Notices from Ministry of Science and Technology for International Collaboration and Key Research and Development Projects

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

Submission Deadline:


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Funding Level:

Award Size:

based on project types

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Notices from Ministry of Science and Technology for International Collaboration and Key Research and Development Projects

  1. Second Batch of 2023 Project Application Guidelines for the National Key R&D Program “Intergovernmental Cooperation in International Science and Technology Innovation” and Other Key Special Projects

The project supports international collaboration projects with Israel, Japan, USA and so on.

Project period: 2-3 years

Project size: 1million-1.25 million yuan

The deadline is June 5, 2023 and please note that the internal deadline is May 30, 2023.

  1. National Key Research and Development Program “advanced structures and composite materials” and other four key special projects in 2023

The project notice is open for “advanced structures and composite materials” and other four key special projects

Project period: 2-3 years

Project size: based on project types

The deadline is May 17, 2023 and please note that the internal deadline is May 12, 2023.