Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Program
Office: R723
Dr. Eng. Aleksandra Baron-Wiechec is an experienced and well established authority in the domain of material science and surface engineering with a robust scientific profile. She obtained her PhD from the Silesian University of Technology in Poland, then she conducted research at the University of Manchester (UK), in France at the Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, and in Portugal at the Instituto Superior Técnico. She has worked many years for the government regulatory body (UK Atomic Energy Authority) and for EUROFusion consortium. Since 2018 she is a professor and a leader of the Baron-Lab ( at Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.
Aleksandra has made significant contributions into two main fields: the materials – plasma interactions in extreme conditions, and the surface engineering using isotopic tracing methods. Regarding the later topic, she pioneered isotopic tracing of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes for Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) combined with high resolution electron microscopy to study complex growth process of self-ordering nano-pores in oxide films formed by anodizing. Today her research centres around functionalization of metals surface, stable isotopes application in materials science, mass spectrometry and corrosion at the nanoscale.
Aleksandra published research outcomes in over 90 peer review papers. She has been awarded twice the very prestigious European Fellowship Programme: Marie Sk?odowska – Curie Actions in 2008 and 2020. She is a member of the EU Alumni initiative of the European Delegation in Beijing.
Filippo Boi, Cheng-Yang Lee, Shanling Wang, Hansong Wu, Lei Li, Lin Zhang, Jiaxin Song, Yixin Dai, Ayoub Taallah, Omololu Odunmbaku, Anna Corrias, Aleksandra Baron-Wiechec, Shuping Zheng, Salvatore Grasso, Rhombohedral stacking-faults in exfoliated highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, Carbon Trends, 15, 100345, 2024.
Aleksandra Baron-Wiechec*, Guocong Lin, Isotopic tracer study of initiation of porosity in anodic alumina formed in chromic acid, Nanomaterials 2024, 14(1), 42
B. Xia, J-J. Ganem, E. Briand, S. Steydli, A. Baron-Wiecheć, I. Vickridge, A systematical investigation of layer growth rate, impurity level and morphology evolution in TiO2 thin films grown by ALD between 100 and 300 °C, Vacuum, 216, 112408, 2023
A.Baron-Wiechec, K.Heinola, J.Likonen, E.Alves, N.Catarino, J.P.Coad, V.Corregidor, I.Jepu, G.F.Matthews, A.Widdowson and JET Contributors, Thermal desorption spectrometry of beryllium plasma facing tiles exposed in the JET tokamak, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol 133, (2018) 135-141
R.Burrows, A.Baron-Wiechec, C.Harrington, S.Moore, D.Chaney, T.L.Martin, J.Likonen, R.Springell, E.Surrey, The possible effect of high magnetic fields on the aqueous corrosion behaviour of Eurofer, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 136, Part B, (2018) 1000-1006
A.Baron-Wiechec, E.Fortuna-Zalesna, J.Grzonka, M.Rubel, A.Widdowson, C.Ayres, J.P.Coad, C.Hardie, K.Heinola, G.F.Matthews: “First dust study in JET with the ITER-Like Wall: Sampling, analysis and classification” Nuclear Fusion 55 (2015) 113033
A.Baron-Wiecheć, M.G.Burke, T.Hashimoto, H.Liu, P.Skeldon, G.E.Thompson, J.-J.Ganem, I. C.Vickridge, Tracer study of pore initiation in anodic alumina formed in phosphoric acid, Electrochimica Acta 113 (2013) 302–312
A.Baron-Wiecheć, M.Curioni, R.Arrabal, E.Matykina, P.Skeldon, G.E.Thompson, Plasma electrolytic oxidation of coupled metals, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 91 ( 2013) 107-112
A.Baron Wiecheć, A.Tempez, A.Pak, P.Skeldon, P.Chapon, G.E.Thompson, O18 distribution in porous anodic alumina by plasma profiling time-of-flight mass spectrometry and nuclear reaction analysis, Surface and Interface Analysis, 44 (2012) 1346–1352
Address: 241 Daxue Road, Jinping District, Shantou, Guangdong Province, China
©Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 2018