The National Natural Science Foundation guides the original exploration project-the project guide of “New Discoveries and New Technologies in Cell Biology Research”

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Oct 13. 2023

Submission Deadline:

October 20, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

less than 1,000,000 yuan

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


The National Natural Science Foundation guides the original exploration project-the project guide of “New Discoveries and New Technologies in Cell Biology Research”

I. Overall scientific objectives

Discovering new phenomena of cells, especially in vivo cells, reveals its mechanism, establishes new methods and paradigms of “quantitative, dynamic and systematic” research, breeds new directions in the frontier of life science research, and better promotes the development of basic research in life science in China.

II. Core scientific issues

  1. New discoveries and mechanisms in cell biology research.
  2. Techniques, methods and systems of the new paradigm of cell biology research.

III. Main funding direction

Focusing on the above scientific objectives, it is planned to fund research in the following directions:

  1. New discoveries and new mechanisms in cell biology research: from a unique and brand-new perspective, focusing on new components, new structures and new behaviors in cells, as well as new organizational principles (such as phase separation) and new interaction modes (such as trogocytosis), the existing cell biology theories are explored, verified and subverted. Examples of funding directions (including but not limited to):

(1) “dark matter” and “new matter” in cells and their biological functions;

(2) The mechanism and physiological and pathological functions of the novel subcellular structure and its derivatives;

(3) New mechanism of intercellular coordination and communication, new law of intercellular substance exchange and cell fate determination;

(4) The interaction between environment and cell fate and its physiological and pathological mechanism, the new receptors that perceive the changes of internal and external environment (such as microenvironment, mechanical force, pathogen invasion, etc.) and induce cell stress response, and the molecular mechanism and pathological role of cell substructure remodeling.

  1. Technologies, methods and systems of the new paradigm of cell biology research: expand the existing thinking mode, break through the traditional research paradigm of cell biology, develop new technologies and methods in cell biology research by interdisciplinary means, and realize the paradigm change of “from qualitative to quantitative, from single to system, from in vitro and static to in vivo and dynamic”. Examples of funding directions (including but not limited to):

(1) New technologies and methods for in vivo, real-time and dynamic cell biology research;

(2) Interaction network, information integration and intervention regulation between subcellular structure and signal pathway;

(3)  Whole cell modeling, virtual digital cells, artificial cells, etc.

(4) Design, construction and application of new functional and newly empowered cells.

IV. Funding Scheme

The funding period of this original project is 1-3 years, and the funding intensity does not exceed 1 million yuan per item every year.

According to the actual needs of research work, the applicant can realistically choose the funding period and put forward the fund demand. The research period in the application should be “January 1, 2024-December 31, 2002 *”.

V. Application requirements

(1) Apply for qualification. Scientific and technical personnel who have undertaken basic research projects (topics) or other basic research experiences can apply.

(2) Provisions on application for restricted items:

  1. Applicants can only apply for one original project (including pre-application) in the same year.
  2. The original project is not included in the scope of the total number of applications and commitments when it is applied, but is included after it is funded (except for projects with a funding period of one year or less).

VI. Application Procedures

(1) Pre-application.

  1. The pre-application is submitted from October 18th to 16: 00 on October 20th, 2023.
  2. Please log in to the National Natural Science Foundation Network Information System (hereinafter referred to as the information system) in to write a pre-application.

Applicants who do not have an information system account number should apply to the fund management contact person of the supporting unit for opening an account. Under the menu of “Application and Acceptance” of the information system, click “Pre-application for Original Project” to enter the page of pre-application, select “Guide and Guidance Category”, and note that “New Discoveries and New Technologies in Cell Biology Research” is selected, application code 1 is C07, and application code 2 is selected according to the fields involved in the project research. The application for projects with inaccurate or unselected choices above will not be funded.

  1. The pre-application mainly expounds the originality, scientificity and potential influence of the proposed academic ideas, and the number of words should be controlled within 2000 words. The applicant shall fill in the relevant contents of the pre-application according to the relevant tips in the information system and submit it directly to the Natural Science Foundation of China. In addition, the applicant must also indicate the core scientific issues listed in this guide corresponding to the application in the pre-application, and clearly state “important clues and feasibility plans in new discoveries” or “paradigm innovation and realization paths in new technologies”.
  2. The Natural Science Foundation of China accepts the pre-application and organizes the examination. The results of the review will be fed back to the applicant by email. No applicant’s personal or unit information can be filled in the text of the pre-application, otherwise it will not pass the pre-application review.

(2) Formal application:

  1. Applicants who have passed the pre-application examination shall fill in the formal application form in accordance with the requirements of “Outline of Formal Application Form for Special Projects-Original Exploration Project”. The core research content of the formal application should be consistent with the pre-application, and the funding direction listed in this guide should be clearly stated in the first sentence of the formal application text. The applicant shall clearly state the promotion and contribution of the project to the field in the text of the application.
  2. Unless otherwise specified, the total number of cooperative research units of each original project shall not exceed 2.
  3. The original project funds management adopts the budget system. The applicant shall carefully prepare the budget table according to the specific requirements of the Measures for the Management of Funds for Projects Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (No.177 [2021] of the Ministry of Finance) and the Notes on the Preparation of Budget Table for Projects Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation.
  4. After completing the application writing, the applicant submits the electronic application form and the attached materials online. The supporting unit shall review the authenticity and completeness of the application materials submitted by the applicant of the unit.
  5. The original project adopts paperless application method, and the supporting unit only needs to confirm online and submit the formal application project list, electronic application form and attachment materials in time, without submitting paper materials. After the project is approved, the paper signature and seal page of the application will be bound at the end of the Supported Project Plan and submitted together with it. The information signed and sealed shall be consistent with the electronic application.

VII. matters needing attention

(1) Funded project information disclosure. The Natural Science Foundation of China will publish the basic information of funding original projects on the official website.

(2) Project implementation guarantee. The person in charge of the original project should focus on the research of the original project; Relying units should strengthen the supervision, management and service of the original project implementation, reduce the unnecessary burden of the project leader, and provide the necessary system and conditions for the project research.

(3) Others. There is no review link for original project application and funding. The Natural Science Foundation of China will include the project implementation of the relevant project leaders and the evaluation of the evaluation experts in the credit file.

(4) Consultation methods. Department of Cell Biology, Department of Biology, Natural Science Foundation of China Contact: Tian Wei Tel: 010-62327213