Application Guide for the 2024 First Phase Special Project (Scientific and Technological Activity Project) of the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Apr 22, 2024

Submission Deadline:

April 28, 2024


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Application Guide for the 2024 First Phase Special Project (Scientific and Technological Activity Project) of the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

  1. Positioning and funding scope

  This special project (science and technology activity project) is used to fund strategic and management research, academic exchanges, scientific communication, platform construction and other activities related to the development of mathematics and physics, including the following 4 types:

  1. Influential series of international conferences : Influential series of conferences initiated by international/domestic academic organizations held in China;

  2. National first- and second-level discipline conferences: national academic conferences for first- and second-level disciplines held in China (first-level or second-level discipline definition reference fund application first-level code) ;

  3. Strategic research and academic exchange: strategic and management research related to the development of the Natural Science Foundation, academic exchange activities such as special workshops and seminars;

  1. Science communication and science popularization activities:Science communication and science popularization activities that play a positive publicity role or are combined with research for important achievements in the field of mathematics and physics, cutting-edge knowledge, innovative ideas and methods generated in the implementation of science fund projects, etc.


  2. Application requirements and precautions

  (1) Application conditions.

  Applicants for this special project should meet the following conditions:

  1. Have experience in undertaking basic research projects or other basic research;

  2. Have a senior professional and technical position (professional title) or a doctoral degree.

  Personnel who are currently engaged in research at a postdoctoral mobile station or workstation, are pursuing a postgraduate degree, and do not have a job unit or whose unit is not a supporting unit are not allowed to apply for special projects.

  (2) Regulations on limited applications.

  1. This special project is not included in the total number of 2 applications and responsibilities for senior professional and technical positions (professional titles).

  2. Applicants can generally only apply for one special project (scientific and technological activity project) in the same year.

  (3) Things to note when applying.

  1. This special project requires adhering to a problem orientation, strengthening demand traction, focusing on cross-integration, and encouraging strategic and management research, academic exchanges, and scientific dissemination in the field of basic scientific research. Science and technology activities held between August 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 are generally accepted.

  2. Applicants should carefully read the relevant content of the application regulations in this guide and the “2024 National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Guide” before filling in the application form. Application projects that do not meet the relevant requirements of the guide will not be accepted.

  3. In the application form, select “Special Projects” for the funding category, “Scientific and Technological Activity Projects” for the subcategory, and “Comprehensive Scientific and Technological Activity Projects of the Ministry of Science” for the notes. Select A01-A30 and subordinate application codes according to the specific research fields applied for. Applications for projects with inaccurate or unselected selections above will not be accepted.

  1.  The project research period is uniformly filled in from August 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 .

  5. The type of scientific and technological activities must be marked at the beginning of the application text: (1) Influential series of international conferences; ( 2 ) National first- and second-level subject conferences; ( 3 ) Fund development strategic research and academic exchanges; ( 4 ) Scientific communication and science popularization activities .

  6.Application writing and attachment requirements for various scientific and technological activities.

  (1) Application writing.

  ① The ” Influential Series of International Conferences ” and ” National First- and Second-level Subject Conferences ” projects should include: the background and significance of holding scientific and technological activities, the composition of the organizing committee, the start and end time of the activities, participation scope, scale, and potential impact , the name of the important report and its speaker’s introduction, expected results, etc.;

  ② The ” Fund Development Strategy Research and Academic Exchange ” project should include: the current status and trend of subject development, challenges and opportunities, strategic research goals and content, research plans and feasibility analysis, expected results, etc.;

  ③The ” Science Communication and Science Popularization Activities ” project should include: the necessity and demand for science communication and science popularization activities, existing problems and solutions, the communication methods and carrier forms adopted, and the promotion effect on subject development and knowledge dissemination, etc.

  (2) Attachments to the application.

  The application materials for the “Influential Series of International Conferences” and “National First- and Secondary Discipline Conferences” projects must include certification materials authorizing the relevant academic organization to hold the conference or approval documents from the competent department to formally host the conference.

  7. Applicants should strictly follow the “Measures for the Fund Management of Projects Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation” and other relevant regulations and the specific requirements of the “Instructions for the Preparation of the National Natural Science Foundation Project Fund Budget Statement”, and in accordance with “goal relevance, policy consistency, and economic rationality” According to the basic principles, the National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Budget Table should be carefully prepared. For the ” Influential Series of International Conferences ” and ” National First- and Second-Level Discipline Conferences ” projects, in addition to explaining the main purposes and calculation reasons for each project expenditure in the budget statement, the overall budget and basic situation of the conference should also be explained.

  8. After the applicant completes writing the application, submit the electronic application and attached materials online. All attachments required in the application materials (original paper materials required to be submitted as relevant certification materials, approval documents and other special instructions) must be uploaded as electronic scans.

  9. The supporting unit shall review the authenticity, completeness and compliance of the application materials submitted by its applicant; review the target relevance, policy consistency and economic rationality of the applicant’s budget declaration.

  10. After the project is approved, bind the signed and stamped paper page of the application at the end of the “Funded Project Plan” and submit it together. The information signed and stamped should be strictly consistent with the electronic application form.

        11.This special project implements paperless application, and there is no need to submit a paper application. The application reception

period is April 22, 2024 – April 28, 2024 .


  3. Consultation contact information

  (1) If you encounter technical problems during the application process, you can contact the Information Center of the National Natural Science Foundation of China for assistance. The contact number is: 010-62317474.

  (2) For other questions, please contact the Comprehensive and Strategic Planning Division of the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China: Chen Guochang; Tel: 010-62326910; Email: