Notice on Issuing the 2023 Annual Project Guide of the Major Research Plan on Multi-layer Interaction of the Western Pacific Earth System

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Sep 1. 2023

Submission Deadline:

September 7, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

4,000,000 yuan – 20,000,000 yuan

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Notice on Issuing the 2023 Annual Project Guide of the Major Research Plan on Multi-layer Interaction of the Western Pacific Earth System

2023 Project Guide of Major Research Program on Multi-layer Interaction of Western Pacific Earth System

The major research plan of “Multi-layer Interaction of the Western Pacific Earth System” is based on the frontier of earth science and the major needs of the country, aiming at the scientific value and regional advantages of the Western Pacific as the window of the Earth system, refining and grasping the important scientific problem of cross-layer dynamic process and energy and material circulation linked by fluid, conducting multidisciplinary, cross-scale and cross-layer comprehensive research, developing plate tectonics theory, and serving the major strategic objectives of climate, environment, resources and national security in the Western Pacific.

1. Scientific objectives

The overall scientific goal of this major research project is to reveal the dynamic process of multi-scale ocean and plate subduction in the western Pacific, understand the mechanism of material and energy exchange, clarify the correlation mechanism between the surface layer and the deep earth layer, reveal the mechanism of fluid action in the dynamic process of cross-layer, expand the earth system science from the surface layer to the deep earth, lead the interdisciplinary research of cross-scale and cross-layer, and establish the theoretical framework of cross-layer earth system science.

2. Core scientific issues

The core scientific issues of this major research project: the dynamic process and material energy cycle across the western Pacific. The organization and implementation of this major research plan will focus on the following three key scientific issues:

(1) The influence of complex topography in the western Pacific on ocean dynamic process and climate system.

The western Pacific Ocean is close to Eurasia, with the most typical trench-arc-basin system in the world and complex seabed topography. How the unique tectonic and topographic system in the western Pacific affects the ocean dynamic process and climate system is a key scientific problem to be broken through.

(2) The process of material and energy exchange across the fluid-solid interface in the western Pacific Ocean.

The western Pacific Ocean is a key area for studying the energy cycle of cross-layer materials, which is rich in terrigenous material input, active submarine hydrothermal and cold spring activities, and extensive submarine cracks. However, the influence of cross-layer material energy exchange at the fluid-solid interface on dynamic processes such as lithospheric evolution and deep ocean circulation is still unclear, which is a key scientific problem to be solved in this major research plan.

(3) the subduction of the western Pacific plate and the deep fluid-solid interaction of the earth.

The western Pacific is a natural laboratory for studying plate subduction and deep earth processes. Fluid-solid interaction is very important for deep material circulation and lithospheric evolution related to plate subduction, and is closely related to resources and environment. It is a key scientific problem to be solved urgently to improve plate tectonic theory and develop earth science.

3. Research direction of funding in 2023

This year, the integration project is planned to be funded, and the research direction is as follows:

(1) Integrated study on material circulation and its evolution at the fluid-solid interface in the western Pacific Ocean (funding intensity is 4-5 million yuan/item).

Collect the existing data and achievements of major research projects and integrate the historical drilling data in the western Pacific Ocean, focus on the material flux at the fluid-solid interface in the western Pacific Ocean and its mutual feedback with the ocean carbon cycle, integrate the new means of deep-sea observation with the new technology of indoor geochemical analysis, carry out the research on the material circulation integration at the fluid-solid interface in the muddy area of the western Pacific shelf, the hydrothermal-cold spring system of the continental slope and trough, and the deep-sea sedimentary area, estimate the exchange flux of carbon, iron and other elements at the fluid-solid interface in different types of regions, and reveal its regulation process, at the same time, discuss the correlation at the fluid-solid interface

(2) Numerical simulation of multi-layer and cross-scale interaction in the western Pacific and integrated research on its climate effects (funding intensity is 15-20 million yuan/item).

Collect the existing observation, theory and simulation research results of major research programs, carry out paleoclimate, modern climate simulation and future climate prediction, and reveal the impact of multi-layer and multi-scale interactions in the western Pacific on the marine environment and climate system, including: (1) developing a global ultra-high resolution air-sea coupling model to improve the simulation ability of ocean cross-scale interactions and their climate effects; (2) Reconstruct the time series of climate change since the last glacial maximum, clarify the occurrence and evolution mechanism of climate mutation, and predict the future climate change in the western Pacific; (3) Realize the four-day reconstruction of refined global paleogeomorphology since Cenozoic, and clarify the response of ocean circulation and climate system to the change of ocean-land pattern and its control mechanism.

