Guide to the special project “Molecular Rheology and Regulation Mechanism of Polymers and Their Composite Systems”

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Oct 17. 2023

Submission Deadline:

October 23, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

2,300,000 yuan

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Guide to the special project “Molecular Rheology and Regulation Mechanism of Polymers and Their Composite Systems”

I. Scientific objectives

Establish a new model of molecular rheology beyond the single-chain mean field, structural rheology with clear molecular image and restricted rheology with rapid injection and flow; A new theory of molecular rheology and a new numerical method that can describe strain localization are proposed. Develop industrial software with underlying technology, which is suitable for polymer system, cross-scale integrated structural design and simulation calculation.

II. Research direction and key scientific issues

 (1) Molecular rheology of polymer fluids.

  1. Strain localization mechanism and constitutive equation construction of entangled polymer fluids.
  2. Analysis method and law of entanglement evolution under the condition of rapid and large deformation.
  3. The molecular mechanism of stretching dynamics and stability of polymer ultrathin films.

(2) Structural rheology of polymer composite system.

  1. The multi-layer structure of polymer-particle composite system and the relationship between interface effect and dynamics under the condition of rapid and large deformation.
  2. The law of Jamming-Unjamming transition in composite system filled with high concentration particles.
  3. Strain localization mechanism and regulation mechanism of polymer-particle composite system.

(3) Limited rheology of polymer system.

  1. The law of chain structure and entanglement evolution in confined polymer systems.
  2. The relationship between pore structure, chain structure, entanglement structure and fluid composition and rheological properties.
  3. Correlation between interface multi-scale structure and interface strength controlled by restricted flow field.

(4) Multi-scale computable modeling and numerical analysis of polymers and their composite systems.

  1. Multi-scale computational modeling and numerical analysis that can describe strain localization in polymer and polymer-particle composite systems.
  2. Artificial intelligence aided the construction of new constitutive equation.
  3. Cross-scale integrated structural design and calculation software independently developed based on the underlying technology.

III. Funding Scheme

There are 4-5 projects to be funded, with an average funding intensity of 2.3 million yuan/project and a funding period of 4 years. The research period in the application should be “January 1, 2024-December 31, 2027”.

IV. Application Requirements and Precautions

(1) Qualification.

1. Have the experience of undertaking basic research projects;

2 with senior professional and technical positions (titles). Postdoctoral researchers in the station, those who are studying for graduate degrees, and those who have no work unit or whose unit is not a supporting unit may not apply as applicants.

 (2) Provisions on application for restricted items.

  1. When applying for this special project, it is not included in the total number of applications and commitments, and it is included in the total number of applications and commitments before the Natural Science Foundation of China makes a decision on funding or not, and after being funded.
  2. Applicants can only apply for research projects in one special project in the same year.
  3. Other limited application requirements shall be implemented in accordance with the “Regulations on Limited Application” in the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation Project Guide.

(3) Matters needing attention in application.

  1. The application is submitted from October 16th to 16: 00 on October 23rd, 2023.
  2. The application for this special project is written online. The specific requirements for the applicant are as follows:

 (1) Before filling in the application form, the applicant should carefully read the relevant contents of this application notice, this project guide and the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation Project Guide, and the application project that does not meet the project guide and related requirements will not be accepted.

(2) This special project advocates original innovation, encourages people with research backgrounds in chemistry, mathematics and physics to carry out in-depth cooperation, promotes interdisciplinary crossing and integration, and provides a scientific basis for major national needs. The aim is to focus on “Molecular Rheology and Regulation Mechanism of Polymers and Their Composite Systems”, and focus on domestic superior research teams to become a special project group. The applicant shall draw up the project name, scientific objectives, research contents, key scientific issues, technical routes and corresponding research funds by himself according to the specific scientific problem to be solved in this special project and the research direction to be funded by the project guide.

(3) The applicant logs in to, the network information system of the National Science Foundation (applicants who don’t have a system account number should apply to the fund management contact person of the supporting unit for opening an account), and write an application according to the writing outline and relevant requirements.

(4) In the application, the category of funding is “special project”, the subcategory description is “research project”, and the note description is “comprehensive research project of the Ministry of Science”. (For application code 1, the subordinate code of the Ministry of Chemical Science B03 should be selected according to the requirements of “Second, research direction and key scientific issues”. The project application with inaccurate or unselected selection above will not be accepted.

(5) Please write the application according to the “Outline for Writing Application for Special Projects-Research Projects”, and please indicate “Molecular Rheology and Regulation Mechanism of Polymers and Their Composite Systems: XXX (fill in one of the four research directions to be funded)” at the beginning of the application. The application should highlight the limited objectives and key breakthroughs, and make clear the contribution to achieving the overall scientific objectives of this special project and solving the core scientific problems. If the applicant has undertaken other science and technology projects related to this special project, it shall discuss the differences and connections between the application project and other related projects in the “research basis and working conditions” part of the application text.

  1. The applicant shall, in strict accordance with the specific requirements of the Measures for the Administration of Funds for Projects Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and the Instructions for the Preparation of the Budget Table of Projects Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, and in accordance with the basic principles of “target relevance, policy consistency and economic rationality”, carefully prepare the Budget Table of Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation.
  2. This special project adopts paperless application. After the applicant finishes writing the application, he/she will submit the electronic application form and attached materials online. The supporting unit only needs to confirm the electronic application form and attachment materials online, without submitting the paper application form, but should carefully review the authenticity and completeness of the application materials submitted by the applicant of the unit, and confirm the submission of the electronic application form and attachment materials of the unit item by item through the information system before the deadline for receiving the project application; Submit the project application list online within 24 hours after the application deadline. After the project is approved, the supporting unit will bind the paper signature and seal page of the application form at the end of the Supported Project Plan and submit it together as required within the specified time.
  3. Consultation methods for this special project:

chemical science department of national natural science fund committee Contact: Shen Xiangjian Tel: 010-62327167.

Other matters needing attention.

1. In order to achieve the overall scientific goal of the special project, the person in charge of the funded project should pay attention to the mutual support relationship with other projects of this special project during the project implementation.

2. In order to strengthen academic exchanges between projects, this special project group will set up a special project management coordination group and will organize academic seminars in related fields from time to time. The person in charge of the funded project must participate in the above-mentioned academic exchange activities and seriously carry out academic exchanges.