Notice on Organizing and Applying for the 2023 Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Foshan Joint Fund (Guangdong-Foshan Joint Fund) Project

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

11 Sep, 2023

Submission Deadline:

September 18, 2023


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

100,000 yuan – 2000,000 yuan

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


Notice on Organizing and Applying for the 2023 Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Foshan Joint Fund (Guangdong-Foshan Joint Fund) Project

  1. Project Type

  The Guangdong-Foshan Joint Fund is a component of the Provincial Fund. In accordance with the principle of “provincial-city collaboration, regional grounding, societal orientation, fair competition.” It focuses on the economic, social, and technological development needs of Foshan and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to support key areas and direction to carry out basic and applied basic research, to cultivate young scientific and technological talents and research teams in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, to encourage regional cooperation and collaborative innovation, to break through key scientific issues in local and industrial innovation and development, to promote a number of mainstream disciplines to enter the forefront of the country and the world, as well as to enhance original innovation Capability and international influence support the construction of an international science and technology innovation center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. This year, the Guangdong-Foshan Joint Fund established three categories: youth fund projects: Youth Fund Project, Key Project, and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Research Team Project

  (1) Youth Fund Project. Support young scientific and technological personnel to independently select topics within the scope of fund assistance and carry out fundamental and applied basic research. This aims to cultivate young scientific and technological personnel’s ability to independently undertake scientific research projects and conduct innovative research. It also stimulates innovative thinking among young scientific and technological personnel, and cultivates a successor team of basic research talents.

  (2) Regional cultivation project. Based on cultivating and supporting the development of regional basic scientific research, we mainly support local researchers to focus on key areas and independently select topics to carry out basic and applied basic research, cultivate and reserve outstanding scientific research talents and teams for local development, and enhance regional basic innovation ability.

    (3) Key Project. Support scientific and technical personnel to carry out in-depth and systematic innovative research on well-founded research directions or emerging areas with a strong foundation. This category targets the industrial and regional innovation needs of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, promotes disciplinary development, addresses critical scientific issues for local and industrial innovative development, and enhances original innovation capacity and international influence.

  (4) Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Research Team Project. Focus on the innovation and development needs of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Support joint research teams formed by scientific personnel from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao to carry out fundamental and applied basic research in cutting-edge technological fields. This initiative aims to cultivate internationally-oriented research teams, elevate the level of basic research cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao region, and contribute to the construction of an international scientific and technological innovation hub in the Greater Bay Area.

  Please refer to Annexes 1, 2, and 3 for specific project application guidelines.

  2. Application Requirements

  (1) Limitation Requirements for Application

  1. The project is only open to provincial fund supporting units in Guangdong Province (units that have registered and have the qualifications for provincial fund project application).

  2. In 2023, the provincial and municipal joint funds (including Guangdong-Foshan, Yue-Shen, Yue-Fo, Yue-Guan, Yue-Hui Joint Funds, the same below) do not have a limit on the number of projects submitted by the supporting units. Each applicant can only apply for one provincial-city joint fund. Each applicant is allowed to apply for only one Provincial-City Joint Fund project, and this application counts towards the limitation of submitting only two provincial science and technology plan projects (special projects, funds, etc.) within the same fiscal year.

  3. In 2023, provincial funds (including provincial natural science foundation, provincial-city joint fund, and provincial-enterprise joint fund) support a maximum of one project for each applicant. Applicants who have been approved for the 2023 Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China are are not eligible to apply.

  4. The applicant has at least three provincial science and technology plan (special projects, funds, etc.) projects under research (except for provincial laboratories, provincial key laboratories and other platform projects, inclusive policy projects, and post-subsidy projects), or if the number of provincial fund projects under research reaches two, it is not eligible to apply.

  5. If the applicant fails to accept one provincial science and technology plan (special project, fund, etc.) project that reaches one item (except for platform, inclusive policy, and post-subsidy projects), it is not eligible to apply.

  6. The applicant who has presiding over provincial research and development plan projects in key fields, major provincial basic and applied basic research projects, provincial fund key projects, major basic research cultivation projects, and research team projects are not eligible to apply.

  7. The applicant who has engaged in severe dishonest conduct in provincial science and technology plan tasks, resulting in the revocation of their qualifications to undertake and participate in tasks within provincial science and technology plans, are not eligible to apply.

  Please refer to the corresponding project application guidelines (Appendix 1, 2, 3) for other conditions required by applicants to apply for different types of projects.  

        (2) Research Integrity Requirements

  1. The project should be applied by the applicant himself. It is strictly forbidden to apply under the false name, and it is strictly forbidden to fabricate false applicants and participants. Applicants and participants should truthfully fill in the personal information and be responsible for the authenticity. The applicant is responsible for the authenticity of the personal information of all participants, and sign the applicant’s scientific research integrity commitment letter in the system (no need to upload a paper commitment letter).

  2. Applicants should fill in the application form in accordance with the guidelines and application requirements, and truthfully fill in the relevant research basis and research content, etc. Plagiarism, academic misconduct or falsification are strictly prohibited, and violations of laws and regulations, ethical standards, and technology security are strictly prohibited.

  3. If the project application involves issues related to science and technology ethics and technology security (such as biological safety, information security, etc.), the applicant should strictly implement relevant national laws and regulations and ethical guidelines and provide relevant certificates such as the review opinions of the ethics committee of the unit (relying on the uploaded review opinions and other supporting materials in the attachments). Among them, project applications involving research on human genetic resources should strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Human Genetic Resources” and the “Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Human Genetic Resources”, and apply to the “China Human Genetic Resources Management Office” of the Ministry of Science and Technology for administrative For approved projects, as well as provide the “Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Plan Project Human Genetic Resources Activity Commitment Letter”when reporting (the reference template can be downloaded in the attachment of the application system).

  4. Applicants are not allowed to apply for projects with the same or similar research content in different project types, by different applicants or through different supporting institutions in the same year. They are not allowed to apply for projects that have already been funded or submit the same research content of application are made by various funding agencies. If the relevant research content applied for by the applicant has been funded by other channels, the funding situation and the difference and connection with the applied project must be stated in the project application.

  5. The applicant should scientifically and reasonably fill in the project content and expected achievement indicators, etc., but shall not fabricate or exaggerate. Once the project is made, the tasks, objectives, research achievement indicators and other contents declared and filled in will be automatically converted into the corresponding contents of the project task book, which will not be modified or adjusted in principle.

  6. The project application and related certification materials must not contain any secret content that violates the law or is prohibited by law. If it is classified, it must be declassified and submitted.

  7. If the applicant violates the scientific research integrity commitment or has dishonest behavior, appropriate measures will be taken according to relevant regulations such as “Measures for Guangdong Provincial Scientific Research Integrity Management (Trial)”, “Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Project Research Misconduct Investigation and Handling Implementation Rules (Trial)”, etc.

  (3) Fund Management Requirements

  1. The use of funds for provincial and municipal joint fund projects (Youth Fund Projects, Regional Cultivation Projects, Key Projects, and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Research Team Projects) in 2023 should adhere to the financial management requirements of provincial-level scientific research projects in Guangdong Province. It should also comply with relevant regulations such as “Notice on Deeply Promoting the Reform Pilot Work of the Provincial Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Project Funds Using the “Negative List +Lump Sum” (Yue Ke Standard Character [2022] No. 2) and other relevant regulations for management.

  2. Each supporting unit should formulate the internal management system of “Negative List +Lump Sum” according to the management requirements of the provincial fund project funds using “Negative List +Lump Sum”, and complete the system filing with the Provincial Fund Committee as required.

  3. The part of the project funds allocated to Hong Kong and Macao institutions can be organized in accordance with the “Several Provisions on the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province and the Department of Finance of Guangdong Province regarding the Participation of Higher Education Institutions and Research Institutions in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macau Special Administrative Region in the Implementation of Guangdong Provincial Financial Science and Technology Plans (Special Projects, Funds, etc.)” (Yue Ke Standard Character [2021] No. 9), directly appropriating funds to Hong Kong and Macao institutions.

  (4) Requirements for Collaborative Research

  1. In addition to the leading support unit, generally no more than 2 project participating units (for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Research Team Projects, no more than 4 units).

  2. The leading supporting unit and the project participating units should sign a cooperative research agreement (or contract, the same below) before submitting the application to clarify the allocation of funds, the ownership of results, etc. The cooperative research agreement needs to be uploaded in the online application system. The lead unit should have strong scientific research strength or resource integration ability, and in principle allocate the largest share of provincial financial funds.

  3. If there are personnel (including postgraduates) other than the host unit among the project participants, the unit of the domestic personnel is regarded as the project participating unit and their respective institutions should be filled in the application form. For overseas personnel (non-Hong Kong and Macao personnel) are generally Participate in project application as an individual, and upload the electronically scanned document of the “Informed Consent Letter for Overseas Personnel” (the template can be downloaded in the system) to the online application system; Hong Kong and Macao personnel can participate in the project application as an individual or as a cooperative research institution.

  3. Application Method

  (1) The project must be submitted online in a paperless manner through the “Guangdong Provincial Government Service Network” or “Guangdong Science and Technology Business Management Sun-Government Platform” (hereinafter referred to as the Sun-Government Platform, website:

  (2) Before the project application, the applicant’s unit must apply for registration as a provincial fund-supporting unit through the Sun-Government Platform.

  (3) The applicant must fill in the project-related information in accordance with the requirements of the online application system, upload the necessary supporting attachments, and submit them according to the procedures after being reviewed by the host unit. The start time of project execution is uniformly filled in on November 1, 2023, and the end time is filled in according to the funding period requirements of various types of projects.

  (4) Instructions for online application of Provincial Fund projects and registration application of Provincial Fund supporting units, registration of the Provincial Fund project funds using the “Negative List +Lump Sum”system, and templates for various project application forms can be downloaded from the Sun-Government Platform under “Home – Document Resources.”.

  4. Schedule

  Online official submission and recommendation time for supporting units: August 14th to September 18th, 2023, 17:00

  5. Contact information

  (1) Provincial Fund Committee Contact :

  1. Guide business consultation: Jin Wenmin, Wang Qian, 020-87567795, 7870

  2. Application consultation: Chen Jiasi, Zhou Xiaoyan, 020-87567835, 7807

  (2) Foshan Science and Technology Bureau Contact:

  Basic Research Division: Li Lei, 020-83124052

  (3)Sun-Government Platform technical support: 020-83163338