Fluorescence chemiluminescence imaging system
The Fusion FX7 Edge is a fully automated, computer-controlled imaging system. It allows imaging of Western Blot membranes in chemiluminescence, fluorescence (with Spectra Capsule option), DNA, RNA and protein gels (transilluminator option). Easy-to-use FusionCapt Software adapted to workflows – one click to get the perfect image.
Chemiluminescence imaging, Western blot, Northern or Southern blot;
DNA and RNA gel and fluorescence imaging: Ethidium Bromide, Gold View, Sybr-Safe, Sybr-Green, Gel-Red, Gel-Green, Sybr-Gold, Sypro Ruby.
Stain-free gel, silver-stained & test-stained protein gel, SSCP gel, petri dishes (cells or colonies), microplates, protein chips or other chemiluminescence-based samples.