(3) Research on data integration of multi-layer interaction in the western Pacific (funding intensity is 10-15 million yuan/item).

Based on the survey data, numerical simulation data and historical data of scientific expedition conducted by major research programs, we will develop fusion theories and methods for multi-source and heterogeneous ocean data, focusing on the reconstruction of three-dimensional temperature and salinity flow field with vortex resolution and seabed topography with kilometer resolution in the western Pacific, and establish a multi-layer interaction data set in the western Pacific, which will provide data support for the cross-disciplinary research of the western Pacific across scales and circles.

4. Basic principles of project selection

Focusing on the core scientific issues, this major research plan emphasizes and encourages:

(1) the contribution to the realization of the overall scientific goals.

(2) New ideas and methods to promote scientific problem solving.

(3) interdisciplinary, land, sea and air integration.

(4) Promoting international cooperation and sharing in the development of related fields in China.

(5) Development of key observation and detection technologies and numerical models.

5. Funding Plan for 2023

The number of funded projects and funding will depend on the application and the actual needs of the research work of the applied projects.

The funding period for the integration project of this major research plan in 2023 is 3 years, and the research period in the application should be “January 1, 2024-December 31, 2026”.

6. Application Requirements and Precautions

(1) Application conditions.

The applicant for this major research project shall meet the following conditions:

  1. Have the experience of undertaking basic research projects;
  2. 2. with senior professional and technical positions (titles).

Postdoctoral researchers in the station, those who are studying for graduate degrees, and those who have no work unit or whose unit is not a supporting unit may not apply as applicants.

(2) Provisions on application for restricted items.

Implement the relevant requirements specified in the “Application Provisions” of the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation Project Guide.

(3) Matters needing attention in application.

The applicant and the supporting unit shall carefully read and implement the relevant requirements in the project guide, the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation Project Guide and the Notice on the Application and Closing of the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation Project.

  1. This major research project is paperless. The application is submitted from September 1, 2023 to 16:00 on September 7, 2023.

(1) The applicant shall fill in and submit the electronic application form and attached materials online according to the requirements of the description and outline of major research projects in the network information system of the National Science Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the information system).

(2) This major research plan aims to closely focus on the core scientific issues, and will guide and integrate the advantages of multi-disciplinary related research strategically to become a project cluster. The applicant shall, according to the specific scientific problem to be solved in this major research plan and the research direction to be funded published in the project guide, draw up the project name, research content, technical route and corresponding research funds on the basis of understanding the approved projects and summarizing the existing achievements at home and abroad, and clarifying the new breakthrough points and how to explore.

(3) In the application, “Major Research Plan” is selected as the funding category, “Integrated Project” as the subcategory description, and “Multi-layer Interaction of the Western Pacific Earth System” as the note description, and the corresponding application code is selected according to the specific research content of the application.

There shall be no more than 4 cooperative research units for integration projects. The main participants in the integration project must be the actual contributors of the project, with a total number of no more than 9 people.

(4) In the “Project Basis and Research Content” part of the application, the applicant shall first clearly state that the application conforms to the research direction of funding in this project guide, and its contribution to solving the core scientific problems of this major research plan and realizing the scientific objectives of this major research plan.

If the applicant has undertaken other scientific and technological projects related to this major research plan, it should discuss the differences and connections between the applied project and other related projects in the “research basis and working conditions” part of the main body of the application.

  1. The supporting unit shall, in accordance with the requirements, complete the commitment of the supporting unit, organize the application and review the application materials. Before 16: 00 on September 7, 2023, the electronic application form and attachment materials of the unit will be confirmed one by one through the information system, and the project application list of the unit will be submitted online before 16: 00 on September 8.
  2. Other precautions.

(1) In order to achieve the overall scientific objectives and multidisciplinary integration of major research programs, the project leaders who have received funding should promise to abide by the regulations on the management and sharing of relevant data and materials, and pay attention to the mutual support relationship with other projects in this major research program during the project implementation.

(2) In order to strengthen the academic exchange of the project and promote the formation of the project group and interdisciplinary integration, this major research plan will hold an annual academic exchange meeting of funded projects once a year, and will organize academic seminars in related fields from time to time. The person in charge of the funded project has the obligation to participate in the above-mentioned academic exchange activities organized by the guiding expert group and management working group of this major research plan.

(4) Consultation methods.

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