Notice of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Committee on Organizing the Application of Natural Science Fund Projects of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund for 2024

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

19 Jun, 2023

Submission Deadline:

June 26, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

200,000 yuan – 3,000,000 yuan

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Notice of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Committee on Organizing the Application of Natural Science Fund Projects of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund for 2024

I. Types of Accepted Projects

  This time, the accepted projects include provincial natural science fund general projects, youth enhancement projects, outstanding youth projects and outstanding youth team projects.

  (1) General projects. Support for science and technology personnel engaged in basic and applied basic research in the field of natural sciences to select their own topics, free exploration, innovative scientific research, and promote the balanced, coordinated and sustainable development of various disciplines.

  (2) Youth Enhancement Project. To support young scholars with certain scientific research ability and research foundation in basic and applied basic research to continue to carry out in-depth exploratory research around the existing research base, strengthen the continuous and stable support for young scientific and technological talents, and train a number of outstanding young academic backbone.

  (3) Outstanding youth projects. Support outstanding young scholars who have made certain achievements in basic and applied basic research to choose their own research direction to carry out innovative research, promote the rapid growth of young scientific and technological talents, and cultivate a group of outstanding academic backbone that is expected to enter the national and world science and technology frontier.

  (4) Excellent young scientist team project. Support outstanding young talents who have made outstanding achievements in basic and applied basic research to form and lead their own research teams, aiming at the international frontier and major scientific problems in key areas to carry out innovative basic research, overcome difficulties, cultivate and create a number of outstanding young research teams with international leading level of basic research.

See Annex for details of the application guidelines for each type of project.

II. Application requirements and instructions

  (1) Application requirements

  The project is only for the provincial fund-dependent units (units that have been registered with the qualification of the provincial fund project application) to apply, the applicant should be the full-time staff of the provincial fund-dependent units in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and each applicant is limited to apply for one provincial natural science fund project in 2024, among which the applicants from the Hong Kong and Macao dependent units can apply for the surface project and youth enhancement project. Science and technology personnel with one of the following circumstances are not allowed to apply:

  1. The number of provincial science and technology programs (special, funds, etc.) projects hosted by the applicant in the research reaches 3 (inclusive) or more or the provincial science and technology programs (special, funds, etc.) projects overdue for one year without acceptance reaches 1 (inclusive) or more (except for the platform category, inclusive policy category, post-grant category projects);

  2. The applicant is presiding over the provincial fund projects (including the provincial natural science fund, the provincial joint fund projects) accumulated to 2 (inclusive) or more;

  3. The applicant has applied the same or similar research content of the provincial science and technology plan (special, fund, etc.) projects in 2023;

  4. For the occurrence of serious breach of trust in the provincial science and technology plan (special, fund, etc.), was disqualified from undertaking and participating in the provincial science and technology plan tasks as the subject of the application.

  Applicants applying for general projects, youth enhancement projects, outstanding youth projects and outstanding youth team projects other requirements are detailed in the corresponding project reporting guidelines.

  (2) Scientific research integrity and ethical requirements

  1. The project should be applied by the applicant himself/herself, and it is strictly forbidden to apply under false names or to fabricate false applicants and major participants. Applicants and major participants should fill in their personal information truthfully and be responsible for their authenticity. Applicants are responsible for the authenticity of the personal information of all participants and sign a letter of commitment to scientific research integrity in the system (no need to upload a paper commitment letter).

  2. Applicants should fill out the application form in accordance with the guidelines and reporting requirements, truthfully fill in the relevant research basis and research content, etc. Plagiarism or falsification is strictly prohibited, as well as violation of laws and regulations, ethical guidelines and relevant provisions of scientific and technological safety.

  3. If the project application involves issues related to science and technology ethics and safety (e.g. biosafety, information security, etc.), the applicant should strictly implement relevant national laws and regulations and ethical guidelines, and provide relevant proofs such as the review opinion of the ethics committee of the unit (based on the review opinion and other supporting materials uploaded in the attachment).

  4. Applicants shall not apply for projects with the same or similar research content in the same year under different project types, by different applicants or through different host institutions; shall not apply repeatedly for projects that have already been funded; shall not apply for the same research content to different funding agencies. If the relevant research content applied for by the applicant has been funded by other means, the applicant shall state in the project application the funded status and the difference and connection with the project applied for.

