Notice on Organizing the Application for the Offshore Wind Power Joint Fund Project of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund in 2023

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

19 Sep, 2023

Submission Deadline:

September 25, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

100,000 yuan – 1,000,000 yuan

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Notice on Organizing the Application for the Offshore Wind Power Joint Fund Project of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund in 2023

  1. Background and Orientation of Fund Establishment

The offshore wind power joint fund is jointly established by Guangdong Science and Technology Department, China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd., China Three Gorges Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Energy Group Co., Ltd., Mingyang Smart Energy Group Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Provincial Fund Committee), which is an important part of the provincial fund. The joint fund for offshore wind power is demand-oriented and problem-oriented. It mainly supports basic and applied basic research around the key scientific problems and technical difficulties that need to be solved urgently in the technological innovation and development of offshore wind power industry, promotes the integration of knowledge innovation system and technological innovation system, cultivates a group of outstanding scientific research talents and teams, and enhances the independent innovation ability and core competitiveness of Guangdong offshore wind power industry.

  1. Project application conditions

In 2023, the offshore wind power joint fund will be divided into two categories: “key projects” and “general projects”. The application conditions for each category of projects are as follows:

(1) Key projects

Key projects mainly support basic and applied basic research around the frontier of offshore wind power industry and key scientific problems in the technical field of “sticking the neck”, pay attention to the problem and application demand orientation, and strive for breakthroughs in key directions.

  1. Requirements of the applicant

(1) They should be full-time on-the-job personnel or double-employed personnel of Guangdong Provincial Introspection Fund-supporting unit (materials such as labor contract or on-the-job certificate within the validity period of the supporting unit must be uploaded in the system), and the double-employed personnel should ensure that there is enough time to complete the project organization and implementation during the employment period.

(2) Should have senior professional and technical titles (positions).

(3) presided over the provincial and ministerial level and above science and technology plan (special projects, funds, etc.) project (need to upload the project contract, task book or final reply, etc.). Encourage and support overseas returnees to take the lead in reporting projects, and those who have undertaken corresponding overseas scientific research projects shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this article.

(4) There are no R&D projects in key areas of the province, major basic research projects of the province, key projects of the provincial fund, major basic research cultivation projects and research team projects.

(5) It meets the relevant requirements of the third item of this notice.

  1. Funding intensity

The project funding intensity is 1 million yuan/item, and the implementation period is 4 years, with one-time funding in advance.

  1. Support areas and directions

Apply in accordance with the key project support areas and directions determined in the Guidelines for the Application of Offshore Wind Power Joint Fund Projects in 2023 (see annex), and projects that are not in the support areas of the guidelines will not be accepted.

  1. Requirements for expected results

Make breakthroughs in the research of key scientific issues, and strongly support the development of key core technologies in key areas and directions of offshore wind power; The influence and competitiveness of the research team at home and abroad have been significantly improved; Publicly publish high-quality papers (subject to fund projects) or apply for invention patents with a total of not less than 2 articles (pieces). Encourage the formation of diversified research results in monograph publishing, standards and norms, personnel training, patent application and achievement transformation.

(2) General projects

General projects mainly support innovative research around some key technical fields of offshore wind power industry, pay attention to talent and team training, and provide basic support for future development and technological breakthrough of offshore wind power industry.

  1. Requirements of the applicant

(1) They should be full-time on-the-job personnel or double-employed personnel of Guangdong Provincial Introspection Fund-supporting unit (materials such as labor contract or on-the-job certificate within the validity period of the supporting unit must be uploaded in the system), and the double-employed personnel should ensure that there is enough time to complete the project organization and implementation during the employment period.

(2) should have intermediate and above professional and technical titles (positions) or have a doctorate.

(3) Postdoctoral students can apply for general projects, but the research time should be arranged reasonably to ensure the smooth implementation of the projects.

(4) There are no R&D projects in key areas of the province, major basic research projects of the province, key projects of the provincial fund, major basic research cultivation projects and research team projects.

(5) It meets the relevant requirements of the third item of this notice.

  1. Funding intensity

The project funding intensity is 300,000 yuan/item, and the implementation period is 3 years, with one-time funding in advance.

  1. Support areas and directions

Apply in accordance with the general project support areas and directions determined in the Guidelines for the Application of Offshore Wind Power Joint Fund Projects in 2023 (see annex), and projects that are not in the support areas of the guidelines will not be accepted.

