Announcement on the release of the 2024 project guide for a major research plan for battery systems beyond traditional ones

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

6 Apr, 2024

Submission Deadline:

April 11, 2024


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Funding Level:

Award Size:

800,000 yuan – 3,000,000 yuan/project

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Announcement on the release of the 2024 project guide for a major research plan for battery systems beyond traditional ones

2024 Project Guide for Major Research Plans Beyond Traditional Battery Systems

Beyond the traditional battery system major research plan, it is oriented to the “dual carbon” strategy and the major needs of national security, focusing on the key issues faced by energy storage batteries and power batteries in terms of energy density, power density, safety, environmental adaptability, resources and cost. Scientific issues and technical bottlenecks, the development of battery systems and related theories that transcend traditional ones, and provide scientific support for the innovative development of next-generation batteries in my country.

  1. Scientific objectives

  Focus on the controllable transport rules of energy and matter in the battery system, break through the traditional flat electrode interface charge layer theory, “rocking chair” intercalation and detachment energy storage mechanism, traditional battery material system and architecture, and current research paradigms, etc., and carry out multi-disciplinary cross-integration research Advantages: Focusing on new system innovations of ultra-long life, high-stability energy storage batteries and ultra-high specific energy power batteries, we have achieved forward-looking basic research results, leading global battery technology changes, and supporting my country’s “dual carbon” strategy and energy technology self-reliance.

  2. Core scientific issues

  This major research plan focuses on the following three core scientific issues:

  (1) Transport rules of multiple species such as electrons, ions, and molecules under multi-field coupling.

  The movement rules and transport theory of species in battery systems, multi-sub transport and dynamic reaction mechanisms coupled with multiple physical fields (electricity, magnetism, force, heat, light, etc.).

  (2) Cross-scale, multi-structure energy-matter transfer and transformation rules.

  The multi-scale environmental evolution behavior of material and energy transport in the battery system, the synergistic mechanism and structure-activity relationship of electrochemical active sites in multi-phase microenvironments, and the structural evolution rules of the battery throughout its life cycle.

  (3) Interaction and regulation mechanism of charged interface.

  The working mechanism of the electrode and electrolyte surface interface in a battery system with high energy density storage and efficient conversion, and the regulation and performance improvement rules of battery charged interface.

  3. Funded research directions in 2024

  (1) Cultivation projects.

  Focusing on the above-mentioned scientific issues and guided by the overall scientific goal, application projects with strong exploratory nature, novel topic selection and good preliminary research foundation will be funded in the form of cultivation projects. The research directions are as follows:

  1. New concept and new structure of batteries.

  In view of the bottleneck issues of the existing battery system in terms of safety, lifespan, endurance, charging time, environmental adaptability, etc., new concepts and structures are proposed from electrode design, cell construction, module integration, battery pack management and other dimensions. Applicants are encouraged to propose original battery concepts that transcend traditional battery systems, new physical and chemical mechanisms for energy storage and conversion, and propose structural systems and development paths that are essentially different from current battery systems. Discover The correlation rules and changing trends among energy conversion, material transport, stability, and safety clarify the regulation rules of energy and mass transfer and conversion of new battery structures.

  2. New battery theory and artificial intelligence methods.

  In view of the problem that traditional electric double layer theory and space charge layer theory cannot accurately describe electrochemical properties such as constant electrode potential, constant ionic strength, non-equilibrium state, ion polarization field, complex interface electric double layer, etc., the development of in-situ methods for complex battery systems , new methods and computational workflows for accurate and efficient calculation of dynamic structures and processes, and propose new theories; develop multi-physics electrochemical double layer simulation methods based on first principles, and establish cross-scale electrical simulations from micro to mesoscopic Chemical theoretical model; explore new charge transfer mechanisms under multi-physics coupling, study the coupling process of heat and mass transfer and electrochemical reactions in fluid batteries, and build an all-element digital twin system and carbon footprint model for the entire battery life cycle. Through high-throughput calculations and experimental data, develop machine learning models for the specific properties of positive and negative electrodes and electrolytes, mine and design new battery materials; screen descriptor systems that can accurately describe battery characteristics, and use machine learning models to accurately evaluate and predict Battery life cycle parameters, clarify battery decay and failure mechanisms, and establish battery safety early warning strategies.

  3. New battery characterization methods and mechanisms.

  In order to solve the problem that traditional characterization techniques are difficult to study batteries under real working conditions, develop new advanced in-situ and working condition characterization methods to reveal the electrochemical reaction mechanism under real conditions and clarify the structural composition of electrode materials, electrolyte and interface microstructure and dynamic evolution. regularity; establish a quality management system that characterizes data reliability; study battery sensing response characteristics, develop battery non-destructive-working condition-full range detection methods; explore extreme conditions such as ultra-low temperature, ultra-high temperature, microgravity, strong impact, and strong irradiation Electrochemical reaction processes and mechanisms.