  5. Applicants should fill in the project content scientifically and reasonably, and should not falsify or exaggerate. Once the project is established, the tasks, objectives, research results indicators and other content filled in the application will automatically be transferred to the corresponding content of the project mission statement, in principle, no revision and adjustment.

  6. Project application materials and related supporting materials shall not contain any secret content that violates the law or is prohibited by law to be made public, such as those involving confidentiality shall be declassified and submitted.

  1. Applicants who violate the commitment of scientific research integrity and have a breach of trust will be handled in accordance with the “Guangdong Scientific Research Integrity Management Measures (for Trial Implementation)” and the relevant provisions of the management of scientific research misconduct of the provincial fund projects.

       (3) funding management requirements

  1. 2024 provincial natural science fund project funds are piloted “negative list + lump sum system” reform, in accordance with the “Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance on the in-depth promotion of the provincial basic and applied basic research fund project funds use “negative list + lump sum system Notice on the pilot reform of “negative list + lump-sum system” (Guangdong Science and Technology [2022] No. 2) and other relevant provisions for management.
  2. Each host institution shall formulate the internal management system of “negative list + lump sum system” according to the management requirements of “negative list + lump sum system” for the use of project funds of the provincial fund, and complete the system record with the provincial fund committee as required.
  3. The scope and standard of project expenses shall be implemented in accordance with the “Implementation Opinions of the General Office of Guangdong Provincial People’s Government on Reforming and Improving the Management of Provincial Financial Research Funds” (Guangdong Provincial Office [2022] No. 14) and other relevant regulations. The scope and standard of project expenditure of cross-border Hong Kong and Macao can be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of scientific research project management in Hong Kong and Macao.

 (4) Cooperative research requirements

  1. In addition to the lead host institution, the project will generally involve no more than two units. Among them, the Outstanding Youth Project and the Outstanding Youth Team Project are not listed as participating units.
  2. The lead supporting unit and the project participating units should sign a cooperative research agreement (or contract, the same below) before the application is submitted, specifying the allocation of funds and the attribution of results. The cooperative research agreement should be uploaded in the online reporting system. The project lead unit should have strong scientific research strength or resource integration capabilities, in principle, the allocation of the largest share of provincial financial funds.
  3. If the main participants of the project include personnel (including postgraduates) outside the supporting unit, the unit of the domestic personnel is regarded as the project participating unit and should fill in the information of the project participating unit in the application form; the foreign personnel (non-Hong Kong and Macao personnel) generally participate in the project application as individuals and must upload the “informed consent letter for foreign personnel” in the online application system. “(You can download the template in the system); Hong Kong and Macao personnel can participate in the project application as individuals or as collaborative research units.

III. Application method

  1. The project must be through the “Guangdong Provincial Government Services Network” or “Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Business Management Sunshine Government Platform (URL:” to implement online application.
  2. Before the project application, the applicant’s unit shall apply for registration as the provincial fund host institution through the Guangdong Province Science and Technology Business Management Sunshine Government Platform.
  3. The applicant shall fill in the information about the project in accordance with the requirements of the online platform, upload the necessary supporting annexes, and submit them in accordance with the process after review by the host institution. The implementation start time of the project is uniformly filled in January 1, 2024, and the termination time is filled in accordance with the requirements of each type of project funding period.
  4. The operation guidelines for online application of provincial fund projects, the operation guidelines for registration and application of provincial fund host institutions, the operation guidelines for filing the “negative list + lump sum system” system for the use of provincial fund project funds and the application templates for various types of projects can be downloaded from the “Home” page of the Sunshine Government Platform. -Documents” to download.


 Formal online filing and host institution recommendation time: May 18, 2023 ~ June 26, 17:00

V. Contact information

 (1) Guide business consulting telephone:

  Yang Wen, Wang Qian, 020-87567871, 87567870

 (2) Application business consulting telephone:

  Chen Jiasi, Zhou Xiaoyan, 020-87567835, 87567807

 (3) Network filing technical support phone: 020-83163338