Notice on Issuing the 2023 Annual Project Guide of the Major Research Plan on Cluster Structure, Function and Multi-level Evolution

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Sep 1. 2023

Submission Deadline:

September 7, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

2,000,000 yuan – 10,000,000 yuan

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Notice on Issuing the 2023 Annual Project Guide of the Major Research Plan on Cluster Structure, Function and Multi-level Evolution

Cluster is a multi-nuclear aggregate between atoms/molecules and macro-substances, which has definite atomic composition and chemical structure, represents the nascent state of condensed matter, is an ideal model to relate macro-properties and micro-structure of matter, and is of great significance to deeply understand and understand the law of material transformation.

1. Scientific objectives

Through the intersection of chemistry, physics, life, materials, environment, information and other disciplines, we will develop new concepts, new strategies, new methods and new reactions of new clusters and their multilevel structures, establish new technologies for high-precision and high-resolution characterization of clusters, reveal the structural basis and evolution law of special properties of clusters at the atomic level, understand the relationship between cluster structure and function, prepare functional cluster-based materials and devices, and solve key scientific problems in innovative technologies based on clusters.

2. Core scientific issues

This major research plan will focus on the structure-activity relationship of clusters, explore the law of the change of material structure and properties with cluster size, reveal the mechanism of cluster stability, understand the mechanism of interaction between subject and environment in multi-level cluster system, and realize the accurate construction and macro preparation of function-oriented multi-level cluster structure.

(1) Stability mechanism of clusters.

Discovery of new clusters with special structure and unique properties, understanding of cluster formation mechanism and stabilization mechanism, and cognition of various chemical bonds and weak interactions.

(2) The law of electronic structure of clusters.

The evolution law of cluster structure and stability with cluster size, the “magic number” characteristics of clusters and the structure-activity relationship of clusters.

(3) The regulation principle of multi-level cluster function.

The relationship between multi-level cluster function and cluster state, inter-cluster interaction and cluster-environment coupling.

3. Research direction of funding in 2023

Further focus on the key scientific issues of cluster structure, function and multi-level evolution. Based on the early implementation of this major research plan, the following four research contents will be funded in the form of integrated projects and key support projects in 2023:

(1) Precise construction and functional application of clusters.

Establish the directional design, efficient synthesis strategy and macro preparation method of clusters with precise structure and determined atomic number, understand and understand the stability mechanism of clusters, and reveal the regulation law of cluster preparation. Understand the rules of multi-nuclear aggregation state and electron transfer, inter-cluster interaction, interaction between cluster and environment and external field, reveal the structure-activity relationship of cluster-based functional materials, and then realize functional recombination. Focus on supporting the design and synthesis of function-oriented atomic clusters and molecular clusters, and build related cluster materials and devices based on multi-level structures through the combination of their optical, electrical, magnetic and other physical properties, providing solutions to important problems in the fields of integrated circuits, atmospheric environment, atomic manufacturing and quantum information.

(2) Formation mechanism, evolution law and characterization of clusters.

Develop cluster research technology with ultra-high temporal and spatial resolution and electronic structure theory of clusters. Establish cluster structure database and develop artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted synthesis method. Develop advanced cluster beam source technology, establish a new method to characterize the physical properties of clusters, and reveal the nucleation mechanism, growth and evolution law and dynamic properties of clusters. Focus on supporting the construction of cluster scientific devices with high time-space resolution, developing innovative cluster formation and characterization methods, combining experimental and theoretical research, understanding the relationship between cluster structure and performance, and understanding and studying the structure, properties and evolution laws of metal atoms, water molecules and other clusters.

(3) The catalytic basis of clusters and metalloenzymes.

The catalytic properties of supported clusters and biomimetic clusters with definite atomic number and precise structure were studied, and the effects of cluster structure, electron transfer and energy transfer on molecular transformation during catalysis were understood. The research on the catalytic mechanism of clusters with specific atomic number as catalysts can be clearly characterized, focusing on the catalytic transformation of important molecules such as hydrocarbons, N2, CO2 and H2O, the total synthesis of biological enzyme active centers and the research on catalytic mechanism. Focus on supporting the synthesis of cluster-like metalloenzymes, and carry out research on functions such as nitrogen fixation, photosynthesis and hydrogen production; Develop the composite system of metal and carbon clusters, and explore the catalytic application of clusters in nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle and sulfur cycle.

(4) Application of functional clusters in biomedicine.

