Application Notice for the 2024 First Phase Special Project (Scientific and Technological Activity Project) of the Department of Chemical Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Apr 16, 2024

Submission Deadline:

April 22, 2024


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Application Notice for the 2024 First Phase Special Project (Scientific and Technological Activity Project) of the Department of Chemical Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China

  1. Positioning and funding scope

  Special projects (scientific and technological activity projects) are used to fund strategic and management research, academic exchange activities, scientific communication, platform construction and other activities related to the development of the National Natural Science Foundation.

  This period’s special projects (scientific and technological activity projects) include the following three types:

  1. Research on discipline development strategy and management in chemistry and chemical engineering related fields (hereinafter referred to as ” strategic research ” projects);

  2. Special seminars that are beneficial to the development of chemistry and chemical engineering disciplines (hereinafter referred to as ” special seminar ” projects);

  3. Scientific communication and science popularization activities that play a positive publicity role in the development of the field of chemistry and chemical engineering (hereinafter referred to as ” scientific communication ” projects). 

  2. Application requirements and precautions

  (1) Application conditions.

  Applicants for this special project should meet the following conditions:

  1. Have experience in undertaking basic research projects or other basic research;

  2. Have a senior professional and technical position (professional title) or a doctoral degree.

  Personnel who are currently engaged in research at a postdoctoral mobile station or workstation, are pursuing a postgraduate degree, and do not have an employer or their employer is not a supporting institution are not allowed to apply for special projects.

  (2) Regulations on limited applications.

  Implement the relevant requirements of the limited application provisions in the “Application Regulations” of the “2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide”.

  1. This special project is not included in the total number of 2 applications and responsibilities for senior professional and technical positions (titles);

  2. Applicants can only apply for one special project (scientific and technological activity project) in the same year;

  3. Persons in charge who have received funding for special projects (scientific and technological activity projects) in the previous year are not allowed to apply for or participate in this type of project as applicants.

  (3) Things to note when applying.

  1. Special projects are required to adhere to goal orientation and free exploration, strengthen demand traction, focus on the transformation of scientific research paradigms, and encourage strategic and management research, special seminars, and scientific dissemination in the field of basic scientific research.

  2. This special project implements paperless application, and the application acceptance time is from April 15, 2024 to 16:00 on April 22, 2024.

  3. In the application form, select “Special Projects” as the funding category, “Scientific and Technological Activity Projects” as the subcategory, and “Comprehensive Scientific and Technological Activity Projects of the Ministry of Science” as an annotation. For application code 1, choose the corresponding application code (B01-B09) of the Department of Chemical Sciences according to the specific research content of the application. For application code 2, choose the corresponding subject application code according to the fields involved in the project research.

  The number of cooperative research units for a special project shall not exceed 2.

  4. The research period for “strategic research” and “scientific communication” projects is uniformly filled in from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025; the research period for “thematic seminar” projects is uniformly filled in from August 2024 1 to December 31, 2024.

  5. Applicants should clearly indicate the type of scientific and technological activities applied for in the project name, using the structure of “XXX Category: XXX Project Name” The text of the application should correspond to the type of application being applied for. “Strategic research” projects should include: development background, development laws and trends, development goals, development status, optimized layout, interdisciplinary and priority funding areas, core scientific issues, organizational guarantees and policy measures, etc.; “Special seminar” projects It should include: the background and significance of the seminar topic, the challenges and opportunities faced, the research goals and content of the topic, the start and end time of the activity, participation scope, scale, potential impact, feasibility analysis, expected results, etc. “Science communication” projects should include: the necessity and demand for science communication and science popularization activities, existing problems and solutions, effective communication methods and carrier forms, and the promotion of science fund management and discipline development, etc.

  The project topic selection should match the top-level design, strategic planning and management needs of the Department of Chemical Sciences. The expected results of scientific and technological activity projects must include research reports/activity summaries/publications/software, etc. related to the theme of the activity; if the application is funded, the above results will be an important basis for the final review.

  6. Applicants should strictly follow the “Measures for the Fund Management of Projects Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation” and other relevant regulations and the specific requirements of the “Instructions for Preparation of the National Natural Science Foundation Project Fund Budget Table” and carefully and truthfully prepare the “National Natural Science Foundation Project Budget Table” .

  7. After the applicant has completed writing the application, submit the electronic application and attached materials online.

  8. The host institution shall review the authenticity and completeness of the application materials submitted by its applicants. Specific requirements are as follows:

  (1) This special project adopts a paperless application method . The host unit only needs to confirm online and submit the electronic application and attached materials in a timely manner. There is no need to submit a paper application. After the project is approved, bind the signed and stamped paper page of the application at the end of the “Funded Project Plan” and submit it together with it. The signed and stamped information should be consistent with the electronic application form in the information system.

(2) The host unit must complete the review and confirmation one by one through the information system   before the deadline ( 16:00 on April 22, 2024 ) and submit the electronic application and attached materials online; it must be online within 24 hours after the project application deadline Submit project application checklist .

  9. Before filling in the application form, applicants should carefully read the “National Natural Science Foundation of China Special Project Management Measures”, the “2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide” and the relevant contents of this notice. Application projects that do not meet the relevant requirements of the management regulations, project guidelines and this notice will not be accepted .

  3. Consultation contact information

  (1) If you encounter technical problems during the application process, you can contact the Information Center of the National Natural Science Foundation of China for assistance. The contact number is: 010-62317474.

  (2) For other questions, please contact the Comprehensive and Strategic Planning Division of the Department of Chemical Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Contact number: 010-62328295, 62329320; email: