High Temperature Materials of Aero Engine /Advanced Manufacturing and Fault Diagnosis Science Basic Major Research Program 2022 Annual Project Guide

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Nov 14, 2022

Submission Deadline:

November 18, 2022


Experience in undertaking basic research projects;Senior Title

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:


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High Temperature Materials of Aero Engine /Advanced Manufacturing and Fault Diagnosis Science Basic Major Research Program 2022 Annual Project Guide

(1). Core scientific questions

i. Performance optimization and long-life service stability of high-temperature materials in aero-engine.
ii. Structural collaborative control mechanism for the manufacture of key components of aero engines.
iii. Status information perception and the principle of intelligent diagnostic prediction for Aero-engine

(2). Funding research fields

For the ceramic matrix composites and its high-temperature components of future aircraft engines, to carry out integrated research on basic theories, new technologies, and new methods related to the material-manufacturing-defect evaluation of such material.

(3). Funding scheme

One integrated project will be funded in 2022. The funding amount is about 20 million yuan per project. The project period is 4 years. The project period in the application form should be filled in as “January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2026”.

(4). Application Requirements

a. Eligibility for application.
i. Applicant should have experience in undertaking basic research projects
ii. Applicant should have a senior professional and technical position (title)

b. Provisions for limited applications.
Applicant should follow the limited application regulations required by the “Application Regulations” section of the “2022 NSFC Project Guidelines”

Please refer to the original link for your further information: https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab442/info87445.htm