Notice of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology on Soliciting Suggestions for the 2025 National Natural Science Foundation Joint Fund for Regional Innovation and Development (Guangdong)

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

8 Feb, 2024

Submission Deadline:

February 18, 2024


Have the experience of undertaking at least 2 general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation or 1 project with higher level than General Project, or have the experience of undertaking key projects of provincial basic research.

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Notice of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology on Soliciting Suggestions for the 2025 National Natural Science Foundation Joint Fund for Regional Innovation and Development (Guangdong)

  1. General requirements

The implementation content of the joint fund should focus on demand traction and problem orientation, face the front-end scientific problems and frontier scientific problems of key core technologies of strategic industrial clusters in our province, and focus on the fields of biology and agriculture, environment and ecology, new materials and advanced manufacturing, electronic information, population and health. The contents suggested in the guide shall meet the following requirements.

(1) Being scientific. It should focus on the major needs in Guangdong’s economic and social development, the urgent needs in industrial development and the common problems in industrial development, and highlight the advantages and characteristics of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The content should focus on scientific issues, refine accurately, have distinctive features and be innovative; Reflect the characteristics of basic research, avoid biased technical application, and avoid common words such as “development” in non-basic research; Avoid choosing obsolete or repeatedly funded research directions, especially avoiding duplication with other funded projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

(2) Normative. Standardized technical terms should be used, and the written expression should be concise and highly concise, so as to avoid problems such as unsmooth sentences, repeated words and misspelled words. Each guide suggests that the research direction can only involve one science department, and at least one two disciplines code should be specified.

(3) Inclusiveness. The research direction should be inclusive, without obvious restrictive factors, and other relevant teams should carry out research to ensure certain competitiveness.

(4) Guidance. On the premise of inclusiveness, it reflects the needs, advantages and regional characteristics of Guangdong Province as much as possible, and has strong competitiveness for the whole country.  

(5) Safety. The guide suggests that we should pay attention to preventing scientific and technological security risks such as biological security and information security, and follow scientific research ethics.

2.Collection requirements

(1) It is suggested in this guide to collect funds according to the funding intensity of 2.6 million yuan/item (direct cost) and the implementation period of 4 years.

(2) The guide suggests that the recommender should be a supporting unit registered by the National Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, and was approved for the project in the National Natural Science Foundation of 2021-2023. Recommended units should combine their own academic advantages, pay attention to talent gradient training, actively recommend suggestions made by outstanding young and middle-aged scientific and technological talents, and at the same time, comprehensively consider personal restrictions and other factors to ensure that the finally adopted guidelines can be effectively organized and declared. In principle, it is submitted by the recommending unit in a unified way, and it is not supported for individuals to submit it separately; It is not recommended to have the guidance and suggestions put forward by the person in charge of the joint fund project for regional innovation and development under research.

(3) The guide suggests that the person should have a senior professional and technical post (title), have the experience of undertaking at least two general projects or one general project of the National Natural Science Foundation, or have the experience of undertaking key projects of basic research at or above the provincial level, and meet the requirements of the National Fund Committee for project applicants.

(4) Encourage the guidance and suggestions that are closely related to the needs of industrial development.

(5) Collection of this guide is carried out by means of limited recommendation.

  1. In principle, each recommending unit can submit 1 guide suggestion; In 2023, for every 20 projects approved by the National Natural Science Foundation, one additional guide suggestion can be submitted, or one additional guide suggestion can be submitted by units that have obtained key and above project categories. The upper limit of this category is 15.
  2. The national laboratory can increase the submission of 3 items (excluding national laboratory sub-bases); Guangdong laboratory can increase the submission of 2 items; Take the lead in establishing the supporting units of national/national key laboratories and national applied mathematics center (Ministry of Science and Technology), and one item can be added for each one. This point and the first point limit can be superimposed and accumulated.
  3. The recommending unit shall co-ordinate the superior team of the unit, and no more than 5 suggestions shall be submitted by the same unit in the same field.

3. Guide collection time and method

(1) It is suggested in this guide that online solicitation should be adopted uniformly, and all units are requested to fill in the form through the Sunshine Government Platform of Guangdong Science and Technology Business Management (website: without submitting paper materials. See Annex 2 for the operation flow.

(2) It is suggested in this guide that the online reporting time should be from 9: 00 on January 13th to 17: 00 on February 18th, 2024. The recommended time of the host institution is from 17: 00 on February 18th to 17: 00 on February 21st, 2024.

Please attach great importance to all units, pay close attention to the organization and selection, and carefully review and submit them. If the over-limit items are recommended, they will be returned.

Contact person and telephone number: Wang Yili, 020-83163881