Guidelines for Collaborative Projects between National Natural Science Foundation of China and German Research Foundation

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

March 22, 2019

Submission Deadline:

March 27, 2019


with senior professional position;
For others, please see details.

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

No more than 3,000,000RMB

Link to the Funder

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


  1. Project Guidelines:

1)Areas: The applicant can choose from the four areas below for their own research topics and conduct innovative collaboration.

  • Chemistry
  • Life Science
  • Management Science
  • Medical Science

2) Award Size: no more than 3,000,000 yuan (3 million yuan) for direct costs including research fund and international collaboration costs.

3) Project Duration: 3 years (January,2020 to December,2022). The applicant shall submit the project progress report as required and also conclusion report after the end of project duration.

4) Number of projects to be funded: 30-35


  1. Eligibility:


1) The applicant should have senior professional position (title), have undertaken or are undertaking programs, as the principle investigator, of the National Natural Science Foundation of China of which the duration lasts for more than 3 years, or have been selected for Long-term Innovative Talent Program or Young Talent Program under National Overseas High-level Talent Introduction Program. (Thousand Talents Program)

2) The scientists from both sides should have a certain cooperation foundation, and the project application should fully reflect the strong cooperation and complementary advantages.

3) The Germany side collaborator should fulfill the requirements of SFG and submit the application accordingly. The application submitted only in one side will not be accepted. The guidelines for DFG programs can be found at:


  1. Limited Application


(1) Applicants can only apply for 1 international (regional) cooperative research program.


(2) Applicants who have been approved the international (regional) cooperative research program cannot be the applicant for the same type of program this year.


(3) If applicants are applying as the main applicant for the project, the project would be counted into the projects applied for or undertaken by applicant with senior professional position or title (including PI and core participants), which should not be more than 3 projects (except for inter-organizational collaborative research projects).


  1. Application Requirements

1) Online application is adopted. The applicant can log in to the ISIS system (URL: to complete the application.

2)The attachments to be submitted include:

  • English proposal. The two sides should draft the English proposal together and submit it to NSFC and DFG separately.
  • Collaborative Agreement.
  • Paper approve from current institution or superior administration when the proposal is involved with ethics or consent from patients.
  • Bio-safety Commitment from host institution when involved with highly pathogenic microorganisms.

3) And the application form should be printed and sealed by host institution and be sent to Material Reception Office of NSFC, 83 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District (Room 101 in Administration Building).

4) The online application is open during January 10th, 2019 – March 27th, 2019, 16:00. The reception window of paper materials is March 21st, 2019 – March 27th ,2019, 16:00.


  1. Contact




Phone:010-6232 7017

Technical Support:010-6231 7474


Wolfgang Wachter


Phone:+49 (228) 885-2454

Claudia Bordach


Phone:+49 (228) 885-2542