  4. New battery materials and creation strategies.

  In view of the shortcomings of existing battery materials in terms of energy density, power density, safety, lifespan, cost, etc., break through the performance and resource bottlenecks of traditional battery materials, and develop new high-specific energy battery materials based on high-yield elements, with high safety and wide temperature range resistance Burning liquid and solid electrolytes, safe and efficient electrode materials and key auxiliary materials. Combining the battery material gene database and intelligent algorithms, develop automated preparation and experimental verification technology to achieve an intelligent closed loop of rational design and automated experimental verification of key battery materials and formulas.

  5. Disruptive new battery energy storage system.

  Propose a battery system that is different from the traditional energy-mass conversion mechanism, encourage the creation of disruptive new energy storage systems, develop energy storage devices based on new energy-mass conversion principles and energy storage forms, and clarify the relationship between energy storage mechanisms and performance characteristics. Verify the implementation path and feasibility of new energy storage battery systems, such as but not limited to isotope energy storage batteries, quantum energy storage batteries, phase change energy storage batteries, smart energy storage batteries and other unconventional energy storage systems.

  (2) Key support projects.

  Focusing on cutting-edge scientific issues and major industrial needs, guided by the overall scientific goal, application projects with good accumulation of early research results and greater contributions to the overall goal will be funded in the form of key support projects, and joint applications with enterprises are encouraged. , the research directions are as follows:

  1. New technology for battery system operating condition characterization.

  Aiming at the bottleneck of collecting and analyzing key information on battery system dynamics and operating conditions, we rely on large-scale scientific instruments and other advanced characterization technologies to reveal new principles and mechanisms in the key dynamic changes of the electrode structure and electrode-electrolyte surface interface. To guide the construction of an in-situ/working-condition characterization system based on the combination of multi-spectroscopy methods such as spectrum, mass spectrometry, and energy spectroscopy, it can realize the key dynamics of the electrode structure and the electrode-electrolyte surface interface at the same point (surface) and at the same time in-situ. Change process, develop multi-dimensional working condition characterization technology that can cover the entire life cycle of the battery, reveal new principles and new mechanisms, and establish a new paradigm for multi-modal global characterization of key dynamic processes of the battery system.

  2. A new intrinsically safe electrochemical long-term energy storage system based on high-yield elements.

  In view of the problems of limited resources and high safety risks of existing energy storage batteries, develop new high-safety electroactive substances, positive and negative electrodes, electrolytes and other key materials based on high-yield elements, and clarify the basic rules of the electrochemical reaction process and energy and mass transfer process; Through advanced characterization and simulation methods, we clarify the battery failure mechanism and propose structural control strategies to develop a new long-duration energy storage battery system that is intrinsically safe, low-cost, long-life, wide temperature range, and fast response, and achieves 80% deep charge and discharge of the battery. Breakthrough in performance exceeding 10,000 cycles, optimizing module integration and system management, and exploring its application in the field of large-scale long-term energy storage.

  3. A new power battery system with high specific energy, high power and high safety.

  In order to solve the problems of short cruising range and slow charging speed of existing power batteries, create new functional electrolytes with good compatibility and high ionic conductivity, new positive and negative materials with high specific energy and good stability, and new battery structures; combine the original Bit characterization technology and multi-scale theoretical calculation and simulation can analyze the rules of material and energy transport in batteries, clarify the structure-activity relationship of materials, reveal the structure evolution rules of materials, electrodes, batteries, modules, etc. at different scales, and develop high specific energy and intrinsic safety , fast charging and discharging, and a new power battery system with a wide temperature range, achieving battery energy density higher than 700Wh/kg and performance breakthroughs in 10C rate charging, optimizing module integration and system management and promote its application in power sources.

  4. All-solid-state battery with high specific energy, long life and high safety.

  In order to solve the problems of slow carrier transport rate and high electrode-electrolyte solid/solid interface impedance in the existing solid-state battery system, we have developed new key materials for solid-state batteries and in-situ electrochemical characterization technology to analyze the evolution of the surface and interface structure of solid-state batteries at multiple scales. Laws, reveal the battery performance degradation and thermal failure mechanism under thermal-electrical-mechanical-chemical coupling, construct a multi-physics coupling model for large-size solid-state batteries, develop a new solid-state battery system with high specific energy, high safety, and long life, and realize The battery energy density is higher than 600Wh/kg and the cycle life is greater than1000weeks. Performance breakthroughs optimize module integration and system management, and provide theoretical basis for solid-state battery failure early warning and protection.

  5. New battery system for efficient energy-mass conversion under extreme conditions.

  Aiming at the need for reversible energy storage under extreme environmental and mechanical conditions such as ultra-wide temperature range, high pressure, microgravity, high humidity, strong impact, high acceleration, strong irradiation, etc., to explore the dynamics and process enhancement of charge-mass transfer under extreme conditions According to the laws, establish a new architecture of battery material system that can withstand extreme conditions, develop long-storage, fast activation, and high specific energy batteries that meet the requirements of extreme conditions, and achieve a battery operating temperature range wider than−70℃+80℃, overload resistance greater than20000g(acceleration) or storage life greater than 20 years performance breakthroughs, and proposed battery module integration and system management methods.

