2024 NSFC Call

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Submission Deadline:

March 20, 2024


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


2024 NSFC Call

For the 2024 NSFC application preparation, please kindly note that NSFC committee has published the latest Project Guidance:


Major Changes in 2024 NSFC Application Policy

  1. Policy support for young research teams

Set up a single track for young scientific research teams with a maximum age of no more than 55 and an average age of no more than 50 in the Basic Science Center project.

Student support polit projects will be set to support young minds.

  1. Simplification of selection for science topic categories

The attributes of four kinds of scientific topic categories are simplified into two categories: “free exploration basic research” and “goal-oriented basic research”.

It refers to the original and cutting-edge basic research that are not aiming to meet the application needs at this stage; and the basic research that is driven by the needs of economic and social development or national needs. The scope of classified evaluation includes key projects, general projects and youth funds.

  1. Cancel the restriction of suspending the application for general projects for one year after the applicants have not been funded for two consecutive years.
  2. Cancel the host institution-change restrictions that postdoctoral applicants are not allowed to change the host institutions for awarded projects for General Program, Young Scientists Fund and Regional funds.
  3. Expand the age limit for female applicants to apply for the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars to 48 years old.