Application of the key areas of the Guangdong Provincial R & D program “green bio-manufacturing” key special projects for the year 2023 ~ 2024

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

14 Dec, 2023

Submission Deadline:

December 20, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

8 million – 10 million yuan

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology on the organization of the Application of the key areas of the Guangdong Provincial R & D program “green bio-manufacturing” key special projects for the year 2023 ~ 2024 Notice

1 Application Requirements

  1) The project lead reporting unit must be registered in the Guangdong province, with independent legal personality of enterprises, research institutes, universities, other institutions and industry organizations. The project leader should focus on the combination of industry, academia and research, the integration of domestic and foreign advantageous resources, while focusing on the preferred unit of cooperation, in principle, the same project leader and the total number of participating units not more than 6 (inclusive).

  2) The project lead unit should have significant advantages in the field, with strong research and development strength or resource integration capabilities, to undertake the core research and organizational tasks of the project. Projects led by enterprises and national or provincial laboratories (including sub-centers) are given priority support.

  3) Project application should be carefully budgeted, applied in accordance with the actual, and in line with the requirements of the guidelines. Applied projects must have self-financing inputs, enterprise-led application, the total project investment in self-financing in principle not less than 70% (the proportion of self-financing units should be appropriate with the proportion of financial funds obtained); non-enterprise-led application, the total project investment in self-financing in principle not less than 50%. Municipalities where the projects are located are encouraged to jointly fund them. In terms of financial funding allocation, the lead unit should, in principle, allocate the largest share of funds.

4) The provincial key areas of R & D program reporting units are not subject to the overall number of projects in research and development of the limited number of reporting constraints, but does not encourage the same research team or the same unit to spread out the strength of the application of the same special project, the same research team in principle, only allowed to lead 1 or participate in 1, the same legal entity in principle, only allowed to lead and participate in no more than 3 items.

5) The project leader should play a coordinating role in leadership, substantive participation in the organization and implementation of the project, to prevent the phenomenon of pulling the field of high-end renowned experts titled phenomenon.

  6) The content of the project must be true and credible and must not exaggerate its own strength and technical and economic indicators. Each applying unit shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application materials, and the applying unit and the recommending unit shall implement the requirements of Several Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of Scientific Research Integrity (Office of the word [2018] No. 23), strengthen the examination and checking of the application materials, and eliminate exaggeration of inaccuracies and even falsehoods. Each applying unit and project leader shall sign the Letter of Commitment on the Authenticity of Application Materials (the template can be downloaded from the Sunshine Government Platform system, and the official seal of the unit shall be stamped). Once the project is established, the technical, product, economic and other assessment indicators will not be modified or adjusted without justifiable reasons.

7) Project leaders or reporting units with one of the following circumstances shall not be allowed to apply or pass the qualification examination:

    (1) The project leader has Guangdong provincial science and technology program projects more than 3 (including 3) has not been completed or a project overdue for one year without completion (platforms, inclusive policies, except for post-subsidy projects).

    (2) The project leader has a major science and technology projects in Guangdong Province, the key areas of research and development programmes have not been completed acceptance of the project (such cases the person in charge of the project team can also participate as a participant).

     (3) In the provincial financial special funds audit, inspection process found major violations.

    (4) The same project by changing the name of the subject or other means of multiple or repeated applications.

    (5) The main content of the project has been applied by the unit alone or jointly with other units and has been awarded the provincial science and technology programme.

    (6) The project of the provincial unit is not recommended by the competent scientific and technological departments.

    (7) There are still in the disciplinary period of implementation of the research record of serious breach of trust and related social areas of credit “blacklist” record.

    (8) Contrary to scientific research ethics.

8) The applied projects comply with the specific application conditions of each thematic direction of the application guidelines, and the scientific research and medical activities involved must strictly follow the technical standards and ethical norms, and comply with national laws, regulations and relevant provisions.