Through the surface structure modification and performance optimization of clusters, clusters and their assemblies with biological targeting function are constructed, biomedical fluorescent cluster imaging agents are developed, and targeted recognition and tumor cell visualization technologies are developed to realize accurate imaging and treatment of tumors. Focus on supporting the functional derivation and biomedical application of rare earth, boron and other cluster systems, and obtain cluster candidate drugs that can be used for cancer diagnosis, targeting, neutron capture radiotherapy and other integrated diagnosis and treatment.

4. Basic principles of project selection

The primary goal of this major research plan is original innovation. The application should discuss the scientific problems and innovative goals closest to the project guide, and at the same time reflect the characteristics of cross-research and the contribution to solving the core scientific problems and realizing the overall goal of this major research plan. Encourage interdisciplinary substantive cross-cooperation research, give priority to the cross-cooperation between life, medicine, mathematics and materials and chemistry, and give priority to supporting cross-disciplinary research projects.

The integration project should further focus on the core scientific problems on the basis of the important progress made in the previous period, and make clear the contribution of the application project to realizing the overall goal of this major research plan and solving the core scientific problems. Key support projects should have good preliminary research achievements and accumulation, put forward clear important and cutting-edge scientific issues for further in-depth systematic research, and reflect the cross-disciplinary characteristics.

5. Funding Plan for 2023

It is planned to support 1-3 key support projects, with the direct cost of 2-4 million yuan/item and the funding period of 4 years. The research period in the application should be “January 1, 2024-December 31, 2027”; It is planned to finance 4-8 integration projects, with the direct cost of 2-10 million yuan/project and the funding period of 3 years. The research period in the application should be “January 1, 2024-December 31, 2026”. The National Natural Science Foundation of China will determine the number of funded projects and the amount of direct funding according to the application and the actual needs of the research work of the applied projects.

6. Application Requirements and Precautions

(1) Application conditions.

The applicant for this major research project shall meet the following conditions:

1.Have the experience of undertaking basic research projects;

2 with senior professional and technical positions (titles).

Postdoctoral researchers in the station, those who are studying for graduate degrees, and those who have no work unit or whose unit is not a supporting unit may not apply as applicants.

(2) Provisions on application for restricted items.

Implement the relevant requirements specified in the “Application Provisions” of the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation Project Guide.

(3) Matters needing attention in application.

The applicant and the supporting unit shall carefully read and implement the relevant requirements in the project guide, the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation Project Guide and the Notice on the Application and Closing of the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation Project.

  1. This major research project is paperless. The application is submitted from September 1, 2023 to 1600 on September 7, 2023.

(1) The applicant shall fill in and submit the electronic application form and attachment materials online in accordance with the instructions for reporting and outline writing of major research projects in the network information system of NSFC.

(2) This major research plan aims to closely focus on the core scientific issues, and will guide and integrate the advantages of multi-disciplinary related research strategically to become a project cluster. The applicant shall draw up the project name, scientific objectives, research contents, technical route and corresponding research funds by himself according to the specific scientific problem to be solved in this major research plan and the research direction to be funded by the project guide.

(3) In the application, major research plan is selected as the funding category, integrated project or key support project is selected as the subcategory description, and cluster structure, function and multi-level evolution is selected as the note description, and the corresponding application code is selected according to the specific research content to be applied.

There shall be no more than 4 cooperative research units in the integration project. There shall be no more than 2 cooperative research units supporting key projects.

(4) In the “Project Basis and Research Content” part of the application, the applicant shall first state that the application conforms to the research direction of funding in this project guide, and its contribution to solving the core scientific problems of this major research plan and realizing the scientific objectives of this major research plan.

If the applicant has undertaken other scientific and technological projects related to this major research plan, it should discuss the differences and connections between the applied project and other related projects in the “research basis and working conditions” part of the main body of the application.

  1. The supporting unit shall, in accordance with the requirements, complete the commitment of the supporting unit, organize the application and review the application materials. Before 16: 00 on September 7, 2023, the electronic application form and attachment materials of the unit will be confirmed one by one through the information system, and the project application list of the unit will be submitted online before 16: 00 on September 8.
  2. Other precautions.

(1) In order to achieve the overall scientific objectives and multidisciplinary integration of major research programs, the project leaders who have received funding should promise to abide by the regulations on the management and sharing of relevant data and materials, and pay attention to the mutual support relationship with other projects in this major research program during the project implementation.

(2) In order to strengthen the academic exchange of the project and promote the formation of the project group and interdisciplinary integration, this major research plan will hold an annual academic exchange meeting of funded projects every year, and will organize academic seminars in related fields from time to time. The person in charge of the funded project has the obligation to participate in the above-mentioned academic exchange activities organized by the guiding expert group and management working group of this major research plan.

(4) Consultation methods.

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

The third division of the chemical science department

Tel: 010-62328253