2024 Guidelines for Collaborative Research Projects between the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Flanders Research Foundation of Belgium

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

May 16, 2024

Submission Deadline:

May 23, 2024


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

no more than 2 million yuan

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


2024 Guidelines for Collaborative Research Projects between the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Flanders Research Foundation of Belgium

  1. Project Description

  (1) Funding areas and application codes.

  Mathematics and physics, chemistry, life sciences, earth sciences, engineering and materials sciences, information sciences, management sciences, medicine. Application code 1 must select the corresponding application code according to the research content. It is recommended to select the last level.

  (2) Funding scale.

  The number of projects to be funded is about 12.

  (3) Funding intensity.

  The intensity of Chinese funding is no more than 2 million yuan per project (direct costs), including research funds and international cooperation and exchange funds. FWO provides corresponding funding to scientific researchers, for example.

  (4) Funding period.

  The funding period is 3 years, and the research period in the application should be filled in from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027.

  2. Applicant conditions

  According to the “National Natural Science Foundation of China International (Regional) Collaborative Research Project Management Measures” and the consensus reached by both parties, applying for this project must meet the following conditions:

  (1) Chinese applicants should have senior professional and technical positions (professional titles), and should be responsible for or have undertaken National Natural Science Foundation projects of three years or more as the person in charge.

  (2) For example, applicants should meet FWO’s qualification requirements for foreign applicants and submit applications to FWO in accordance with the requirements. For example, for detailed guidance, please see: https://www.fwo.be/en/fellowships-funding/international-collaboration/ extra-european-research-projects/bilateral-research-cooperation-china/. Applications submitted unilaterally will not be accepted. As required by the example, Chinese applicants and one collaborator from each domestic partner unit (if applicable) need to complete registration on the example website https://fwoweb.fwo.be/ before May 22, 2024. The account application process takes 24 hours, so it is recommended to complete the registration as early as possible.

  (3) Both parties have a good foundation for cooperation, and project applications should reflect strong cooperation and complementary advantages.

  (4) For more detailed descriptions of applicant requirements, please refer to the “2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide”.

  3. Restricted Application Regulations

  The National Natural Science Foundation of China’s international (regional) collaborative research projects include inter-organizational international (regional) collaborative research projects and key international (regional) collaborative research projects. This project is an international (regional) collaborative research project between organizations. Applicants must comply with the following restrictions when applying:

  (1) Applicants can only apply for one international (regional) cooperative research project in the same year.

  (2) Persons in charge of international (regional) cooperative research projects are not allowed to apply for this project as applicants.

  (3) This cooperative research project is not included in the total number of applications and projects undertaken by senior professional and technical personnel (professional titles), which is limited to 2 projects in total.

  (4) Other restrictions on the number of applications in the “2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide”.

  4. Declaration instructions

  (1) Notes for applicants.

  Project applications are written online, and the specific requirements for applicants are as follows:

  1. Applicants should carefully read the relevant content in this project guide and the “2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide” before filling in the application form. Project applications that do not meet the project guide and relevant requirements will not be accepted.

  2. Applicants must log in to the Science Fund Network Information System (https://grants.nsfc.gov.cn/) and fill in the “National Natural Science Foundation of China International (Regional) Cooperative Research Project Application Form” (hereinafter referred to as the “Chinese Application Form”) online. “). Specific steps are as follows:

  (1) Select the “Project Director” user group to log in to the system, and click “Online Application” to enter the application interface; click the “New Project Application” button to enter the selection interface of the science department to which the application project belongs, and click “Apply for General Science Department Project” “Enter the project category selection interface.

  (2) Click the + sign on the left side of “International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Projects” or the “Expand” button on the right side to expand the drop-down menu.

  (3) Click the “Fill in Application” button on the right side of “Inter-Organization Cooperation Research (Inter-Organization Cooperation Agreement Project)” to enter the “Cooperation Agreement” interface, select “NSFC-FWO (China-Belgium)” in the drop-down menu, and then press. The system requires you to enter the approval number of the supporting fund project. After passing the qualification certification, you will enter the specific Chinese application form filling interface.

  3. Budget preparation requirements. Applicants should carefully read the budget preparation requirements in the application instructions of the “2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide” and strictly follow the “National Natural Science Foundation of China Fund Management Measures ” and “National Natural Science Foundation of China”. In accordance with the requirements of the “Instructions for Preparation of the Natural Science Foundation Project Fund Budget Table”, the “National Natural Science Foundation Project Fund Budget Table” must be carefully and truthfully prepared.

  4. Application material requirements. After the applicant completes the writing of the application, he or she can submit the electronic application and attached materials online without submitting a paper application. Attachment materials include:

  (1) For example, a full copy of the English application submitted by the partner to FWO. The English application should be jointly written by both parties and should be consistent with the basic content of the Chinese application.

  (2) Cooperation Agreement (Please see attachment for the agreement template). Applicants from China and Belgium must reach agreement on issues such as cooperative research content, exchange and visit plans, and intellectual property rights, and sign a cooperation agreement.

  (3) Chinese applicants and supporting institutions must abide by relevant national regulations on “pathogenic microorganisms”, “ethics and biosafety”, and “human genetic resource management”. The collection, management and exchange of data and related materials must strictly abide by the relevant laws of both countries. and regulations. For project applications involving highly pathogenic microorganisms, the biosecurity commitment of the host unit (with scanned copy attached) should be submitted with the application form. Research involving humans and animals must strictly abide by the relevant regulations and requirements on patient informed consent and related ethical issues, and must provide a review certificate (with scanned copy) from the ethics committee of the unit or superior authority.

  Project applications that do not submit the above attachments as required will not be accepted.

  (3) Acceptance of project applications.

The online application acceptance period for the Science Fund Network Information System is from March 7, 2024 to 16:00 on May 23, 2024, Beijing time.

  Note: Applicants are requested to fill out the application in strict compliance with the requirements of this project guide, and remind the science and management department of the host institution to confirm and submit the electronic application before the Science Fund Network Information System closes the online application. Project applications that do not meet the above requirements will not be accepted. If you have questions, please call the project contact.

  5. Notification of proposed approval results

  The funding results will be notified through the Science Foundation Network Information System.

  6. Project contact person

  (1) Chinese contact person.

  Xu Jin

  Tel: +86-10-62325351

  Email: xujin@nsfc.gov.cn

  Information system technical support (Information Center): +86-10-62317474

  (2) For example, contact person.

  Gregory Absillis

  Email: Gregory.Absillis@fwo.be

  Isabelle Verbaeys

  Email: Isabelle.Verbaeys@fwo.be