Notice from the Guangdong Provincial Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Committee on soliciting suggestions for the 2024 Provincial Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Meteorological Joint Fund Guidelines

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

1 Apr, 2024

Submission Deadline:

April 3, 2024


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Notice from the Guangdong Provincial Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Committee on soliciting suggestions for the 2024 Provincial Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Meteorological Joint Fund Guidelines

In order to implement the Joint Meteorological Fund’s organizational implementation and guideline preparation work in 2024, we are now openly soliciting project guideline suggestions, and the relevant matters are notified as follows:

  1. Guidelines collection direction

  The Meteorological Joint Fund focuses on demand-driven and problem-oriented, caters to the innovative development needs of meteorological undertakings in Guangdong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and supports basic and applied basic research around scientific issues and technical problems in the core areas of high-quality meteorological development. In order to strengthen the top-level planning and system layout of the Joint Meteorological Fund, effectively play the guiding role of the Joint Meteorological Fund, and identify urgent needs and key issues in the innovative development of the meteorological industry, after preliminary research and expert consultation, we have focused on meteorological monitoring, numerical prediction models, The four major sections of weather and climate mechanism and forecasting, and meteorological applications and services systematically sort out key technical issues in the meteorological field, forming 20 research theme directions such as “detection technology and methods”.

  In this collection of guideline suggestions, proposers are invited to focus on 20 thematic research directions under the four major sections of meteorological monitoring, numerical prediction models, weather and climate mechanisms and forecasts, and meteorological applications and services, combined with the high-quality development of meteorology in Guangdong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. needs, and propose corresponding guideline recommendations based on existing research foundation and team capabilities. The collected guideline suggestions will serve as an important basis for the preparation of the 2024 Meteorological Joint Fund project application guide. Please see Appendix 1 for the recommended filling template of the guide.

  2. Project type and intensity settings

  The Meteorological Joint Fund has two categories: “key projects” and “general projects”. The planned funding intensity for key projects is 500,000 yuan/project, and the planned funding intensity for general projects is 100,000 to 200,000 yuan/project. Please base your funding requirements on the project funding intensity. Reasonably put forward the content of the guideline recommendations.

  3. Relevant requirements

  (1) This guide recommends soliciting funds from registered provincial fund-supporting units in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The qualifications of provincial fund-supporting units can be queried on the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Business Management Sunshine Government Affairs Platform.

  (2) Proposers should submit guideline suggestions online through the provincial fund-supporting unit where they are located. Each person is limited to submitting one guideline suggestion, and there are no restrictions on items at the unit level.

  (3) The guideline recommendations should be oriented to the innovative development needs of the meteorological field in Guangdong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, focus on demand-driven and problem-oriented, and raise key scientific issues.

  (4) The content of the guideline recommendations should focus on scientific issues, be precise, distinctive, and innovative; reflect the characteristics of basic research and avoid biased technical development; be inclusive to a certain extent, without obvious restrictive requirements, and ensure competitiveness.

  4. Collection methods and time

  (1) The collection of suggestions for this guideline adopts an online collection method. All units are asked to organize proposers to fill in the application through the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Business Management Sunshine Government Affairs Platform (website: , no need to submit paper materials. See Appendix 2 for the operating procedures.

  (2) The online submission and unit recommendation time for the collection of recommendations for this guide is from March 15 to 17:00 on April 3, 2024.

  5. Contact information

  Contact person and phone number: Wang Xianmin, Wang Qian, 020-87567782, 87567870.

  Platform system technical support phone number: 020-83163338.