The first phase of special projects (scientific and technological activity projects) for Chemistry Department, NSFC

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Submission Deadline:

April 14, 2023


Have the experience of undertaking basic research projects or otherwise engaged in basic research, Senior Title

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Subject Areas:

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


The first phase of special projects (scientific and technological activity projects) for Chemistry Department, NSFC

NSFC have announced the first phase of special projects (scientific and technological activity projects) application notice. Special Projects (Science and Technology Activity Projects) are used to fund activities such as strategic and management research, academic exchange activities, science communication, and platform building related to the development of NSFC.

The current special projects (scientific and technological activities) include the following three types:

  1. Research on strategy and management of chemistry and chemical-related disciplines (hereinafter referred to as “strategic research projects”)
  2. Seminars beneficial to the development of chemistry and chemical engineering disciplines (hereinafter referred to as “seminar” projects)
  3. Science communication and science popularization activities that play a positive role in the development of chemistry and chemical disciplines (hereinafter referred to as “science communication” projects)

Applicants for this special project should have the following conditions.

  1. have the experience of undertaking basic research projects or otherwise engaged in basic research.
  2. Have a senior professional and technical position (title) or have a doctorate degree

Application Cap:

  1. this special project does not count in the application cap of 2 projects for senior professional and technical positions (titles).
  2. Applicants can generally apply for only 1 special project (science and technology activities project) in the same year

Important notice:

  1. Special projects are required to adhere to problem guidelines, strengthen demand traction, focus on scientific research paradigm change, and encourage strategic and management research, seminars and science communication focusing on basic science research.
  2. Applications will be received from April 10, 2023 to 16:00 April 14, 2023.
  3. In the application form, select “Special Projects” for the funding category, “Science and Technology Activities” for the subcategory, and “Integrated Science and Technology Activities of the Department of Science” for the note. Application code 1 selects the corresponding application code (B01-B09) of the Department of Chemical Sciences according to the specific research content of the application, and application code 2 selects the corresponding discipline application code according to the field of research involved in the project.
  4. The research period of “Strategic Research” and “Science Communication” projects is uniformly filled in from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024; the research period of “Symposium” projects is uniformly filled in from August 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.