directions announced in the project guidelines.

  (3) In the application form, select “Major Research Program” as the funding category and “Incubation Project”, “Key Support Project” or “Integrated Project” as the sub-category description. (3) In the application form, select “Major Research Program” for the category, “Incubation Program”, “Key Support Program” or “Integrated Program” for the subcategory description, and “Second Generation Quantum System Construction and Manipulation” for the “Note” description, and select the corresponding application code according to the specific research content. The number of collaborative research units for incubation projects and key support projects should not exceed 2, and the number of collaborative research units for integration projects should not exceed 4.

  (4) In the “Basis and Research Content” section of the application form, the applicant must first indicate the research direction of the 2023 grant corresponding to the research content of the application (Part IV of this project guideline) and state the contribution to solving the core scientific problems of this major research program and achieving the overall scientific objectives of this major research program.

  If the applicant has already undertaken other science and technology projects related to this Major Research Program, he/she should discuss the differences and connections between the project and other related projects in the “Research Basis and Working Conditions” section of the main body of the application.

  3. The relying unit should complete the work of relying unit commitment, organization of application and review of application materials in accordance with the requirements, and confirm the submission of the electronic application and attached materials through the information system item by item by 16:00 on May 31, 2023, and submit the application list of the unit online by 16:00 on June 1.

  4. Other Notes.

  (1) In order to achieve the overall scientific objectives and multidisciplinary integration of the Major Research Program, the funded project leader should commit to comply with the regulations on the management and sharing of relevant data and information, and should pay attention to the mutual support relationship with other projects of this Major Research Program during the project implementation.

  (2) In order to strengthen the academic exchange of projects and promote the formation of project clusters and multidisciplinary intersection and integration, this Major Research Program will hold an annual academic exchange meeting for funded projects and will organize academic seminars in related fields from time to time. The person in charge of the funded project is obliged to participate in the above-mentioned academic exchange activities organized by the Steering Expert Group and Management Working Group of this Major Research Program, and carry out academic exchange seriously.

  7.Consultation methods.

  Physical Science Division, Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China

  Tel: 010-62325055