2 Application Method

  1) The project application adopts online application and paperless mode. Units or individuals meeting the application conditions of this notice can log in the ‘Guangdong Provincial Government Service Network’ or ‘Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Business Management Sunshine Government Platform ( cn)’ to view the specific guidelines and submit the relevant materials, necessary technical, financial, intellectual property rights, cooperation agreements, commitment letters, recommendation letters and other supporting materials should be uploaded in the form of attachments. If it is inappropriate to submit through the network, the applying unit will submit a written application, and after review and approval by the Provincial Science and Technology Department, it can be applied offline.

  2) The guide document is only for the declarant to use as a reference for application and shall not be reproduced for publication.

  3) Project evaluation and assessment process requires written materials, submitted by professional organizations to be notified separately.

4) Project in accordance with the procedures for obtaining the project, the project application, mission statement paper and then submitted to the Provincial Science and Technology Department of the integrated business processing hall (all need to be signed, stamped, submission time and specific requirements to be announced).

3 The evaluation and project description

  Provincial key areas of R & D projects by a third-party professional institution to organize the evaluation of the applied project background, basis, technical route, scientific research capabilities, time schedule, funding budgets, performance targets, etc., and to carry out technical readiness and intellectual property rights and other specialized assessment:

  1) Technology readiness and advancement assessment. This special project mainly supports projects with technology readiness of level 3 to 6, and the technology readiness should generally reach level 7 to 9 when the project is completed, and in principle, the technology readiness should be improved by more than 3 levels after the completion of the project (see Annex 2 for the standard of technology readiness), and each applying unit should elaborate on this in the feasibility report and provide necessary supporting materials (the outline of the feasibility report is available for download in the system of Sunshine Government Platform). (ii) Checking and technologically advanced

  2) Checking and analyzing technical advancement. Big data analysis technology will be used to check and analyze the advancedness of the proposed project against the projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Plan in previous years.

  3) Intellectual property rights analysis and evaluation. The research results of the project should generally have high-quality intellectual property rights, please follow the relevant requirements of the Guidelines for Analysis and Evaluation of High-Quality Intellectual Property Rights (see Annex 3), strengthen the management of intellectual property rights in the unit, put forward high-quality intellectual property rights objectives of the project, and elaborate on this in the feasibility report according to the requirements and provide the necessary supporting materials (the feasibility report outline is available for download in the Sunshine Government Platform system), do not simply rely on the number of patents, papers, and the number of intellectual property rights. Do not simply take the number of patents or the number of papers as the target of the project.

  4) The established projects will be incorporated into the project database management after review and approval in accordance with the procedures and will be supported in batches according to the annual financial budget and project implementation, and the financial funds will be allocated in phases in conjunction with the progress of the projects.

5) The same application direction (or project) in the ‘Competition and Merit’ method in this guide, if the number of valid applications is less than 3, it will be regarded as insufficient competition, and will not enter into the evaluation and deliberation process and will not be set up; if the number of valid applications reaches 3 or more, after the evaluation and deliberation, it will only be set up in principle to support one project (except for those specially stated in the guide), and will be supported in the evaluation result after the evaluation result is similar to that of the project (except for those specially stated in the guide). After the evaluation and deliberation, only one project will be supported in principle (except for those with special instructions in the guidelines), and when the evaluation results are similar and the technical routes are obviously different, the projects can be supported in parallel.

4 Applying Time

The reporting unit will focus on online application from 20 November 2023 to 17:00 on 20 December 2023, and the deadline for online review and recommendation by the competent department is 17:00 on 27 December 2023.

5 Contact Person and Telephone Number

  1) Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Social Development Science and Technology Division (thematic business counselling):

  Chen Wei, Zhang Xiangnian, 020-39149554, 83163670, 83163643.

  2) Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Integrated Business Processing Hall (system technical support):

  020-83163930, 83163338.

  3) Provincial Science and Technology Department of Resource Allocation and Management Division (integrated business consulting):
