“Strategic Cooperation in Science and Technology Innovation” Key Program Application Guidelines for the First Batch of Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan Projects in 2021

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

23 Nov. 2020

Submission Deadline:

November 24, 2020


Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

Varies from projects

Subject Areas:

Link to the Funder

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


  1. Fields and Directions

These guidelines set forth one direction for 10 projects supported by an estimated national fund of RMB 16 million. Specific guidelines are as follows.

1.1 R&D projects jointly funded by the Chinese mainland and Macao

Fields: electronic information, biomedicine, energy conservation and environmental protection, new material science, aerospace and marine science

Number of funded projects: about 10

Total funding amount: RMB 16 million

Performance indicators: basic research cooperation in related fields and cooperation in development of related technologies; clear division of labor; a reasonable budget; an R&D team with a clear structure and the ability to complete the project; output from scientific and technological cooperation such as patents and technical standards; economic and social benefits. Interdisciplinary cooperation projects with new research vision, innovative content and high practical value are preferred.

Other requirements:

  1. The implementation period of each project is 2-3 years. The relevant competent authorities of the Chinese mainland and Macao will publish calls for proposals respectively. Both sides of the project shall submit the application materials to the local authority in charge of the call for proposals. Any unilateral application shall be invalid.
  2. Information such as project name, partners, project owner, and project implementation period in the project applications submitted by both sides must be consistent. The project applicants should have a history of cooperation related to the project. Both sides should have specific technical advantages and make clear the division of labor.
  3. The partners have signed a cooperation agreement or letter of intent, which must include specific provisions on intellectual property rights.