  1. Requirements for expected results

The applicant’s ability to independently carry out scientific research and lead a team has been significantly improved, and at least one paper with high academic quality has been published publicly (subject to the fund project) or at least one related invention patent has been applied. Encourage the formation of diversified research results in monograph publishing, standards and norms, personnel training, patent application and achievement transformation.

  1. Relevant requirements

(1) Requirements for reporting restrictions

  1. The project is only for Guangdong provincial introspection fund supporting units (registered units with provincial fund project declaration qualifications) to apply.
  2. In 2023, there is no limit on the number of projects applied by supporting units, and each applicant can only apply for one offshore wind power joint fund project, which is included in the limit that only two provincial science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.) can be submitted in the same year.
  3. In 2023, provincial funds (including provincial natural science funds, provincial-municipal joint funds and provincial-enterprise joint funds) supported each applicant to establish one project at most. If the applicant has obtained the approval of the provincial fund project in 2023, it shall not be applied.
  4. If the applicant has three provincial science and technology projects (special projects, funds, etc.) under research (platform projects such as provincial laboratories and provincial key laboratories, inclusive policy projects, except post-subsidy projects), or two provincial fund projects under research, it shall not be applied.
  5. If the applicant fails to accept the provincial science and technology plan (special project, fund, etc.) for one year (except platform, inclusive policy and post-subsidy projects), it shall not be applied.
  6. Applicants who have been disqualified from undertaking and participating in provincial science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.) as the reporting subject shall not apply.

(2) scientific integrity requirements

  1. The project shall be applied by the applicant himself, and it is strictly forbidden to apply under false names, and it is strictly forbidden to fabricate false applicants and participants. Applicants and participants shall truthfully fill in their personal information and be responsible for the authenticity. Applicants shall be responsible for the authenticity of personal information of all participants, and sign the commitment letter of the applicant’s scientific research integrity in the system (no paper commitment letter needs to be uploaded).
  2. Applicants should fill in the application form in accordance with the guidelines and reporting requirements, truthfully fill in the relevant research basis and research content, etc. It is strictly forbidden to plagiarize or resort to deceit, and it is strictly forbidden to violate the relevant provisions of laws and regulations, ethical standards and scientific and technological safety.
  3. If the project application involves related issues such as science and technology ethics and science and technology safety (such as biological safety and information safety), the applicant shall strictly implement the relevant national laws, regulations and standards, and provide supporting materials such as the review opinions of the unit ethics committee (subject to the supporting materials such as the review opinions uploaded in the annex).
  4. Applicants shall not apply for projects with the same or similar research contents with different project types, by different applicants or by different supporting units in the same year; Do not apply repeatedly for projects that have been funded; The same research content shall not be applied to different funding agencies. If the relevant research content applied by the applicant has been funded by other means, the funded situation and the differences and connections with the applied project shall be explained in the project application.
  5. The applicant shall fill in the project contents and expected achievement indicators scientifically and reasonably, and shall not make up or exaggerate. Once the project is established, the tasks, objectives, research achievement indicators and other contents applied and filled in will be automatically converted into the corresponding contents of the project task book, and no modification or adjustment will be made in principle.
  6. The project application materials and relevant certification materials shall not contain any secret contents that violate the law or are prohibited from being disclosed by the law. If they are classified, they shall be submitted after being declassified.
  7. If the applicant violates the promise of scientific research integrity and acts in breach of trust, it will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions such as the Measures for the Administration of Scientific Research Integrity in Guangdong Province (Trial) and the Implementation Rules for the Investigation and Handling of Scientific Research Misconduct in Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Project (Trial).

(3) Intellectual property requirements

Provincial Fund Committee will jointly sponsor and project undertaker to jointly promote project data sharing and research achievement transformation, and regularly organize joint fund project exchange meetings, academic seminars and other activities to promote academic exchanges and the popularization and application of fund achievements. In order to effectively promote the application and transformation of fund achievements, offshore wind power joint fund projects must comply with the following intellectual property management requirements:

  1. During the project implementation period, submit the annual implementation report of the project in accordance with the requirements of the provincial science and technology plan every year, and timely report the annual research progress, output and application of the project, as well as the acquisition, transformation and protection of intellectual property rights. Before December 31st of the third year after the acceptance of the project, the project undertaker and the person in charge shall continue to report the research results and application of the project funding to the Provincial Fund Committee on an annual basis.
  2. The research results such as patent rights and computer software copyrights formed by the project shall be owned by the project undertaker except those involving national security, national interests and major social and public interests.
  3. Where multiple units jointly apply the offshore wind power joint fund project, they shall sign an agreement to clearly stipulate the ownership, application, management and protection of intellectual property rights.
  4. The project undertaker and the person in charge shall take timely measures to protect intellectual property rights during the project implementation. Except those involving state secrets and commercial secrets, the project undertaker shall apply for a patent right or register the copyright of the technological achievements obtained by the research.
  5. Within 3 years from the date of registration or application of intellectual property rights, the jointly funded enterprise shall have the priority to transfer the intellectual property rights acquired by the project under the same conditions, and the following provisions shall apply:

