Announcement from the Department of Engineering and Materials Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China on Application for the 2024 Phase 1 Special Project (Scientific and Technological Activity Project)

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

22 Mar, 2024

Submission Deadline:

March 29, 2024


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Announcement from the Department of Engineering and Materials Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China on Application for the 2024 Phase 1 Special Project (Scientific and Technological Activity Project)

  1. Positioning and funding scope

  Special projects (scientific and technological activity projects) are used to fund strategic and management research, academic exchange activities, scientific communication, platform construction and other activities related to the development of the National Natural Science Foundation. The Department of Engineering and Materials Science provides funding in two phases of special projects (scientific and technological activity projects) every year. Phase 1will be released in the first half of the year, with a project implementation period of half a year, mainly funding scientific and technological activities from July to December 2024; Phase 2will be released in the second half of the year , the project execution period is one year, and it mainly funds scientific and technological activities from January to December 2025.

  This period’s special projects (scientific and technological activity projects) include the following 2 types:

  (1) Research on discipline development strategies in engineering and materials science-related fields (hereinafter referred to as “Strategy and Management Research” projects);

  (2) Influential international (regional) academic conferences and basic research short-term talent training activities held in China (hereinafter referred to as “academic exchange” projects).

  2. Application requirements and precautions

  (1) Application qualifications and restrictions.

  1. Special projects with a funding period of no more than1 year(inclusive) are not included in the scope of the project limit.

  2. This period’s special projects are not included in the total number of applications and commitments for senior professional and technical positions (titles)and 2 items.

  3. Applicants can only undertake1special project in the same year.

  4. Applicants should have senior professional and technical positions (professional titles) or have a doctoral degree. Personnel who are currently engaged in research at a postdoctoral mobile station or workstation, are pursuing a postgraduate degree, and do not have an employer or their employer is not a supporting institution are not allowed to apply for special projects.

  5. Applicants for the “Strategy and Management Research” science and technology activity project should have a clear understanding of the development patterns and trends of the corresponding disciplines. It is recommended to consult with the corresponding application code discipline (office) before applying. “Strategy and Management Research” project applications submitted by project leaders who have achieved innovative results in the corresponding subject areas and have excellent final performance evaluation will be given priority funding under the same conditions.

  6. The international (regional) academic conferences held in China in the “academic exchange” science and technology activity project should be an influential series of conferences initiated by international academic organizations. The project applicant should be a major member of the organizing committee and the application form should be electronic. Attachments must include certification materials from the international academic organization authorizing the conference to be held and the official approval document (scanned copy) from the superior authority of the host unit. For basic research short-term talent training activities held in China, project applicants should be key members of the organizing committee or lead teachers.

  Applications that do not meet the above conditions or have incomplete materials will not be accepted.

  (2) Fill in the application form.

  1. The application form for this special project is written online. The specific requirements for applicants are as follows:

  (1) Select “Special Project” for the funding category in the application, select “Science and Technology Activity Project” for the subcategory, select “Comprehensive Science and Technology Activity Project of the Ministry of Science” for the annotation, and select the corresponding application code (started with E) according to the specific research content of the application. application code starting with ).

  (2)Applicants should clearly indicate the type of scientific and technological activities applied for in the project name, using the format of “XXX Category: XXX Project Name”. The text of the application should correspond to the type of application being applied for.

  (3) Applications for special projects (scientific and technological activity projects) should generally be submitted 3 months before the activity is carried out. The start and end dates of the project research period are unified from July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.

  Applications for projects with inaccurate or unselected selections above will not be accepted.

  2. The main text of the application should correspond to the type of application.

  (1) “Strategy and Management Research” scientific and technological activity projects should include: the current status and trend of subject development, challenges and opportunities, strategic research goals, content, research plans, feasibility analysis, expected results, etc.

  (2) “Academic exchange” scientific and technological activity projects should include: the background and significance of holding scientific and technological activities, the composition of the organizing committee, the start and end time of the activity, participation scope, scale, potential impact, important reports or course names and their speakers Introduction, list of overseas participants, expected results, etc.

  3. The expected results of science and technology activity projects must include research reports/activity summaries related to the activity theme; if the application is funded, the research reports/activity summaries will be important materials for the final review.

  (3) Things to note when applying.

  1. Before filling in the application form, applicants should carefully read the “National Natural Science Foundation of China Special Project Management Measures”, “2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide” and the relevant contents of this announcement. Application projects that do not comply with the management regulations, project guidelines and related requirements will not be accepted.

  2. Applicants log in to the Science Fund Network Information System (Applicants who do not have a system account should apply to the fund management contact of the host institution to open an account), and write an application in accordance with the writing outline and relevant requirements. .

  3. This special project implements paperless application, and the application material reception time is March 27, 2024 – 16:00 on March 29, 2024, applications submitted outside the reception time will not be accepted.

  4. After the applicant has completed writing the application, submit the electronic application and attached materials online. All attachments required in the application materials (original materials of relevant certification materials, approval documents and other special instructions) must be uploaded as electronic scanned copies.

  5. Applicants should strictly implement the relevant regulations on fund management of projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

  6. The host unit should review the authenticity, completeness and compliance of the application materials submitted by its applicant before the deadline for project acceptance (16:00 on March 29, 2024) Confirm item by item through the information system and submit the unit’s electronic application form and attached materials. The host unit must submit its project application list online within 24 hours after the deadline. Applications that the host institution fails to complete the review before the deadline or fails to submit the project list within 24 hours after the deadline will not be accepted. In 2024, the Natural Science Foundation of China will fully implement paperless applications, and there is no need to submit paper applications; after the project is approved, the paper signature and seal page of the application will be bound at the end of the “Funded Project Plan” and submitted together. The information signed and stamped should be strictly consistent with the electronic application form.

  3. Consultation contact information

  (1) If you encounter technical problems during the application process, you can contact the Information Center of the National Natural Science Foundation of China for assistance. The contact number is: 010-62317474.

  (2) “Strategy and Management Research” and “Academic Exchange” projects for application-related questions, please consult the relevant disciplines (divisions) of the Department of Engineering and Materials Science.

  (3) For other questions, please contact the Comprehensive and Strategic Planning Division of the Department of Engineering and Materials Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Contact number: 010-62326884; email: