For Government Sponsored Project (Vertical) without Collaborator(s)
Use sheet: Vertical_GTIIT Only
Step 1: Enter the proposed/awarded total budget
Step 2: Enter the planned total budget of equipment
Step 3: Direct Cost & Overhead will be auto calculated
Step 4: Enter budget breakdown for sub-items of Equipment Cost/Business Expenses/Manpower if applicable
Step 5: Refer to the auto verification fomula at the bottom of the Excel sheet to check your budget.
Step 6: Your budget is ready to be copied to the Research Approval Form if it's said "Awsome! Your budget is correct.""
Step 7: Correct your budget if it's said "Oops! Something is wrong, please modify direct cost sub-items by adding/deducting the difference (C29) to ensure it equals to auto calculated direct cost (C6)", please refer to column field D29 for the revision.
For Government Sponsored Project (Vertical) with Collaborator(s) (with Grant Split)
Use sheet: Vertical_with Collaborators
Step 1: Enter the proposed/awarded total budget for GTIIT and each collaborator on the purple table
Step 2: Enter the planned total budget of equipment for GTIIT and each collaborator on the purple table
Step 3: Total Direct Cost & Overhead will be auto calculated on the left blue table
Step 4: Overhead will be split into each organization based on the ratio of the total awarded amount of each organization
Step 5: Enter budget breakdown for sub-items of Equipment Cost/Business Expenses/Manpower GTIIT and each collaborator on the purple table if applicable
Step 6: Refer to the auto verification fomula at the bottom of the Excel sheet below the purple table to check your budget.
Step 7: Your budget is ready to be copied to the Research Approval Form if it's said "Awsome! Your budget is correct.""
Step 8: Correct your budget if it's said "Oops! Something is wrong, please refer to the verification results on Difference on the right purple table and adjust them there."
For Industry Sponsored Project (Horizontal)
Use sheet: Overhead_Industry
Step 1: Enter the proposed/awarded total budget
Step 2: Direct Cost & Overhead will be auto calculated
Step 3: Enter budget breakdown for sub-items of Equipment Cost/Business Expenses/Manpower if applicable
Step 4: Refer to the auto verification fomula at the bottom of the Excel sheet to check your budget.
Step 5: Your budget is ready to be copied to the Research Approval Form if it's said "Awsome! Your budget is correct.""
Step 6: Correct your budget if it's said "Oops! Something is wrong, please modify direct cost sub-items by adding/deducting the difference (C29) to ensure it equals to auto calculated direct cost (C6)", please refer to column field D29 for the revision.