Zeiss LSM 980 Confocal laser scanning microscope can scan samples sequentially point by point, or multiple points at once. The pixel information is assembled into an image. As a result, you acquire optical sections with high contrast and high resolution in x, y and z.
Our LSM 980 incorporated Airyscan 2 detector for super-resolution imaging. It allows to capture larger fields of view or dynamic processes with the flexible Multiplex modes using shorter acquisition times than previously possible.
The system is compatible with most sample holders and contains all necessary accessories for environmental control, for example, CO2, humidity and temperature control.
- Observation and analysis of biological samples, Multichannel fluorescence imaging, Bright field image, Super-resolution image acquisition.
- 3D image reconstruction, Tiles (image stitching), Time series.
- Image analysis (fluorescence intensity, protein colocalization, cell counting).
- Live-cell imaging & analysis, FRAP/FRET.
- Excitation lasers (405, 488, 561, 639nm)
- 2 PMT detectors + GaAsP array for spectral imaging.