- Hazardous chemicals catalog (including highly toxic chemicals)危险化学品目录(2015版).
- Classification and variety catalogue of precursor chemicals 易制毒化学品的分类和品种目录 20240901
- List of potential explosive chemicals 易制爆危险化学品名录2017
- Public security requirements for storage sites of potential explosives 易制爆危险化学品储存场所治安防范要求
- Limits for volatile organic compounds content in cleaning agents 清洗剂挥发性有机化合物含量限值 GB38508-2020
Carry out according to the provisions of Chapter 15 in GB/T13173-208, in which the measurement procedure of semi-aqueous cleaning agent and organic solvent cleaning agent is revised to evaluate the measurement process according to the “SDS” of the cleaning agent product before the measurement Whether there is a safety risk in the test, the test samples should be equipped with an explosion-proof oven for determination;
- Biosafety Law of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国生物安全法
- pathogenic microorganisms transmitted from human to human人间传染的病原微生物名录
- TechnicaI requirement for preservation organization 人间传染的病原微生物菌(毒)种保藏机构设置技术规范
- Laboratories-general requirements for biosafety 实验室 生物安全通用要求 GB19489-2008
- Pathogen microbiology laboratory biosafety management Regulations病原微生物实验室生物安全管理条例
- Technical code for building of biosafety laboratory生物安全实验室建筑技术规范(GB 50346-2004)
- General guidelines for biosecurity in microbiological and biomedical laboratories微生物和生物医学实验室生物安全通用准则(WS233-2002 Repealed documents已废止文件)
- General guidelines for biosecurity in microbiological and biomedical laboratories微生物和生物医学实验室生物安全通用准则(WS233-2017)
- Laboratory Safety Checklist for Higher Education Institutions (2023)
- 20220704 Guangdong Provincial Education Department on Further Strengthening Laboratory Safety Work in the Province’s Education System Guangdong Education Equipment Letter No. 4
- 广东省教育厅关于进一步加强全省教育系统实验室安全工作的通知 粤教装备函4号
- Explanation of 2021 Law of the People’s Republic of China on Work Safety
- 2021新《安全生产法》解读PPT
- Update of Law of the People’s Republic of China on Work Safety
- 20210901安全生产法
- Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Strengthening the Safety of University Laboratories
教育部关于加强高校实验室安全工作的意见 - Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Amending the “Work Safety Law”
- 全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改《中华人民共和国安全生产法》的决定 中国政府网
- 广东省教育厅办公室关于加强“五一”假期教育系统实验室安全工作的提醒函
- 教育部关于发布教育行业标准《高等学校实验室消防安全管理规范》的通知
- 高等学校实验室消防安全管理规范
- 中华人民共和国应急管理部令(第14号)生产安全事故罚款处罚规定
- 关于印发《教育系统重大事故隐患判定指南》的通知
- 高等学校实验室安全检查项目表2024年 纯图版
- Lab Safety classfication and requirment 实验室等级分类
- 教育部关于印发《高等学校实验室安全分级分类管理办法(试行)》的通知_国务院部门文件_中国政府网
- 附件3:附件2.高等学校实验室安全分级分类管理办法(试行)