Notice on Application for Guangdong Natural Science Foundation Projects 2021

Program ID:


Internal Submission Deadline:

August 28, 2020

Submission Deadline:

August 31, 2020


  • under 40 for Youth Program
  • Have undertaken or participated in basic and applied fundamental research projects or other experience in conducting fundamental research

Agency Name:

Funding Level:

Award Size:

100,000-1000,000 yuan

Subject Areas:

Link to the Funder

Related Documents (If available, links will be clickable below for download.)


  1. Project Types 

(1)General Program 

It supports scientific and technical personnel engaged in basic and applied fundamental research in the field of natural sciences to independently select topics, explore freely and conduct innovative scientific research, and promote balanced, coordinated and sustainable development of various disciplines. 

 (2)Outstanding Youth Program  

The project supports outstanding young scholars who have made certain achievements in basic and applied fundamental research to choose their own research directions and conduct innovative research, promotes the rapid growth of young scientific and technological talents, and nurtures a number of outstanding academic cadres who have the potential to enter the national and global frontiers of science and technology. 

     2. Requirements andInstructions 


  (1) Application restriction requirements. 


  Applicants shall be full-time staff of the provincial funding host institutions, and each applicant can only apply for 1 2021 provincial natural science fund project, in which applicants whose host institutions are in Hong Kong and Macao can only apply for General Program. S&T personnel with one of the following circumstances are not allowed to apply: 


  1. The number of provincial science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.) projects hosted by the applicant in research reaches 3 (inclusive) or more or 1 (inclusive) project overdue for one year without acceptance (except for project types including Platform, Inclusive Policy and Post-subsidy projects). 


  2. The applicant’s provincial funding projects (including natural science foundation projects and provincialjoint fund projects) under research have accumulated more than two (inclusive). 


  3.Applicants who have submitted more than two cumulative applications for Provincial Science and Technology Plans (special projects, funds, etc.) in 2020. 


  4. The applicant has applied the same or similar research content to the provincial science and technology plan (special, foundation, etc.) projects in 2020. 


  5. The applicant is disqualified from undertaking and participating in the tasks of provincial science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.) as applicant due to serious breach of trust in the provincial science and technology plans. 


  Other conditions required for applicants to apply for General Program and Outstanding Youth Program are detailed in the corresponding project application guidelines (Annex 1 and 2). 


  (II) Requirements for Application Materials. 


  Applicants shall submit application materials as required, and no content that violates laws and is confidential shall appear in the application. The applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity and legality of the submitted application materials, and shall confirm his/her personal integrity commitment in the system (no need to upload a paper commitment letter). 


  If the project application involves issues related to research ethics and scientific and technological security (e.g. biosafety, information security, etc.), the applicant shall strictly comply with relevant national laws and regulations and ethical guidelines, and provide relevant proofs such as the scientific ethical review opinion of the host institution (subject to the supporting documents uploaded in the attachment). 


  3. The starting date in the application form shall be January 1, 2021, and the ending date shall be filled in according to the requirements of the funding period of each type of project. 


  4. All the projects of the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation adopt online application. When applying for a project, only the electronic application and attached materials need to be submitted online, and no need to submit a paper application. 


The online application duration is: August 12rdAugust 31st, 2020.