  6. Battery artificial intelligence large model and data sharing platform.

  In view of the span, complexity, and multi-physics and multi-parameter coupling of the battery system at the spatio-temporal scale, build an experimental and computational fusion database and an open interactive sharing platform for the standard battery model, and develop a system that can describe the structure and performance of the new battery system in a refined manner. Artificial intelligence large model; through multi-dimensional key feature information extraction and machine learning training, the battery field literature and existing large language models are integrated to train a large language model of the battery system with tens of billions of parameters to provide new solutions for the development of new battery structures. Material system design, new physical and chemical mechanism mining, life-cycle operation monitoring and management, etc. provide intelligent data-based methods and sharing platforms.

  4. Basic principles for project selection

  (1) Closely focus on core scientific issues, pay attention to requirements and application background constraints, and encourage original, basic and cross-cutting frontier exploration.

  (2) Prioritize funding for research projects that can solve basic scientific problems beyond traditional battery systems and have application prospects.

  (3) Key support projects should have a good research foundation and early accumulation, and have direct contributions and support to the overall scientific goals.

  5. Funding plan for 2024

  It is planned to fund about 25 cultivation projects. The direct cost funding intensity shall not exceed 800,000 yuan/project. The funding period is 3 years. Research in the application for cultivation projects The period should be filled in “January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2027″; it is planned to fund about 6 key support projects, and the direct cost funding intensity is about 300 thousand yuan/project, the funding period is 4 years, the research period in the key support project application form should be filled in “January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2028”.

  6. Application requirements and precautions

  (1) Application conditions.

  Applicants for this major research plan project should meet the following conditions:

  1. Have experience in undertaking basic research projects;

  2. Have senior professional and technical positions (professional titles).

  Postdoctoral researchers at the station, those who are pursuing a graduate degree, and those who do not have an employer or whose unit is not a supporting unit are not allowed to apply as applicants.

  (2) Regulations on limited applications.

  Implement the relevant requirements of the limited application provisions in the “Application Regulations” of the “2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guidelines”.

  (3) Things to note when applying.

  Applicants and supporting institutions should carefully read and implement the relevant requirements in this project guide, the “2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide” and the “Notice on 2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Application and Finalization and Other Related Matters”.

  1. This major research plan project implements paperless application. The application submission date is April 1, 2024 – 16:00 April 11, 2024.

  (1) Applicants should fill in and submit the electronic application form and attached materials online in accordance with the instructions and writing outline requirements for major research plan projects in the Science Fund Network Information System.

  (2) This major research plan aims to closely focus on core scientific issues, strategically guide and integrate the advantages of multi-disciplinary related research, and form a project cluster. Applicants should formulate their own project name, scientific objectives, research content, technical routes and corresponding research funds based on the core scientific issues to be solved by this major research plan and the research directions to be funded as announced in the project guide.

  (3) Select “Major Research Plan” for the funding category in the application, select “Cultivation Project” or “Key Support Project” for the subcategory description, select “Beyond the Traditional Battery System” for the note description, and select T01 for the acceptance code. According to the application Select no more than 5 application codes for specific research content. The number of cooperative research units for cultivation projects and key support projects shall not exceed 2.

  (4) The applicant should clearly state in the beginning of the application that the application is in line with the funded research direction in this project guide, and its contribution to solving the core scientific issues of this major research plan and achieving the scientific goals of this major research plan.

  If the applicant has already undertaken other science and technology projects related to this major research plan, the differences and connections between the applied project and other related projects should be discussed in the “Research Basis and Working Conditions” section of the main body of the application.

  2. The supporting unit shall complete the supporting unit’s commitment, organize the application, and review the application materials as required. Before 16:00 on April 11, 2024, confirm and submit the unit’s electronic application and attachment materials item by item through the information system, and submit this application online before 16:00 on April 12 for project application list.

  3. Other matters needing attention.

  (1) In order to achieve the overall scientific goals and multidisciplinary integration of major research plans, the project leader who receives funding should promise to abide by relevant data and information management and sharing regulations. During the project implementation process, attention should be paid to the relationship with other projects of this major research plan. mutually supportive relationship.

  (2) In order to strengthen the academic exchanges of the project, promote the formation of project groups and multi-disciplinary intersection and integration, this major research plan will hold an annual academic exchange meeting for funded projects every year, and will organize academic seminars in related fields from time to time. meeting. The person in charge of the funded project is obliged to participate in the above-mentioned academic exchange activities organized by the guidance expert group and management working group of this major research plan.

  (4) Consultation method.

  Department of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Department of Interdisciplinary Sciences

  Contact number: 010-62328382