(1) If a jointly funded enterprise requests to transform the intellectual property rights of the offshore wind power joint fund project within the priority period, the project undertaker shall handle relevant matters within a reasonable period of time and submit the results of negotiation between the two parties to the Provincial Fund Committee.

(2) During the period when the co-funded enterprise enjoys the priority, if other units put forward the request to transform the intellectual property rights of the offshore wind power joint fund project, the project undertaker shall timely submit the relevant information in writing to the Provincial Fund Committee, and the Provincial Fund Committee shall inform the co-funded enterprise in writing. If a jointly funded enterprise intends to exercise the priority, it shall negotiate with the project undertaker on the principle of good faith to implement the transformation. Otherwise, it shall be deemed that the jointly funded enterprise waives the priority right of transferee.

(4) Requirements for fund management

  1. The use of funds for offshore wind power joint fund projects in 2023 should meet the requirements of Guangdong provincial financial research project funds management, and be managed in accordance with the Notice of Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology on Deepening the Reform of “Negative List+Contract System” for the use of funds for provincial basic and applied basic research funds projects (Guangdong Branch Standard Word [2022] No.2) and other relevant regulations, and it is not necessary to fill in the specific subject budget of funds for project declaration.
  2. Each supporting unit shall formulate the internal management system of “negative list+contract responsibility system” according to the management requirements of “negative list+contract responsibility system” for provincial fund project funds, and complete the system filing with the Provincial Fund Committee as required.
  3. The part of the project funds allocated to Hong Kong and Macao institutions can be directly allocated to Hong Kong and Macao institutions in accordance with the Provisions of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology and Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance on the participation of institutions of higher learning and scientific research in Guangdong Province’s financial science and technology plan (special projects, funds, etc.) (Guangdong Branch Standard Word [2021] No.9).

(5) cooperative research requirements

  1. In addition to the lead supporting units, there are generally no more than 2 project participating units.

2 lead supporting units and project participating units shall sign a cooperative research agreement (or contract, the same below) before the application is submitted, and clarify the allocation of funds and the attribution of results. The cooperative research agreement needs to be uploaded in the online declaration system. The project lead unit should have strong scientific research strength or resource integration ability, and allocate the largest share of provincial financial funds in principle.

  1. If the project participants include people (including graduate students) not employed by the supporting unit, the unit where the domestic personnel work shall be regarded as the project participating unit, and the information of the project participating unit shall be filled in the application form; Overseas personnel (non-Hong Kong and Macao personnel) generally participate in the project application as individuals, and must upload the electronic scanning document of “Informed Consent Letter of Overseas Personnel” (templates can be downloaded from the system) in the online declaration system; Hong Kong and Macao personnel can participate in the project declaration in their personal capacity or as cooperative research units.
  2. Application method

(1) the project must be through the “Guangdong provincial government service network” or “Guangdong province science and technology business management sunshine government platform” (hereinafter referred to as the sunshine government platform, website: to implement online paperless declaration.

(2) before the project is applied, the applicant’s unit must apply for registration as a provincial fund supporting unit through the sunshine government platform.

(3) the applicant shall fill in the relevant information of the project according to the requirements of the online declaration system, upload the necessary supporting attachment materials, and submit them according to the process after being audited by the supporting unit. The start time of project implementation shall be filled in on November 1, 2023, and the end time shall be filled in according to the funding period requirements of various types of projects.

(4) Operating guidelines for online application of provincial fund projects, operating guidelines for registration application of provincial fund supporting units, operating guidelines for filing of provincial fund project funds using the “negative list+contract responsibility system” system, and application templates of various types of projects can be downloaded from the “home page-documents” on the sunshine government platform.

  1. Timing

Time for online formal reporting and recommendation by supporting organizations: August 25th to September 25th, 2023 at 17:00.

  1. Contact information

(1) Guidance business consultation:

Li Chengxiang, Wang Qian, 020-87585341, 87567870

(2) reporting business consulting:

Sijia Chen, Zhou Xiaoyan, 020-87567835, 87567807

(3) Technical support of Sunshine Government Affairs Platform:

Tel: 020-83163338