Research on the common mechanisms of chronic inflammation caused by aging Special project guide

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Oct 27. 2023

Submission Deadline:

November 1, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

8 million RMB

Subject Areas:

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Research on the common mechanisms of chronic inflammation caused by aging Special project guide

In order to implement the requirements of the “four aspects” of scientific and technological innovation, especially for people’s life and health, the Department of Life Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (hereinafter referred to as the Natural Science Foundation) established“Research on the Common Mechanism of Chronic Inflammation Caused by Aging”special project to support in-depth multi-level, multi-level, and multi-system research to reveal the common cell biological laws of chronic inflammatory responses in the aging process of the body, and to elucidate the relationship between aging and chronic inflammation at the cellular and molecular levels.

  1. Overall scientific goals

This special project focuses on the upstream and downstream signaling pathways of biological macromolecules, membrane or membraneless organelles and their interactions during the process of chronic inflammation caused by aging, as well as key cell biological events such as cell homeostasis, aging and death regulation, and comprehensively uses biochemistry. Technical methods that are cross-integrated with molecular biology, cell biology, immunology, neuroscience, bioinformatics and other disciplines to explore the cellular mechanisms of aging-related chronic inflammation.

  1. Core scientific issues
  1. The occurrence and development of chronic inflammation during the aging process of the body and the impact and mechanism of physiological and pathological factors on this process;
  2. The mechanisms that link functional abnormalities such as cell senescence, degeneration, and metabolic disorders to aging-related chronic inflammation.
  1. Research directions to be funded

(1) The interaction and regulatory mechanism between aging and chronic inflammation.

Study the molecular basis of chronic inflammation in the aging process and its role in the functions of important tissues and organs, reveal the changing rules of the interaction between chronic inflammation and tissues and organs, and explore the impact of different physiological and pathological factors on chronic inflammation and its regulatory mechanisms.

  1. Reveal the key genes, signaling pathways and interaction networks responsible for the occurrence and development of chronic inflammation during the aging process of the body from different levels such as organs, tissues, cells and sub-cells;
  2. The mechanism of cellular dysfunction caused by chronic inflammation during aging.

(2) The mutual regulation mechanism between cell function degradation and chronic inflammation during the aging process.

  1. The induction mechanism and impact of different cell types on inflammatory responses during the aging process of the body;
  2. The interaction and regulatory mechanism of cell death pathways and chronic inflammation in the aging process;
  3. Changes in key cellular metabolites during the aging process characterize and regulate cellular homeostasis disorders and chronic inflammation.
  4. Funding period and funding intensity

The funding period of this special project is 1~3 years, and the funding intensity shall not exceed 1 million yuan per project per year. Applicants can realistically choose the funding period and propose funding requirements based on the actual needs of their research work. The research period in the application should be filled in as “January 1, 2024-December 31, 202*.”

  1. Application requirements and precautions

(1) Application conditions.

Applicants for this special project should meet the following conditions:

  1. Have experience in undertaking basic research projects;
  2. Have senior professional and technical positions (professional titles);

Postdoctoral researchers on site, those who are pursuing a postgraduate degree, and those who do not have an employer or whose unit is not a supporting unit are not allowed to apply as applicants.

(2) Regulations on limited applications.

  1. When applying for this special project, it will not be included in the scope of the total number of applications and responsibilities for senior professional and technical positions (titles). Before the application is officially received and the National Natural Science Foundation of China makes a decision on whether to fund or not, and after the funding is obtained, it will be included in the scope. The scope of applications and responsibilities for senior professional and technical positions (professional titles) totaling 2 items.
  2. Applicants and major participants can only apply for or participate in the application of 1 project of this special project.
  3. Applicants can only apply for one research project in the special project in the same year.

(3) Things to note when applying.

  1. Application reception time is October 27, 2023-October 31, 2023 at 16:00.
  2. The application form for this special project is written online. The specific requirements for applicants are as follows:

(1) Applicants should carefully read the relevant contents of this guide and the “2023 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide” before filling in the application form. Application projects that do not meet the project guide and relevant requirements will not be accepted.

(2) Applicants log in to the Science Fund Network Information System (applicants who do not have a system account should apply to the fund management contact of the host institution to open an account), and write the application in accordance with the writing outline and relevant requirements. Book. Please note: Applicants should write their application around the key scientific issues to be solved published in this guide, and specifically describe the research content, plans and funding budget to be carried out in relation to the research direction to be funded in this guide. Projects that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.

(3) Select “Special Project” for the funding category in the application form, select “Research Project” for the subcategory description, select “Comprehensive Research Project of the Ministry of Science” for the annotation description, and select “C08” or “C09” for the application code. Applications for projects with inaccurate or unselected selections above will not be funded.

(4) The total number of supporting units and cooperative research units of a special project shall not exceed 3; the main participants must be actual contributors to the project.

(5) The applicant should write the application in accordance with the writing outline of the special project application. Please indicate the specific main research direction involved in the first sentence of the Chinese abstract of the application. Applications should highlight limited goals and key breakthroughs, and clarify their contribution to achieving the overall scientific goals of this special project and solving core scientific problems.

(6) If the applicant has already undertaken other science and technology planning projects related to this special project, the differences and connections between the applied project and other related projects should be discussed in the “Research Basis and Working Conditions” section of the main body of the application.

(7) Applicants should carefully read the budget preparation requirements in the application regulations of the “2023 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide” and prepare the project budget truthfully.

(8) This special project implements paperless application. After the applicant completes the application writing, he or she must submit the electronic application and attached materials online. The host unit only needs to confirm the electronic application and attached materials online, and does not need to submit a paper application. However, the authenticity and completeness of the application materials submitted by the applicant of the unit should be carefully reviewed. During the project acceptance deadline Before (16:00 on October 31, 2023), confirm and submit the units electronic application and attachment materials, through the information system item by item, and submit the units project list online within 24 hours after the deadline for project acceptance. . After the project is approved, the host unit will bind the signed and stamped paper page of the application at the back of the “Funded Project Plan” and submit it together as required within the specified time.

  1. Consultation methods for this special project:

Division of Biomedical Sciences, Department of Life Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, contact number: 010-62329240.

(4) Other matters needing attention.

  1. In order to achieve the overall scientific goal of this special project, the funded project leader should promise to abide by the relevant regulations on data and technology sharing. During the project implementation process, he must pay attention to the mutually supporting relationship with other projects of this special project to form a close organic connection. , focusing on complementary research contents.

      2. In order to strengthen the academic exchanges of the project and promote the formation of special project clusters and multi-disciplinary intersections, this special project cluster will set up a special project guidance expert group and a coordination and promotion group, and hold an annual academic exchange meeting for funded projects every year, and will not Regularly organize academic seminars in related fields. The person in charge of the funded project must participate in the above-mentioned academic exchange activities and conduct academic exchanges seriously.